Cardiovascular Diseases

Burst capillaries on the legs, bruises, red spots. What Causes and Treatment

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On the feet it is sometimes possible to observe the capillaries that have burst, or just appear. It is best to immediately seek diagnosis and start of treatment to the doctor, but in the absence of such a possibility only appeared symptoms can be removed traditional methods.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Causes of
  • 2 possible diseases
  • 3 Diagnostics
  • 4 When to see a doctor
  • 5 prevention
  • 6 therapies
    • 6.1 Medications
    • 6.2 Traditional methods
    • 6.3 Other methods
  • 7 possible complications
  • 8 Videos about the treatment of leg capillaries

Causes of

Burst capillaries on the legs, for various reasons, but the main - not enough blood vessels are elastic and can not withstand the load.

This is due to:

  • of hormonal balance (excess estrogen);
  • excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • late pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • constant exposure to cold;
  • treatment with hormonal agents;
  • lack of oxygen because of respiratory diseases.

This is not enough to develop the disease if there is a genetic predisposition.

The situation can aggravate the following factors:

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  • work in a sitting position or assumed to be constant standing on his feet;
  • smoking;
  • excessive alcohol consumption;
  • avitaminosis;
  • strikes;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • anemia.Burst capillaries on the legs, bruises, blemishes. What Causes and Treatment

Most often broken capillaries sign varicose veins, but sometimes it can be a symptom of other diseases. Because the appearance of symptoms is sometimes recommended to pass a comprehensive examination.

possible diseases

Vascular "stars", the grid and some broken capillaries on the legs may be a sign not only of varicose veins.

it is sometimes a sign of:

  • Ovarian diseases and other gynecological problems;
  • Thyroid Diseases;
  • liver problems;
  • consequence cutaneous inflammation;
  • beriberi;
  • oncology;
  • problems with immunity.

However, most often broken capillaries - a symptom of varicose veins.

The most common forms of varicose veins:

  • varicose veins of the upper and lower extremities, manifested typically - varicose veins and vascular mesh;
  • varicose veins of small pelvis - common in women and is difficult to diagnose, due to the fact that the disease is masked by others, including painful menstruation symptoms, pain during intercourse, frequent urination;
  • varicose veins of the uterus - rarely possible to diagnose because of symptoms characteristic of other diseases such as endometriosis, ovarian cyst, or the like;
  • varicose veins of the esophagus - no symptoms, be sure to make a diagnosis on the disease is suspected varices other species, due to the high probability of rupture of esophageal veins and bleeding, often leading to of death.
    Burst capillaries on the legs, bruises, blemishes. What Causes and Treatment
    Burst capillaries on the legs usually because of varicose veins

Directly varicose veins of the lower extremities are divided into 4 degrees, varying in severity and severity of symptoms:

  1. first degree - vascular wall struck partially but not compromised function of veins, no pathological veno-venous reset. Visible symptoms are almost absent.
  2. second degree - segmental vessels struck, there veno-venous shunt on various vessels. Can be visible symptoms.
  3. third degree - defeat is not locally covered. Valves of the superficial veins and capillaries untenable. Characteristic reverse casting.
  4. fourth degree - changes affecting the deep veins must be treated by a specialist.

This classification can be used for varicose veins of any part of the body other than the specific forms of the disease, affecting the reproductive organs, digestive system, and the like.


Burst capillaries on the legs most often due to varicose veins. However prescribed number of surveys required before an accurate diagnosis to rule out other diseases and detect contraindications to a particular method of treatment.

biochemical analyzes prices Hardware survey prices
General blood analysis. Assign to determine the clotting substance flow, hemoglobin levels and the presence of inflammatory processes 200-350 rubles Ultrasound scanning of 2000-2700 rubles
Urinalysis. Designate for the diagnosis of the urogenital system. 250-370 rubles CT scan 10000
Blood chemistry. Assign to assess the performance of internal organs, determining the level of sugar, cholesterol, urea, reveal a lack of nutrients in the body and metabolic disorders. 3300-3700 rubles Magnetic resonance imaging 12000
Burst capillaries on the legs, bruises, blemishes. What Causes and Treatment

Ultrasound scanning of helping to diagnose vascular pathologies such as:

  • reduction of the lumen;
  • the presence of blood clots;
  • deterioration of the venous valves;
  • abnormal thickening of the vessel walls or fineness;
  • violation or lack of blood flow in the veins;
  • extension unnatural vascular bends.

