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What is the ideal mass of a male body?

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  • Factors affecting the weight of a person
  • Common body weight guidelines
  • Body volume index and why it is needed

The normal weight of a man is formed from a variety of body features. A person who has a body weight corresponding to his constitution has excellent health and good physical preparation. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle helps maintain weight in the norm.

What is the normal weight for a man?

Factors affecting the weight of a person

Many factors affect the weight of a man:

  • Genetic characteristics of a person. Genetics influences the structure of the body of a man. People whose family members are prone to fatness will have problems with being overweight. The presence in the family of a disease transmitted by inheritance, can provoke its manifestation in the younger generation. High men can be born in a family that has great growth;
  • The nationality of a man influences the structure of the body. People belonging to different nations differ in appearance. In China, people have a low growth and do not have a tendency to fullness. In the central strip of Russia there are nations that have medium growth and insignificant completeness. Examples of national characteristics are diverse;
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  • Growth depends on many factors The physiological factor has a great influence on the body of an adult male. A person whose activity is associated with increased physical exertion has a great weight due to the muscular mass of the body;
  • The psychological factor directly affects the structure of the body. Certain eating habits and behavioral features form the figure of a man. A person accustomed to fatty foods and little to move will have problems with weight. Active people, who are vegetarians or raw-eaters, have a lean body and a tight muscular skeleton.

Conventional Body Mass Standards

There are several methods for calculating the mass of men. With the help of formulas you can find out the normal weight for a certain person. The following calculation methods should be used:

  1. The adult male grows in centimeters and is subtracted from it by 100. For example: if a man has a height of 193 cm, then the norm for him is 93 kg;
  2. Subtract 100 from the height of a man in centimeters. We multiply the result by a factor of 0.9.The result is considered the ideal weight of a person;
  3. The growth of an adult in centimeters should be multiplied by the volume of the breast. The resulting result is divided into 240. We determine the norms for a particular person.

The modern dietology has deduced specifications depending on a constitution:

  • People of thin build have the least mass of a fatty layer. So, with an increase of 160 cm the normal weight is 53-54 kg. With an increase of 180 cm, the ideal patient mass will be 69 kg;
  • People who have normostenic body build have an average body weight. An adult male, having a normal physique, with a height of 160 cm should weigh 60 kg. At growth of 180 sm the normosthenic should weigh 75 kg;
  • Holders of broad bone have a high body index. A patient with a hypersthenic build of 160 cm should weigh at least 66 kg. A hypersthenic growth of 180 cm should weigh 81 kg or more.

Body volume index and why it is needed

A man with a normal body weight People with different body structures can not always correctly calculate their norm. The Center of Dietology suggests using the method of body mass index. This method was developed in Belgium. Famous statistician Adolf Ketle set out to establish the dependence of the normal weight of a man on the physique. Generally accepted human standards are not suitable for everyone. People with low growth will have an excess fatty layer when using formulas for calculating normal weight. In order to take into account the peculiarities of the physique, the sociologist Quetelet derived the formula for calculating the volume index. The human index indicates the ratio of the patient's body weight in kilograms to the total height in meters, squared. To understand the calculation, let's use the examples:

  1. An adult male weighs 60 kg and has a height equal to 170 cm. To calculate the index, we build a man's height in meters per square. To do this, multiply 1.7 by 1.7.We get the result equal to 2.89.We divide the weight of a person by 60 kg by the obtained number 2.89.The result, equal to 20.7, is the body mass index of this man;
  2. The person has a height of 192 cm and weighs 97 kg. Multiply 1.92 by 1.92.The person's weight equal to 97 kg, we divide by the received result - 3,69.The human body index is 26.3.

In 1869 Adolphe Quete derived the dependence of obesity on the body mass index:

  • A man with a fat mass index less than 18 is very thin. Such an index is considered critical for the male;
  • If a person has a body mass index of 20 to 25, we can say that the weight of this male is normal;
  • The index, exceeding 28, indicates that the person has a large excess fat mass.

Any border numbers indicate the presence of a slight excess or lack of body weight in a man.

Why you need to know the ideal body mass

A man should know his normal index for many reasons:

  • For the correct caloric calculation of a table, a person needs to know the weight that is considered the norm for him. The calorie content of the diet table is calculated for each person individually. If the patient does not know his parameters, then the exact amount of calories can not be calculated;
  • It is necessary to follow a diet Does the man have a shortage or excess weight. A man who suffers from a lack of fatty layer can have various pathologies in the body. The body index will help calculate the weight norm and establish the causes of the health problems that have arisen;
  • Presence of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Knowledge of normal weight will help the patient not to provoke the appearance of possible complications. Excess weight pathologically affects the secretory function of the intestine. Lipid-disintegrating cells begin to actively absorb fat and water from the food that has entered the body. The patient's weight increases. If a man noticed a lack of stool for three days, then this is the reason for control of eating habits. People suffering from a lack of weight have stomach problems. These patients often have heartburn and gastritis, which can provoke the appearance of a peptic ulcer.

How to control the ideal mass of

To control normal weight, a person should calculate his body mass index. If the index is too high, it is necessary to resort to weight loss. Reduce the fat man can in three ways:

  1. Medication and surgical method. Weight loss is achieved by taking medication or surgery. The operating method is cardinal. Both methods are appointed by the doctor;
  2. Observe proper nutrition. Compliance with diet can significantly reduce weight. The elimination of fatty and fried foods from the diet has a positive effect on the general condition of the body. To choose a diet in each case will help a nutritionist;
  3. Increase physical activity. Lack of physical activity leads to a fast set of fat deposits. Regular visit to the sports hall will accelerate metabolic processes in the body and form a muscular frame. Combining different types of training helps to get a beautiful body and burn extra pounds.

It is much more difficult to treat a patient who has insufficient weight. To establish the exact causes of excessive thinness, the patient must consult a therapist. A man must undergo a complete examination of the body, take the necessary tests, undergo a hardware examination.
If the examination does not reveal pathological processes in the body, then the patient is undernourished. Consumption of insufficient food is the most frequent cause of thinness. The use of enough calories a day will help the patient to gain the necessary kilograms. If you find various pathologies in the body, you should immediately seek help from a specialist.

Sharp weight loss may indicate the presence of cancer in the patient. To exclude an oncological diagnosis, additional tests and magnetic resonance imaging must be performed. In some cases, an oncomarker is required.
To maintain a normal physique, a man needs to know the body index, maintain an active sport life and observe proper nutrition. A nutritionist will help you to calculate the calorie content of the table and make up a scheme of individual nutrition.

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