
The child tears the gall: the reasons for what to do?

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1 Why can a child vomit bile?

Recognize vomiting easily, the main symptoms of this condition can be:

Do you have gastritis?

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  • stomach desires;
  • reduction of the esophagus;
  • nausea;
  • will be the last to exit the entire contents.

Picture 1

Recommended to consult

  • First aid for poisoning
  • The cause of vomiting without fever in the child
  • Signs and first aid for poisoning with mushrooms
  • Effective remedy for gastritis and stomach ulcer

Vomiting of bile in a child suggests that the baby has the following organs:

  • pancreas;
  • liver;
  • bile ducts.

Bile has a yellowish-green color, and a bitter taste is constantly felt in the mouth, which can not be broken and eliminated. Therefore, if the baby begins to vomit bile, you need to find out the reason for such a condition in order to adequately respond to it. It is better not to engage in self-medication, but to call a doctor, especially if vomiting does not last long enough. Only a specialist is able to determine what to do when there is vomiting.

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2 Causes of vomiting

First of all, parents should calm down to correctly determine the cause of the appearance of bile. For the main reasons is the following.

The use of the so-called "adult" food, to which it is customary to refer products that are inappropriate for age, fatty and spicy food. For example, chips, snacks, crunches, etc. Parents, wishing to translate the kids into more adult food, do not take into account the characteristics of each age and the body's ability to digest enzymes. For some products, the enzyme system in the body may not be sufficiently developed, so already in eight to nine years the child may experience vomiting accompanied by bile.

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Disease of the gallbladder. It can be cholecystitis or cholelithiasis, which are provoked by abnormal functioning of the stomach. Throwing a large amount of bile in the stomach can provoke a vomiting reflex, nausea and a fit of vomiting.

The presence of viral hepatitis in the acute stage. That's why the baby tears the bile, the chair is broken, liver, bile ducts are affected. This is due to a virus that penetrates the body, begins to actively act in the body of children.

Children often have a stomach disorder due to intestinal infections caused by bacteria and viruses. Because of intoxication, the organism exposes the protective barrier and begins to react to the presence of irritants with the help of vomiting. With repeated emptying of the stomach, bile begins to enter it, which starts to come out during repeated vomiting.

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Picture 3

In the stomach are products that the children's body can not digest. Therefore, the food begins to accumulate gradually, stay in the body. As a result, the remains of food can wander and rot, and the body must get rid of these toxins. The consequence of such processes and becomes vomiting with the release of bile.

Sometimes vomiting is a symptom of more serious diseases, when a poisoning of the body occurred, there is a viral and bacterial attack. Provide qualified assistance in such cases can only doctors who mandatory wash the stomach in various ways.

3 What should I do?

Children whose bodies are affected by infections, bacteria, toxins or other substances that provoke vomiting and bile secretion should receive first aid. First, parents should call a doctor who will help, and before that you need to conduct the following medical activities.

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It is necessary to calm the child, encourage him to stop crying. Rinse the stomach, but not with potassium permanganate. Its use is strictly prohibited. You need to heat the water, cool it and let the child drink two or three glasses. This will cause a vomitive reflex and help empty the stomach. To drink the child should quickly, while sitting, not making big breaks between sips. But it is worth remembering that it is possible to induce vomiting only when the children have not been diagnosed with various diseases and pathologies.

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Give children smectus and activated charcoal, given its age and weight. The smect needs to be dissolved in warm water and make sure that the babies drink it in small sips. Activated carbon is given at the rate of one tablet per ten kilograms of weight. Put the baby on one side, and under the head - a high pillow. Measure the temperature, and if it is higher than normal, then give Ibufen or child Parcetamol.

In order to avoid dehydration, it is necessary to give mineral water, but not necessarily still water. And it is better to brew a dog rose, which is very effective for vomiting and bile. Use the fluid every 15 minutes, drink in small sips, very slowly.

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A few hours after rinsing is prohibited. It is better that the baby sleeps and sleep for several hours. When you wake up, you need to drink a small portion of broth from chicken, beef. The diet is extended gradually and only with the permission of the doctor. Strictly forbidden to eat spicy and salty foods, it is necessary to limit the consumption of sweet.


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The doctor should be called in if the vomiting continues for a long time and does not stop. A single attack of vomiting is not necessary to stop, the body in such situations copes independently. The doctor must prescribe a test to determine the cause of vomiting and the secretion of bile. If these signs are caused by a certain illness, then a course of drug treatment will be prescribed.

Drugs are selected in order to eliminate vomiting, prevent the development of the disease, so that vomiting has gone completely. To ease attacks will help various cholagogue collections of herbs.

4 What can not I do?

It is strictly forbidden to rinse the stomach with a solution of potassium permanganate or carry out a wash if the baby has lost consciousness. Do not leave children unattended until an ambulance and a doctor arrive.

You should not indulge the desires and whims of kids who in this state will want to eat and ask for sweets.

After washing the stomach and visiting the hospital, you must adhere to the proper diet, avoiding poor-quality foods and forbidden food. To prevent repetition of vomiting with bile, you should drive your children twice a year for preventive examinations at the pediatrician.

Contents of
  • 1 Why can a child vomit bile?
  • 2 Reasons for vomiting
  • 3 What should I do?
  • 4 What can not I do?

What if my baby is vomiting with bile? Only a pediatrician can answer this question. Problems with the stomach and digestive system - one of the most common in childhood. Kids all pulling in the mouth, they can react negatively to different types of food. Most often it is an acute, salty and fatty meal. Therefore, the child can also experience vomiting of bile, although sometimes it can be a sign of the development of serious diseases.

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The child tears the gall: the reasons for what to do?

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