Symptoms And Syndromes
Symptoms And Syndromes

Features of meningism: symptoms and treatment of the syndrome

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meningism Meningism is a clinical syndrome that is characterized by irritation of the brain envelopes. Often this syndrome is confused with meningitis, but this is not the same thing. When meningitis symptoms are more pronounced than with meningism.

The term "meningism" was first introduced into the scientific practice by Dr. Dupree, often this syndrome is observed in young children suffering from fever, less often in adults.

Provoking factors

The brain in the human body, usually, is fairly well protected by the immune system. But if the patient's immunity is weakened, and pathogenic bacteria still penetrate the brain, it is natural that the body begins to resist infection. This only aggravates the situation.

White and red blood cells, which are produced in abundance, penetrate the areas of the brain. This causes inflammation, and then swelling of the brain. If the situation develops further, then the blood and oxygen cease to flow into the brain. In addition, the course of the infectious disease will only worsen.

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meningitis and meningism

What causes can cause meningism:

  • chemical poisoning or burns caused by a large concentration of toxic agent;
  • allergy to medicines;
  • fungal infections;
  • presence of parasites in the body;
  • tumor processes and other neoplasms of both benign and malignant nature, here are furuncles on the face and neck;
  • infections in organs or their systems that are located in close proximity to the brain, for example, in the ears or nose;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • uncontrolled intake of drugs, the effect of which can affect the immune system;
  • accommodation in adverse housing conditions( barracks, dormitories, barracks).
  • What is meningism

Characteristic manifestations of

Symptoms and manifestations of meningitis appear very quickly, and it is not difficult for a qualified specialist to recognize them:

  • chills up to a fever, most of all it is manifested in children;
  • mental disorders, such as confusion, hallucinations, memory dips. Mental disorders can also be observed;
  • nausea, in some cases passing into vomiting;under the blanket
  • usually patients are afraid of light and in no way want to contact with its source, they can often be noticed turned to the wall, sometimes with a blanket on the head;
  • is an incredibly powerful headache, which only aggravates any sounds, movement, bright light;
  • limited or total inability to flex the head;
  • the inability to unbend the previously bent at the knee leg;
  • the legs of the patient themselves bend, if in a prone position, bend his head to his chest;
  • pallor of the skin, especially the area around the mouth and nose;
  • if the patient is an infant, then when you look at his fontanel, you can notice some pulsation and its protrusion;
  • diffuse and decreased attention;
  • infants with meningism are extremely restless and nervous, they are disturbed by any abrupt sound or touch, in the same way they behave during sleep;
  • there is a clear decrease in appetite, but the patient does not refuse fluid;
  • impairment of respiratory function;
  • arterial pressure in the patient is low, but the pulse is frequent;
  • sometimes during sleep, and sometimes during active life, the child takes uncharacteristic postures;
  • rashes and redness on the skin;
  • convulsions.

Diagnosis of

To begin with, a visual examination of the patient is performed, and at this level, it is possible to identify such symptoms as fever, frequent heartbeat, changes in the psyche.

The most crucial moment in the diagnosis is a lumbar puncture. This procedure is performed to obtain cerebrospinal fluid, which is sent to the laboratory for further investigation.

Other procedures may be performed at the physician's discretion.

Medical Assistance

When it comes to treating this syndrome, you can not delay in any case, the treatment of meningeism should be carried out quickly, competently and promptly. Treatment of this syndrome is made in the hospital and it is aimed at reducing the pressure inside the skull.

Most often this is a drug therapy, as well as intramuscular injection of a liquid that can remove the swelling of the brain.

antibiotics for meningism In order to prescribe medication, the doctor must know what exactly caused meningism. So in the case of bacterial origin of the infection, the patient is prescribed antibiotics of the widest spectrum of action, if the infection is caused by a virus - then antiviral drugs.

Other drugs prescribed for the patient are intended to reduce body temperature, relieve pain, reduce shock syndrome and seizures.

In the case when the patient can not independently take the medicine, he is injected drugs directly into the spinal canal.

If meningeism is not recognized and treated in time, it will grow into a more serious and significant disease - meningitis, which is often accompanied by complete paralysis of the limbs, epileptic seizures, and other neurological problems.

It's important to know! The consequences and complications of the transferred meningism can manifest themselves not immediately, but only years later.

For the prevention of

To protect against meningism, and in the future, and from meningitis, the observance of the following rules will help:

  • if a close person is sick, then any contact with him should be avoided, and if this is not possible, after carefully visiting the patient, wash hands thoroughly and follow the rulespersonal hygiene;
  • if the outbreak of this infection has begun at the place of residence, then places of large concentrations should be avoided, especially with young children, if this can not be avoided, then after each visit of such a place it is necessary to thoroughly wash hands and face with soap;
  • if an outbreak of the disease occurred in a barracks or hostel, then when you leave your room you need to use a mask;
  • in time to treat absolutely any disease;
  • monitor the hygiene of your home, fight insects and rodents;washing hands
  • maintain the state of the immune system in order;
  • if there was a close contact with a sick person, then you need to go to a medical institution where you will be prescribed a course of antibiotics;
  • when traveling to countries where such a syndrome is common, it is advisable to drink a course of antibiotics for prevention. Only the attending physician should prescribe them;
  • to get into the habit of washing hands often: after visiting the toilet, after contact with street animals, after coming home from the street, before eating;
  • vegetables and fruits brought from the store, also need to be washed before eating them;
  • cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze.
It is important to know: some prefer to protect themselves against meningitis and meningitis with vaccinations, however, this is not quite the right way out. These diseases have a lot of pathogens, and it is impossible to protect them all with just one vaccination.

Thus, meningism is a very insidious syndrome that can bring a lot of health problems to its owner. In order for this not to occur, you need to carefully follow the preventive measures and turn to the doctor in time.

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