
How to detect and treat spondylarthrosis of the cervical spine in time?

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spinal cord necrosis Spondylarthrosis or arthrosis of the intervertebral joint is a serious disease, which is characterized by the formation of bony outgrowths remotely resembling thorns.

Increasingly, the growths damage the cartilaginous tissues, which leads to deformation of the arcuate joints.

This causes a narrowing of the spinal canal, as well as a number of other negative phenomena. Another name for the deforming spondylarthrosis of the cervical spine is cervicoarthrosis.

It refers to chronic ailments that are difficult to treat.

Contents of the article

  • The causes of the disease
  • The types and degrees of the disease
  • The main symptoms
  • Diagnosis
  • Therapy of the disease
    • Folk methods of treatment
  • Complications
  • How to prevent pathology

Causes of the disease

Spondylarthrosis of the cervical spine can develop for a number of visible reasons. The risk group includes, mainly, older people.

Very rarely, this ailment occurs in people aged 25-30 years.

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Also, the disease can be congenital in nature, when there are abnormalities of intrauterine development of the fetus. Often, the cause of cervicosaarthrosis is birth trauma.

When we talk about the manifestation of symptoms of the disease in the older age group, it is more likely that the characteristic involutional changes in cartilage tissue can be suspected.

The spine is losing the ability to withstand the daily stresses.

If in patients from 55 years of age and older the disease develops due to age-related changes and increased physical exertion( heavy long-term labor, work associated with lifting weights, etc.), then in persons aged 25-30 the disease can appear due to:

congenital oracquired scoliosis, kyphosis, hyperlordosis and other disorders of posture;

  • osteochondrosis, spondylolisthesis;
  • flat feet;
  • hypermodernity of the musculoskeletal system;
  • regular and extended stay in an uncomfortable position( sitting at the computer);
  • domestic injuries, damages, etc.

After previous traumas of the spine, uneven and irregular fusion of the vertebral tissues, deviation of the axis of the spine, inadequate fusion of the arches, etc., can occur. All this in a complex and separately, becomes the reason of development of an arthrosis of intervertebral joints.

thoracic spondylarthrosis What treatment for the spinal fusion of the thoracic spine recommends the use of modern medicine? More detailed in the material.

More information on what is lumbosacral spondylarthrosis, the methods of its diagnosis, prevention and treatment, you can learn by reviewing the article on the link.

Species and degrees of the disease

There are several varieties of this ailment.

Depending on the type of affected joints, there are:

  • spondyloarthrosis, localized on the arcuate joints of the first cervical vertebra;
  • univerteveral cervicosaarthrosis;
  • cervicosaarthrosis of the second cervical vertebra;
  • lesion of other cervical vertebrae.

In some cases, the patient can identify several forms of spondyloarthrosis. For example, with a significant damage to the spondylarthrosis of the cervical spine cartilage, in the absence of timely treatment, as well as a number of concomitant diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Depending on the nature of the lesion, four degrees of arthrosis of the intervertebral joints are revealed:

  1. The first( the same initial) , characterized by loss of moisture between the intervertebral discs and abrasion of intervertebral discs, decreased elasticity of ligaments and shrinkage of cartilage.
  2. The second , in which the destruction becomes more global, the pressure exerted on the intervertebral discs increases and the functioning of fibrous rings is disrupted( the symptoms are already becoming noticeable).
  3. Third degree of - calcification of ligaments occurs, bone osteophyte proliferation occurs.
  4. The fourth degree of is characterized by the appearance of growths, decreased mobility, jamming of nerve endings and vessels. This is an advanced spondylarthrosis, threatening the patient with a number of complications, as well as significant difficulties in treatment.

The main symptoms of

For each of the stages of spondylarthrosis of the cervical spine are typical typical symptoms.

It is important not to miss the onset of the disease and in time to seek qualified help.

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However, in the vast majority of cases, patients first come to the medical institution when the disease is already progressing, and the lesion reaches 3-4 degrees.

The cause is not only negligence and inattention to signals supplied by one's own organism, but also the absence of severe symptoms at the initial stage of pathology.