Diagnosis doctor directs phlebologistAfter the initial examination. Computed tomography (CT) - layer x-ray scanning legs, after introduction of a special substance. In this way a three-dimensional image limb to detect the presence of varicose veins, blood clots and other pathologies.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) using a magnetic field instead of X-rays. In addition to the maximum safety for the patient, between the MRI and CT does not make any difference. However, MRI can not be done if there are metallic implants, rods, pins, plates.

Simple diagnosis is performed in community hospitals or clinics or health centers. Specify the presence of experts and related services needed in the region and the city if necessary. The exact value of the reception of a professional diagnosis and also to be recognized immediately before recording.

When to see a doctor

Capillaries on the legs should not be noticeable if they occur or burst should immediately consult a doctor. Even if the spider veins do not cause discomfort, it is a health issue, rather than aesthetics.

First of all, the need to visit a general practitioner, primary diagnosis and referral to other specialists. At the beginning of the formation of vascular network is allowed to do medical treatment or traditional methods, but only after consultation with a specialist.

To surgery and phlebologist (specialist in the structure of the circulatory system), is an urgent need to apply if:

  • multiple foci and their number increased in the short term;Burst capillaries on the legs, bruises, blemishes. What Causes and Treatment
  • neoplasm of sore or if his touch, or by itself;
  • daily leg cramps, the constant heaviness;
  • constantly increasing the pain.

If a person is faced with early vascular weakness, and his condition deteriorated rapidly, and it is necessary to contact a specialist.

Solve the problem of visiting the beautician is permissible only if the diagnosis does not reveal abnormalities and vascular mesh simply shine through the thin light skin. However, the abuse of the procedures at the cosmetician can cause deterioration.


Burst capillaries on the legs often when a person neglects prevention.

If there is no family history, will help prevent the problem:

  • wearing comfortable shoes, minimal wear shoes, boots and boots with heels, high heels, where the position of the feet and legs is unnatural;
  • regularly take vitamins;
  • to prevent hypothermia, dress appropriately weather;
  • follow the diet menu should be as balanced;
  • Exercise regularly, strengthens the circulatory system;
  • if health permits tempered and take a contrast shower;
  • monitor your blood pressure.

Some experts advise to regularly attend sessions of acupuncture or herbal medicine to treat, for example to make regular foot bath with calendula and chamomile.

An alternative method of prevention - regular massage, in the absence of contraindications, especially foot massage and foot. When sedentary work will be useful for compression stockings, as well as about the work, which implies a permanent slow-moving standing position.


Burst capillaries on the legs, for various reasons, but the problem is available to solve timely treatment medication, folk remedies and other methods. It is important to remember that the way to choose wisely and select the type of treatment can only physician, especially if in addition to the burst vessels were pronounced varicose veins symptoms.


When treating medicines prescribed drugs such as "Troxevasin", "Ascorutin" and group venotoniki preparations. Course duration and dosage of the only doctor.Burst capillaries on the legs, bruises, blemishes. What Causes and Treatment

"Ascorutin" - medicine, strengthens capillaries, veins. It reduces the brittleness, reduces their permeability, improves blood flow and prevents it stagnate and capillaries, veins clogged. The preparation contains rutin, vitamins C, F and auxiliary substances. Price from 62 control surfaces may vary, depending on the region.

venotoniki - medicines derived from medicinal plant extracts. They increase vascular tone, retain their elasticity, improve circulation. This applies to the feet, and localization of broken blood vessels. Price from $ 100, depending on the particular agent and the region.

"Troxevasin" - medicine based on derivatives gidroksietilenovyh routine. Means produce in 3 forms - pills, ointment and gel. What is intended for topical use is applied to the damaged areas of the feet, in combination with pills is the most effective way to deal with the fragility of blood vessels, remove bruises.

Tablets taken by the scheme prescribed by the doctor. The use of prevention tools for women who love high heels. In this case, ointment or gel applied every night, after wearing the shoes uncomfortable feeling or the evening of heaviness in the legs, puffiness. The cost, on average, from 223 rubles to 767 rubles, can vary depending on the region, the release form.

