
Oncological neoplasms on the skin

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  • Characteristics of the
  • virus Diagnosis of the
  • virus Fighting the disease

Type 31 HPV in men is rarely diagnosed. This type of papillomavirus is often accompanied by oncological rashes. To correctly establish the type of disease, it is necessary to undergo a series of examinations. Only after determining the diagnosis, the patient is given the necessary treatment.

Diagnosis of the disease

It is possible to suspect an ailment by characteristic formations on the genitals. In men, there are small growths on the head of the penis or the bridle. If the patient has noticed such neoplasms, he needs to seek help from a dermatologist. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis.

Characteristics of the

virus Type 31 HPV affects only certain skin conditions. This is due to the peculiarities of the development of the disease. The virus penetrates only into the cell membrane of the mucous tissue. Under certain conditions, the microorganism begins to actively transform. It destroys the nucleus of the cell. This leads to a change in the characteristics of the tissue. Reproduction of such cells entails the formation of a build-up - papilloma. If a large amount of carcinogen, which carries HPV type 31, accumulates in the tissue cells, an oncology of the skin arises.

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Thanks to this feature, the virus can affect the genital organs of the man and the urinary tract. Infection occurs by direct contact of the mucous tissue with the carrier of the infection. To get the microorganism on the fabric, there should be microcracks. They are an ideal medium for the rapid spread of infection throughout the body.

It was found that many men are carriers of HPV.Clear signs of the disease in this case the patient does not arise. This is due to the increased work of the body's immune system. It prevents the activation of the infection, and its transition into acute form.

The pathway of HPV infection of type 31 is unprotected sex. When rubbing the mucosa on its surface appear invisible wound. Through them, inactive microorganisms penetrate into the cells. If the protective functions of a man are lowered, the acute form of HPV type 31 occurs.

Diagnosis of the

Signs of pathology virus. Type 31 HPV can be detected by various methods. Infection can take many forms. Many men have no clinical picture of the disease. In this case, such a patient is called a carrier. He is able to infect a partner with a disease with unprotected contact. There is also an acute form of the disease. In this case, small growths are found on the skin, which have a definite structure.

The papilloma has a leg and a body. The body consists of cells infected with the virus. There are several stages of HPV:

  • Latent form;
  • Dysplastic stage;
  • Oncological degeneration.

The first stage is characterized by the introduction of type 31 HPV into the cell membrane. At this stage, the ailment can be quickly cured. He does not endanger a person.

The dysplastic form of Type 31 HPV is accompanied by the introduction of a virus into the DNA of the cell. This stage entails a change in the structure of the nucleus of the cell. At this stage, the virus begins to multiply actively. Cells accelerate the process of division. The formation is formed. If this process is rapid, a lot of papillomas appear on the skin. The joining of several neoplasms forms a bunch.

The oncological form of type 31 HPV is revealed in the third stage of the development of the disease. In this case, the cell is completely infected with the infection. The virus has an effect on the active reproduction of tissues. Accelerated development of pathological material is accompanied by the spread of HPV in the skin. This leads to the formation of skin cancer. To determine the type of development of the disease, you need to seek the help of a specialist.

Often men turn to a dermatologist with an acute form of type 31 HPV.The patient's penis already has papillomas.

To determine the type, the doctor takes a small area of ​​the affected tissue. The sample is sent for histological examination to the laboratory. In addition to histology, a blood test is also performed. The virus can be detected using a polymer chain reaction. PCR helps to establish not only an acute form, but also a hidden type of disease.

It is also necessary to conduct a cytological examination of the papilloma. Cytology is needed to establish changes in the structure of the cell.

Fighting the disease

Effective drug The main therapy is to prescribe antiviral treatment. For this, preparations are needed in the injectable and tablet form. High activity is shown by such injectable medicines as: tsikloferon, neovir, panavir. All these funds are prescribed in the form of droppers. Treatment is carried out under stationary conditions. This is necessary to closely monitor the behavior of the virus. If the drug is not effective enough, the doctor prescribes another remedy.

Also type 31 HPVs must be treated with local medications. The affected area is applied in the form of a spray or ointment. To this end, specialists often appoint Panavir-inlight. This tool has two nozzles. The long tip is designed for insertion into the urethral canal and treatment of the urinary system. A short cap is needed for external processing of the genitals.

To quickly put the virus to sleep, you need to strengthen the immune system. Strengthening is carried out with the help of immunomodulators. These funds contribute to the formation of a durable protection against negative factors of the external environment. Simple vitamins in this case are not suitable. You need powerful tools in the form of injections. The choice of such drugs is only the doctor. For self-administration, these drugs are not recommended.

Treatment of Type 31 HPV is often performed using isoprinosine. This drug is intended to further stimulate one's own immunity in men.

The drug is dispensed only by prescription. It is not recommended to take it independently, as it has a number of contraindications.

The presence of papillomas on the skin indicates HPV.To establish the type of ailment it is possible only in medical conditions. For this, a specialist consultation is recommended.

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