Nervous System

Sedatives reduce tension in the body. List without prescription, for children, adults

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Sedatives are a diverse group of drugs that reduce the tension in the body.

Unlike other psychoactive drugs that affect the central nervous system, they are better tolerated and have fewer side effects, so many of them can be purchased at pharmacies without prescription. For mild sedation drugs of choice are the drugs of plant origin, which can be used in children, pregnant women and elderly patients.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is sedation?
  • 2 Differences from other groups sedatives
  • 3 testimony
  • 4 Contraindications
  • 5 Types and forms of sedatives
  • 6 Which substances may be present in the sedatives?
  • 7 How to choose the drugs that reduce tension in the body?
  • 8 Pharmacy without prescription sedatives for adults
    • 8.1 Preparations on the basis of valerian
    • 8.2 Preparations on the basis of Leonurus
    • 8.3 combined tools
  • 9 OTC sedatives for pregnant and lactating women
  • 10 Sedatives for children
  • 11 Soothing light in the free market for the elderly
  • 12 Using hypnotics as sedative
  • 13 Video of sedatives

What is sedation?

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Sedative drugs that reduce tension in the body, have the following impacts:

  • amplification inhibition in the CNS;
  • inhibition of the excitation;
  • facilitating sleep;
  • Sleep recess;
  • potentiation of other neurotrophic drugs (analgesics, anesthesia and antiepileptics).Sedatives reduce tension in the body. List of children, adults

They are widely used in therapeutic practice for different kinds of stress caused by difficult situations and trauma, as well as the tensions arising in connection with important events both negative and positive character (exams, admission to an educational institution, a new baby, a new job, conflicts in the community and others).

Differences from other groups sedatives

Compared with other psychoactive agents (neuroleptics, tranquilizers, nootropics) medications for sedation have the following advantages:

  • easier operation;
  • no need for constant monitoring by a physician;
  • No severe side effects and numerous contraindications;
  • no sedative effect and the associated feeling of weakness;
  • when receiving no observed decrease in the tone of the skeletal muscles and dysmotility;
  • It does not develop psychic and physical dependence, addiction chronic administration;
  • Sedatives do not cause a state of narcotic sleep.

On the other hand, they are less effective in severe disorders and phobias.


Sedative drugs that reduce tension in the body, used in therapeutic practice in the following cases:

  • light sleep disorders;
  • diseases that cause a disorder of the nervous system (stomach ulcers and 12 duodenal ulcer, hypertension, coronary heart disease, etc.);
  • neurosis and neuralgia of various origins;
  • menopause and menopause in women;
  • depression, persistent mood disorders;
  • pain;
  • restlessness that frequently occurs in children after anesthesia, and neurological disorders;
  • soldier's heart, where the work of the heart is disturbed and the neuro-endocrine system;Sedatives reduce tension in the body. List of children, adults
  • eliminate anxiety and fear prior to painful procedures, exams;
  • stressful exercise in athletes;
  • smoking cessation for prevention of "withdrawal syndrome".

The main purpose of such medications - reducing nerve excitement and preventing its possible negative effects which are endocrine and metabolic disorders, psychological and psychiatric disorders, decrease in oxygen delivery to the tissues and an increase in the number of postoperative complications.

Sedation is also used in the treatment of diseases such as:

  • delirium (a mental disorder, accompanied by a deterioration of consciousness, attention and emotional state) caused by alcohol abuse, drugs, while taking psychotropic drugs, in old age, after surgery, after traumatic brain injury, infectious diseases, hysteria;
  • hypoxemia, at which there is significant reduction in the oxygen concentration in the blood as a result of circulatory disorders (during strong physical activity, pathologies of the respiratory system);
  • hypoglycemia (decrease in plasma glucose);
  • chronic hypotension;
  • neurasthenia (irritability and fatigue);
  • acute psychosis and mania;
  • withdrawal symptoms.

Self-administration of these drugs is subject to the excitement, fear or light sleep disturbance.


For each sedative has its own characteristics influence on the human body and contraindications.

