Childhood Diseases

In red blood cells are increased in the child and monocytes, platelets, lymphocytes, temperature, hemoglobin is lowered: what it means to analyze symptoms, treatment of folk remedies

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Circulatory system - one of the most important systems in the human body. Its constituent red blood cells - red blood cells - play an important role in the oxygen-carbon metabolism.

Since the birth of the child take on the analysis of a blood sample. Its composition is characterized by the whole body. Raising a child's red blood cell count in blood indicates the presence of chronic or indolent disease.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Norma blood erythrocytes in the child's age: table
  • 2 Why is there an increase?
  • 3 physiological causes
  • 4 pathological causes
  • 5 Signs and symptoms
  • 6 Possible consequences
  • 7 Assays for determining the level of red blood cells
  • 8 What do elevated red blood cells at a deviation from the norm of other indicators?
    • 8.1 hemoglobin
    • 8.2 The size of red blood cells
    • 8.3 The shape of red cells
    • 8.4 Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
    • 8.5 erythrocyte indices
    • 8.6 corpuscular volume
    • 8.7 Saturation of hemoglobin cells
    • 8.8 The amount of hemoglobin in an erythrocyte
    • 8.9 The density of red blood cells in the sample
  • insta story viewer
  • 9 What to do at home?
  • 10 medication
  • 11 Folk remedies
  • 12 Videos of red blood cells in the baby's blood

Norma blood erythrocytes in the child's age: table

Red blood cells are a kind of "traffic" at the gas exchange between the respiratory system and the whole organism. They transfer required for proper operation of the organism oxygen from the lungs to the cells of various organs. Also erythrocytes are connected with carbon dioxide and removes it from the body.

This gas exchange is especially important for children because of their rapid growth and development. A normal amount of red blood cells is an indicator of good health.

in red blood cells are increased in the child: what it means to analyze symptoms, treatment of folk remedies

There are different standards the number of red blood cells for children of different ages:

Age of the child Normal erythrocyte count, × 1012/ l
Newborn From 5.0 to 7.0
5th day of life From 5.0 to 6.0
7 days of life 4.5 to 5.4
10 days of life From 4.3 to 5.3
1 month From 3.9 to 4.8
6 months From 3.7 to 4.6
1 year From 4.0 to 5.1
6 years From 3.9 to 5.1
14 years From 3.9 to 5.0

A high level of red blood cells is called erythrocytosis. It may condition how physical processes in the body of the child, and disease states. For some children, increased levels of red cells is a normal option. To set the exact diagnosis or rebuttal should consult a pediatrician.

Why is there an increase?

Since red blood cells responsible for oxygen enrichment of cells, increasing their number indicates a change in the blood characteristics: density and yield. It also speaks of the increasing pressure in the circulatory system. in red blood cells of the child may be increased due to various factors.

in red blood cells are increased in the child: what it means to analyze symptoms, treatment of folk remedies

Depending on the cause of abnormalities, polycythemia are divided into types:

  1. Conditional, or saline. With this rejection of the actual number of red blood cells does not exceed the standards of their content. This condition occurs at higher density and viscosity of blood or a slight dehydration due to diarrhea, vomiting and profuse sweating. This type of erythrocytosis is not dangerous to health, but requires monitoring by doctors.
  2. True or pathological. With such a deviation from the norm, the number of blood cells actually increased. This suggests a constant production of red blood cells by the bone marrow.

in red blood cells are elevated in a child because of:

  • inflammation;
  • disease;
  • malfunctioning bone marrow.

Such conditions require the appointment of additional tests and examinations by a pediatrician.

physiological causes

Causes of conditional erythrocytosis:

  1. The birth. During pregnancy, the child breathes through the mother's blood, at the same time it requires a large number of red blood cells. After the birth of the child makes the first breath and the body starts the process of reducing the number of blood cells to the required level. Since age children adapt to different environmental factors.
  2. Location. Children who live in mountainous areas prone to the appearance of the disease Mountains - hypoxia due to the lack of oxygen at altitude. It can cause dizziness; headache; hallucinations; vomiting. Body of the child from birth adapts to the conditions of lack of oxygen, and produces more red blood cells, in order to avoid altitude sickness.
  3. Infections in the gut. Pathogens in the period of the disease in the acute phase may cause vomiting or diarrhea. Which leads to dehydration, and consequently, to an increase in blood viscosity. The level of red blood cells will be higher than normal.
  4. High temperatures at various diseases. This factor provokes profuse sweating that outputs water from the body. In this case, the blood thickens, and the number of red cells increases.
  5. Constant exercise. Sports or excessive activity contributes to sweating, which slightly reduces blood flow and increases the content of blood cells. Also, when the child begins to excessive loads often and breathe deeply due to insufficient oxygen supply. This increases the absorption capacity of the lungs and increases the number of red blood cells for better gas exchange between the cells.
  6. Hot weather and dry air. Under these conditions in children is very rapid dehydration, which leads to increased blood viscosity and increase the level of red blood cells.
  7. Passive smoking or inhaling smoke during fires or burning grass. When inhaled smoke from any source organism enters a huge number of carbon dioxide, oxygen and the amount of particles falling. To eliminate the severe shortage of oxygen and excretion of excessive amounts of carbon dioxide, the body begins to enhanced production of red cells.
    in red blood cells are increased in the child: what it means to analyze symptoms, treatment of folk remedies
    in red blood cells are increased in children - it could be because passive smoking.
  8. Drinking carbonated children or untreated water. When using such fluids in the body gets carbon dioxide, from which the body gets rid increasing content of blood cells.

All of these states do not bear the risk for the health and lives of children. But the validity of their influence on the change in the composition of blood to confirm only pediatrician. It is necessary for some time to control polycythemia.

pathological causes

If the reasons for increasing the number of red cells are not physiological, then it starts to go of the pathological processes in the body of the child.

in red blood cells are elevated in a child can be for several reasons, requiring careful consideration pediatrician:

  1. Diarrhea or vomiting. In these processes there is a strong continuing dehydration, is not compensated abundant drink. This condition is dangerous and resistant level of red blood cells above normal indicates severe disease. It can be caused by a variety of infections or bacteria and requires emergency treatment, and sometimes also hospitalization in a stationary unit.
  2. Chronic diseases of the respiratory system. Lungs lose their elasticity and able to absorb the necessary amount of air for the body. This decreases the amount of oxygen intake and the body begins to suffer from the lack of it, which leads to erythrocytosis.
  3. Acute respiratory infections. Infections and inflammation bacteria that are present entire acute period of the disease, violate the gas transfer processes in the body. Oxygen starvation and a subsequent increase in the number of red cells can provoke coughing; runny nose; heat; inflammation of the throat.
  4. Heart failure or anomaly. When insufficiently effective work of the heart muscle, blood moves through the body quickly enough and bad updated delay occurs of carbon dioxide in the body and interruptions in the collection of necessary amount of particles oxygen. All this causes polycythemia.
  5. Too much pressure. When enhanced functioning of the heart, when the pressure was increased, the blood moves through the body too quickly. Gas transfer processes do not have time to occur, and a large number of blood cells is made to compensate for the impaired oxygen-carbon balance. Usually such problems associated with too rapid growth in children, but can occur and various heart diseases.
  6. hypernephroma disease. The disease is characterized by excessive production of kidney hormone erythropoietin, which causes the production of large numbers of erythrocytes.
  7. Abnormal changes in the adrenal glands. In this case, the body produces many corticosteroid hormone. It affects the bone marrow, leading to an uncontrolled increase in the level of red blood cells.
  8. Allergy. When such symptoms of its manifestations, such as: runny nose; cough; sneezing; nasal congestion; swelling of the throat, the body does not receive the necessary amount of oxygen and the amount of carbon dioxide is not reduced. This leads to an increased production of red blood cells.
    in red blood cells are increased in the child: what it means to analyze symptoms, treatment of folk remedies
  9. Obesity. Too overweight leads to: increased pressure; compression of the lungs and other organs; violation of water-salt balance; disturbance of the heart. All of these factors can cause oxygen starvation. The body is struggling with this problem by significantly increasing the content of blood cells in the blood.
  10. bone marrow disease. When the growth of undesired erythrocyte concentration in the blood can take place. urgent examination and treatment is needed to obtain an accurate diagnosis.

Signs and symptoms

Polycythemia often asymptomatic at physiological reasons for its occurrence.