The patient can write off the tested discomfort for fatigue and miss the initial phase of the disease.

The second stage rarely passes unnoticed.

The patient notes the following ailments and changes in the condition:

  • pain with a sudden change in body position, in the morning hours( after waking up);
  • feeling of heaviness and stiffness in the neck and shoulders;
  • appearance of slight swelling at the site of spondylarthrosis, etc.

The third degree of cervicoarthrosis is characterized by:

  • intense pain that occurs due to excessive overstrain of the muscle fiber;
  • pain, permanent, localized strictly in the area of ​​the lesion.

Often, the patient does not manage to get rid of discomfort, even by using potent medications and ointments with analgesic effect.

The fourth stage of spondylarthrosis is characterized by almost complete loss of joint mobility. There is a splicing of the affected tissues - ankylosing. Talk about the complete disposal of the disease, in this case, is not necessary.


MRI of the neck Diagnosis of this disease is fairly simple.

The doctor draws conclusions based on the history and symptomatology.

Computer tomography and MRI are given, X-rays are assigned.

If the patient experiences an intolerable acute pain during the examination, the product of the diagnostic blockade is allowed.

Therapy of the disease

The main goal of the treatment of spondylarthrosis is to strengthen the muscle tissue and normalize the condition of the vertebrae. A physician may prescribe exercise therapy or massage, stretching, manual therapy or acupuncture.

Also good results show electrostimulation and some physiotherapy.

At the beginning of the development of ailment, a specialist can prescribe a course of relaxing and lifting fixation restrictions, massage. This will help improve blood circulation in the tissues and prevent re-blocking.

In the second stage, medical treatment is applied, aimed at relieving inflammation and protecting connective and cartilaginous tissues from further destruction. Anti-inflammatory drugs and chondoprotectors are prescribed.

Some experts consider the pharmacopuncture to be a more effective method of substance intake - injection injection of the formulation subcutaneously, in the affected area, with the help of a special thin needle.

If the disease has reached the third stage, then only taking medication and massage will be inadequate. Here, the doctor is appointed, also:

  • reflexotherapy;spinal traction
  • electrophoresis;
  • spinal traction;
  • exercise therapy;
  • Manual correction, etc.

The fourth stage of spondyloarthrosis is extremely difficult to treat. However, it is still worth taking a set of measures to strengthen bone tissue and relieve inflammation.

Also prescribed are resorption procedures and massage. It is possible to get rid of the disease only by surgical intervention.

Folk methods of treatment

Treatment of spinal cord spondylarthrosis with folk remedies is aimed at easing the patient's condition rather than completely getting rid of the disease:

  1. So, it is recommended to wipe the affected area with tincture of vodka and eucalyptus leaf: 50 g of raw material is poured into 500 ml.of vodka. Insist for a week. Use the composition as needed to relieve pain and discomfort.
  2. Another popular recipe will help relieve pain and inflammation in the initial stage of cervicosaarthrosis. It is necessary to mix 200 g of table salt and 100 grams of mustard( powder).Further, the mixture is diluted with kerosene to the state of gruel. The resulting composition is rubbed overnight for affected areas.

Complications of

A very insidious disease, dreaming of a number of complications.

Among them: complete loss of mobility of the vertebrae, jamming of blood vessels and nerve roots, as well as infringement of the joint capsule, etc.

Complications often occur when the patient is ill-treated for medical help, and if the main recommendations given by the doctor are not observed.

How to prevent the pathology of

As prevention, you can apply:

  • therapeutic exercise, which includes a set of specially selected exercises;posture and neck
  • maintaining physiologically correct posture;
  • observance of elementary security measures( wearing a bandage at high physical loads, avoiding overvoltages, etc.);
  • weight reduction;
  • debugging diet, enriching foods with calcium-rich foods.
Conclusion: in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to pay attention to the manifestation of the first symptoms of the disease and to seek qualified help in a timely manner.

Also. Do not neglect the prevention, which can reduce the risk of developing spondylarthrosis at any age.

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