The most common diseases in which limited the use of such drugs are the following:

  • renal-hepatic failure, severe pathology of these organs;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • deterioration of function blood-forming organs and the endocrine system;
  • idiosyncrasy formulation components;
  • glaucoma;
  • recovery period after myocardial infarction;
  • decompensated heart disease, heart failure;
  • Gastrointestinal disease in the acute phase;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • anemia;
  • low blood pressure.
    Sedatives reduce tension in the body. List of children, adults
    Sedatives reduce tension on basis of alcohol is better not to take the low pressure

If the patient's condition is critical, the administration of sedatives only after elimination of the physiological causes of anxiety (hypoxemia, and hypoglycemia others). The lowest number available to the contraindication of herbal medicines, so they are the drugs "First tier" in therapeutic practice.

Types and forms of sedatives

In medicine, there is the following classification of sedation:

  • means on the basis of plant components;
  • synthetic drugs;
  • combination of drugs, which include some synthetic and / or plant components.

Soothing agents can provide both organic and inorganic nature. Herbal remedies traditionally been one of the essential components of the treatment of many neurological diseases.

Sedative drugs in the pharmaceutical industry are available in the following forms:

  • tablets and capsules (for adults and children older than 3 years);
  • alcohol tinctures;
  • dried and ground plant material (roots, grass, charges) for the preparation of water infusions and decoctions;
  • solutions for injection.

Which substances may be present in the sedatives?

Sedatives may be monocomponent or contain in its structure more active substances, reducing tension in the body.

Among them are most often the following:

  • Salts of bromine (sodium bromide, potassium, calcium), It is among the oldest in therapeutic practice for sedation purposes. These chemical compounds are used in the neuroses and neurasthenia, irritability, insomnia, hysteria, convulsions and enhanced locomotor activity in epilepsy, chorea. The peculiarity of action of these salts is the concentration inhibition in the brain, which prevents the occurrence of side effects in the form of sleepiness. Antiepileptic effect is provided by increasing the CNS excitability threshold. Bromo excreted very slowly - during 2 weeks, mainly through the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. Contraindications are individual intolerance, cardiac insufficiency, renal disease, anemia, and atherosclerosis. The disadvantages include the fact that long-term use may develop toxicity. Currently, bromine salts are used rarely.
  • vandalroot (Tincture, tablets, rhizomes with roots, fees). Sedatives reduce tension in the body. List of children, adultsSubstances contained in the plant, does not inhibit the activity of the central nervous system, and help to reduce neural stimulation (antinevrotichesky effect) and improve the functioning of the hypothalamus. Preparations based on it are used to treat insomnia, neurosis, migraine-associated overexcitation; spasms of the gastrointestinal tract and brain vessels, vascular dystonia. They enhance the effects of sleeping pills. In patients with hypersensitivity Valerian may cause drowsiness and depressed.
  • Melissa officinalis (Lemon mint). This plant helps to reduce feelings of fear, anxiety, depression, reduces spasms, improves blood circulation in the brain and has immunomodulating, analgesic and anti-oxidant effect.
  • Peppermint and products based on it have a calming, antispasmodic, analgesic, antiseptic and choleretic effect.
  • Kava (kava-kava). The extract of its roots has sedative, hypnotic moderate, spasmolytic and analgesic effect.
  • peony (Tincture, tablets) helps to normalize the natural sleep. It is also used in the neuroses. The infusion is usually administered in the complex therapy of diseases of the central nervous system.
  • Motherwort (Tincture, herbs powder, tablets). According to the therapeutic action of this plant is similar to valerian. Substance contained in it (bitterness, flavonoids and others) regulate the nervous system, reduce blood pressure and heart rate have antispasmodic and anticonvulsant act. The grass is used for neurasthenia, hypertension, epilepsy and menopause syndrome.
  • Passionflower (Tablets, capsules). Grass this plant possesses sedative and anticonvulsive effect.
  • Hawthorn. The flowers and fruits of the plant are known as a means of improving the contractile activity of the heart muscle. However, they also have an antispasmodic and sedative effect.