In the presence of various serious diseases, increased red cell concentrations are clearly marked symptoms:

  1. Go prolonged vomiting and diarrhea.
  2. Changes in skin color. It can be painted in red color; blue color; purple color. coloration of the skin can be both local and local. Mucous membranes are also erythrocytosis with anomalous color.
  3. Constant headaches due to poor blood circulation. At high levels of blood cell blood viscosity increases.
  4. Pain in the limbs. In children, this symptom is often manifested by pain in the fingers and toes due to the lack of oxygen in the tissues.
  5. Pain in the spleen due to its increase. This body is responsible for the processing of blood cells. At high concentrations of red blood cells, it is subject to heavy loads, which leads to a change in its size.
  6. Constant overpressure. This symptom is characteristic of renal anomalies.
  7. The deterioration of vision as a result of high blood pressure.
  8. Frequent and sudden dizziness.
  9. The child constantly feels tired and sleepy.
in red blood cells are increased in the child: what it means to analyze symptoms, treatment of folk remedies

Any of these symptoms does not indicate a specific disease, requiring a thorough study of the whole clinical picture pediatrician and gather additional information.

Possible consequences

A slight increase in the concentration of red cells threat to the health of the child is absent. Also the detection of the conditional erythrocytosis, reasonable physiological characteristics of an organism special treatment is not required. Immediate examination and treatment required by their long and stable level.

in red blood cells are elevated in a child are due to the thickened blood. For him, this may result in the development of blood clots and subsequent disease veins - thrombosis.

In the absence of treatment can develop quality:

  • heart attack;
  • dyspnea;
  • stroke;
  • death of brain tissue due to lack of oxygen.
in red blood cells are increased in the child: what it means to analyze symptoms, treatment of folk remedies

When polycythemia child's heart is working hard while experiencing heavy loads. Also, it is increasing the pressure on the vessel walls. Increasing the concentration of red cells leads to malfunction of the spleen and liver, and they increase in size, bringing significant discomfort the child, and sometimes severe pain.

Due to poor supply of oxygen the brain particles, drops its activity and performance, suppressed nervous system of the child.

In order to prevent these health problems, pediatricians recommend to donate blood at least the analysis of 2 times a year.

Assays for determining the level of red blood cells

To determine the level of red blood cells administered to a patient or general full blood analysis. It is taken from the small capillaries by lancing or vein (vein pattern). The first type of material for analysis less useful due to proximity to the skin surface vessels and a small amount of blood therein.

Prior to the general blood analysis, all patients must be:

  1. abstain from food for 6 hours prior to the procedure;
  2. renounce the use of alcohol at least one day prior to taking a blood sample;
  3. exclude any physical load for 12 hours prior to analysis.

Blood test is necessary for each person during the passage of medical examination or treatment of complaints on health. In addition to the number of red cells, may need to study additional characteristics using full blood analysis.

in red blood cells are increased in the child: what it means to analyze symptoms, treatment of folk remedies

This analysis shows:

  • the content of hemoglobin;
  • their shape and size;
  • erythrocyte sedimentation;
  • erythrocyte indices.

What do elevated red blood cells at a deviation from the norm of other indicators?

in red blood cells are elevated in a child can be for various reasons. For accurate diagnosis, in addition to elevated levels of red cells, explore other options.


Reduced levels of the substance indicates iron deficiency anemia. This phenomenon may be the result of bleeding or malnutrition.

Increased hemoglobin level indicates:

  • a heavy load on the respiratory system;
  • of intestinal blockage or constipation;
  • of pulmonary insufficiency;
  • of malignant tumors.

The size of red blood cells

To determine their sizes measured diameter of the red cells. If the analysis has a large number of red blood cells of small diameter, it indicates iron deficiency or spherocytosis - a hereditary disease characterized by the inability of red blood cells to carry out transport functions.

The presence of red cells of large size indicates the development of:

  • Some types of anemia;
  • lack of B vitamins;
  • leukemia;
    in red blood cells are increased in the child: what it means to analyze symptoms, treatment of folk remedies
  • spleen or liver pathology.

The shape of red cells

Red blood cells - are cells in the form of lenticular disc.

Their irregular shape suggests serious diseases:

  • violation synthesis of hemoglobin chains;
  • sferotizoz;
  • different mutations;
  • elliptotsitoz - a kind of hemolytic anemia.

These deviations cause rapid disintegration of cells.