Traditional methods

Among the popular methods have 4 of the most common ways to remove the vascular mesh.

Effectiveness depends on the severity of the disease and the cause of the problem.

The first way - packs of unripe tomatoes. Fruits cut in circles, put on the sore spots, are wrapped with a bandage. The dressing kept for 4 minutes, then removed and treated skin moisturizer or a fatty oil. To the first results you need at least 10 procedures. Daily compresses do not recommend to not cause skin irritation, but do in a day as possible.

The second method - attachment cabbage leaves and processing of apple cider vinegar together.Burst capillaries on the legs, bruises, blemishes. What Causes and Treatment

You will need:

  • disassemble the fresh cabbage on leaves;
  • Leaves scalded with boiling water, wrap with plastic wrap or cellophane;
  • place for 1 day in the refrigerator.

The next day, at bedtime vasculature rubbed apple cider vinegar. Once moisture has evaporated, is applied from the refrigerator leaves and fix them. You can wear a bandage or stockings. The leaves are removed in the morning. You must spend at least 15 procedures.

The third method of dealing with the appearance of bursting capillaries - turpentine baths. The method is suitable if there is no large areas of damaged skin, high or low blood pressure.

First, an emulsion:

  • 250 ml of mixed turpentine camphor and 40 ml of alcohol;
  • topped up with hot water so as to obtain 1 liter;
  • stir that the emulsion became homogeneous and white.

Then gaining half standard water bath (37 °), 10 ml of the prepared mixed emulsion and 1 liter of water, stirred to become homogeneous substance, is poured into the bath. I am taking a bath daily, increasing the amount of substance per 2 ml. The procedure should not take more than 15 minutes.

body parts damaged or sensitive skin need to either liberally lubricated with petroleum jelly before taking a bath, or carefully close the plastic wrap. If during the procedure deteriorating health, skin irritation or allergic reaction appears necessary to choose another way.

Alternative turpentine bath tubs with a decoction of lime, lemon balm, chamomile, valerian or oak bark. Half bath needed 1 liter of strong broth.

Other methods

Alternative methods include treatment with a laser, ozone therapy, sclerotherapy and thermocoagulation.

The laser method is expensive, the procedure is carried out in all regions. In bursted vessels through the skin impact beam rays and destroy them. The procedure is done 1 time, as needed. The first week after the laser treatment of the skin color is often different from the healthy to accelerate full recovery prescribe medication.

Sclerotherapy involves the introduction of substances in the capillaries, which leads to bonding vessels. To do this, use a fine needle and the procedure though unpleasant, but not painful.Burst capillaries on the legs, bruises, blemishes. What Causes and Treatment

You need as many procedures as necessary to remove the ruptured vessels. With a small lesion focus, you can do one procedure, if a lot of them and they are always there, it is better to choose another method of treatment or the therapy regularly.

Ozone therapy is a deep-freezing burst vessels ozone. Vascular walls are gradually destroyed due to biochemical processes. They are caused by the fact that the damaged tissue are oxidized medicines. Procedures are carried out as necessary, to eliminate the need to focus 1 1, a maximum of 2 visits to the doctor.

After thermocoagulation scars remain, but it is the most effective and safe method to remove the broken capillaries. In this method, on the vascular walls affected by high-frequency currents which form high temperature.

There is also a method in which the affected vessels were removed surgically. It is performed vascular surgeons and phlebologists. During ligated venous trunk, the trunk is then removed by special probe. After that all tributaries are removed through an incision and ligated other vessels.

Complete all suturing incisions cosmetic sutures. This is the most radical method to remove all damaged parts, but it is the most traumatic and dangerous, because this method is used only when you need emergency intervention.

possible complications

Lack of adequate treatment and prevention can not only lead to a deterioration of appearance.

Among the complications are called:

  • pain when walking, physical exertion;
  • spread of the disease to other organs;
  • internal bleeding;
  • an increased risk of strokes, heart attacks.

However, the level of risk in each case determined by the attending physician.

Capillaries can break and form a "star" for no apparent reason or bruises on the legs, not only, but also on his face, on his hands and on any parts of the body. If they burst constantly is an occasion to attend to health and be examined by a doctor. When this one-time phenomenon, it is permissible to resort to cosmetic procedures and engage in prevention for the future.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

Videos about the treatment of leg capillaries

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