As shown by the therapeutic experience, the best effect is a combined medication.

How to choose the drugs that reduce tension in the body?

In milder forms of anxiety and insomnia patients recommended herbal medicines mild. At medium and severe violations prescribed synthetic anxiolytics.

They give a pronounced positive, but their use is associated with several side effects: drowsiness, loss of coordination and attention, drop in blood pressure. Especially pronounced these events in elderly patients.

The following recommendations on the choice of sedatives:

  • patients lead active lifestyles better use of medicines in capsule or tablet form;
  • for the elderly, children, pregnant women and women taking oral contraceptives, is shown receiving herbal remedies, as these categories of people are at increased risk of adverse effects;
  • before passing examinations or to other important events suited valerian, Leonurus;
  • with nervousness, accompanied by a sense of frustration, fear, changeable mood, fast fatigue and sensitivity to external stimuli, it is better to use valerian preparations, combined means Valoserdin, Percy Fitosedan and tricyclic antidepressants and anxiolytics on prescription (Afobazol, amitriptyline, and Seduxen etc.);
  • in neurasthenia, when patients have high irritability and excitability, prescribe the same anti-depressants and tranquilizers, as in the neuroses, valerian tincture or Leonurus;
  • after a stressful physical exertion - tinctures peony, passion flower, motherwort;
  • smoking cessation - Glycine, valerian tincture or Leonurus, New Pass Afobazol, Valoserdin, Percy;Sedatives reduce tension in the body. List of children, adults
  • in menopause and menopause - New Pass, Percy, Fitosedan.

Pharmacy without prescription sedatives for adults

Sedative drugs that reduce tension in the body - it is a large group of drugs, numbering today more than 700 trade names worldwide. Non-prescription medicines are helping yourself to increase the concentration, hard work and academic performance, restore normal sleep and cope with stress.

The following are the most common drugs used for this purpose.

Preparations on the basis of valerian

release form, dosage and price sedatives with valerian dosage given in the table below.

release Form The dosage, method of use Average price, RR.
Rhizomes with roots in packs 1-2 tbsp. l. raw pour boiling water, heated on a steam bath for 15 min. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day 70 (packing 35g)
tincture of alcohol 20-30 drops 3-4 times a day 40 (25 ml)
Tablets with an extract of the roots and rhizomes 1-2 tablets 3 times a day 50 (50 tablets)

When receiving these drugs may feel lethargy and sleepiness, constipation and allergic reactions.

Preparations on the basis of Leonurus

Sedatives with motherwort and their main characteristics are indicated in the table below.Sedatives reduce tension in the body. List of children, adults

Title, release form The dosage, method of use Average price, RR.
tincture of alcohol 30-50 drops 3-4 times a day 40 (25 ml)
Extract (tablets) 1 tab. 3-4 times a day 40 (Table 10).
Motherwort Forte Tablets 170 (Table 40).
Motherwort herb powder in the filter bags 2 ½ package pour art. boiled water for 15 min., diluted with 100 ml. Take ½ st. 3 times a day 100 (20 packs)

combined tools

The most common complex preparations are given in the table below.

Title, release form active components The dosage, method of use Average price, RR.
Corvalol, drops, tablets Ethyl alpha bromoizovalerat, phenobarbital, peppermint oilSedatives reduce tension in the body. List of children, adults 15-30 drops 2-3 times a day;

Table 1-2. 2 times a day.

15 (25 ml);

140 (Table 20).

Valokordin drops Phenobarbital, ethyl alpha bromoizovalerat 15-20 drops 3 times a day 150 (20 ml)
Valokormid drops Valerian tincture, lily, belladonna, sodium bromide 10-20 drops 2-3 times a day 50 (25 ml)
Valoserdin drops Phenobarbital, mint oil, origanum 15-20 drops 2-3 times a day 70 (25 ml)
Percy tablets, capsules The extract of valerian, mint, lemon balm Table 2-3. 2-3 times a day or 2-3 tab. at night for insomnia 400 (40 tab.);

250 (10 cps.)

Sympathy, tablets Eschscholzia extract, hawthorn flowers 1 tab. morning and evening 300 (Table 40).
Landysheva-pustyrnikovye drops Tincture motherwort grass and lily of the valley 15-20 drops 2-3 times a day. 50 (25 ml)
New Pass, tablets, syrup Extracts of valerian, lemon balm, St. John's wort, hawthorn, passionflower, inkarnata, hops, black elderberry Table 1-2. or 5-10 ml 3 times per day 180 (10 tab.);

300 (200 ml)

OTC sedatives for pregnant and lactating women

During pregnancy and breastfeeding may be receiving the following medications:

  • Valerian, Melissa and motherwort (except alcoholate);Sedatives reduce tension in the body. List of children, adults
  • New Pass - for special indications; feeding at the time of admission should be discontinued.

Most often administered to pregnant motherwort, since it has a softer action and has fewer side effects.

Sedation in these drugs develops slowly (by the end of 3 weeks). Note, however, that they contribute to lower blood pressure, so if hypotension they should be used with caution.

Sedatives for children

Sedative drugs that reduce tension in the body, and can be administered to children. The most common OTC drugs and their dosages given in the table below.

Title, release form Features composition The dosage, method of use Average price, RR.
Tincture motherwort or valerian For children from 12 years 1 drop per year of life, can be diluted in water listed above
Valerian roots with rhizomes in filter bags Method same as for adults Children 3-7 years old: 1 hour. l.

Children 7-12 years: 1 teaspoon 3 times a day

Persen For children from 12 yearsSedatives reduce tension in the body. List of children, adults It is the same as for adults
New Pass
Dormikind, for sucking tablets Homeopathic remedy used for anxiety and sleep disorders Children 0-6 years: 1 tab. 4 times a day. Baby tablets dissolved in 1 hour. l. boiled water 500 (150 pi).
Leveret syrup Chamomile extract, marjoram, peppermint, fennel, thyme; vitamin B6. It is used in hyperactivity, anxiety and nervousness For children older than 3 years: 1-2 hours. l. 3 times a day 240 (100 ml)
Tenoten children, for sucking tablets Antibodies to brain-specific proteins. Calming, anxiolytic, antidepressant effect. It is used for nervousness, hyperactivity syndrome and attention deficit Children from 3 years: 1-2 tabs. 1-3 times a day 250 (Table 40).
Nervohel Homeopathic remedy. It is used for sleep disorders and nervousness Children from 3 years: 1 tab. 1-3 times a day (as directed and supervised by a doctor) 440 (Table 50).

Soothing light in the free market for the elderly

following a mild sedative are recommended for elderly patients:

  • Glycine;Sedatives reduce tension in the body. List of children, adults
  • valokordin;
  • Persen;
  • New Pass;
  • Motherwort Forte;
  • Dormiplant-valerian;
  • soothing collection Fitosedan;
  • homeopathic remedies Nervohel, Knott, Passidorm.

Using hypnotics as sedative

As sedatives may also be used opiates, which in small doses have a calming effect.

It is best suited for the purpose of short-acting hypnotics, as they affect short duration (1-5 hours) and cause fewer side effects.

As these funds are used as follows:

  • melatonin;
  • thiopental;
  • Relakson;
  • Zolpidem and their analogs.

Before taking these drugs should consult a doctor, as it can come quickly get used to it, and subsequently to cope with insomnia will be more difficult.

Barbiturates (phenobarbital, reladorm) apply only in short term, and their overdose induces a state of narcosis. If there are contraindications for use barbiturates benzodiazepines derivatives (Grandaxinum, Sibazon, Relium and others).

Sedatives plant-based are widely used in therapeutic and pediatric practice. Components in their structure, reduce tension in the body, have a soft action with a minimum of side effects. With significant sleep disorders and neuroses should consult your doctor for the appointment of the synthetic prescription drugs.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

Video of sedatives

Sedatives without a prescription:

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