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate

This indicator determines whether the body of diseases caused by infection or inflammation. High rates of erythrocyte sedimentation rate may occur in the elderly, during menstruation, pregnancy or postpartum.

By pathological processes include:

  • infection;
  • trauma;
  • inflammation;
  • anemia;
  • poor-quality education.

Underestimated figures indicate:

  • too meager diet;
  • lack of iron;
    in red blood cells are increased in the child: what it means to analyze symptoms, treatment of folk remedies
  • swelling;
  • very light weight.

erythrocyte indices

This indicator shows the average parameters per erythrocyte. It includes:

corpuscular volume

High values ​​are typical for:

  • gipotreoza;
  • anemia;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • smoking.

Low values ​​indicate a violation of the synthesis of the protein hemoglobin - thalassemia, about the lack of iron in the body.

Saturation of hemoglobin cells

Increasing the level of this indicator suggests sferotitoze and lowering - of hemoglobinopathies or anemia.

The amount of hemoglobin in an erythrocyte

Higher values ​​indicate some types of anemia, violation of the liver, and reduced - to hemoglobinopathies and chronic diseases associated with iron deficiency.

The density of red blood cells in the sample

Any deviation from the norm characterizes the different types of anemia. Enhance the level of erythrocytes at a deviation of other indicators in the blood indicates the presence of serious diseases requiring treatment.

What to do at home?

The repeated measurement of the amount of erythrocytes and confirming the diagnosis of erythrocytosis, child designate different drugs.

They must be applied with caution and only when absolutely necessary.

The decision to admit the drug is taken only after a thorough examination of a pediatrician.

At home, to reduce the concentration of red cells and subsequent prevention recommended:

  • to monitor the balance of baby food;
    in red blood cells are increased in the child: what it means to analyze symptoms, treatment of folk remedies
  • often ventilate the room where the child is asleep;
  • drink plenty of water;
  • be sure to introduce products such as beets; apples; buckwheat; tomatoes; berries; oatmeal.


If a serious deviation from the norms of red blood cells in the Rocky. The pediatrician may prescribe drugs in the complex therapy.

To reduce the viscosity of the blood is discharged:

  • heparin;
  • aspirin;
  • trental;
  • fenilin;
  • chimes.

Their dosage for each child counts pediatrician.

Also appointed:

  • blood transfusion and bleeding using medications that reduce blood clotting;
  • Blood clearance of the excess red cells;
  • cytotoxic drugs;
  • alpha-interferon;
  • treatment with leeches - hirudotherapy.

For the prevention of erythrocytosis children prescribed in small doses repeated course of interferon.

in red blood cells are increased in the child: what it means to analyze symptoms, treatment of folk remedies

It is worth remembering that for children is extremely undesirable taking any medications. Decide whether their use should be taken only by the attending pediatrician.

Folk remedies

For the treatment of minor deviations from normal levels of red blood cells, you can use folk remedies.

Drink plenty of:

  • seaweed;
  • walnuts;
  • seafood;
  • fish oil.
  • Tincture of nutmeg.

100 g of nuts insist 4 weeks 500 grams of vodka. It is necessary to shake the tincture every day. Drink 1 tsp 3 times a day for 20 minutes before eating.

Other methods:

  1. Honey Garlic. Passed through a press garlic stir in honey. The amount of garlic and honey should be equal. Withstand a lot of 2 weeks. Drink it to 1 tsp 3 times a day 30 min before meal.
  2. Wormwood in yogurt. 1 tsp dried wormwood added to 200 ml of yogurt and taking one hour before bedtime.
  3. berry juice. Cranberries brewed in boiling water, allow to cool for an hour. Add honey to taste and drink a few techniques.
    in red blood cells are increased in the child: what it means to analyze symptoms, treatment of folk remedies
  4. Infusion of sweet clover. 1 tsp clover pour boiling water, allow to cool and filter. Drink half a cup 3 times a day for an hour before a meal.

As preventive measures, folk healers recommend:

  • renounce the use of alcohol;
  • do physical education;
  • eat right;
  • stop smoking;
  • to walk outside;
  • drink plenty of clean water.

Raising a child's red blood cell concentration in the blood may not always be due to serious diseases. It is necessary to bear in mind that with the rapid growth, the body of children requires more oxygen.

Not to worry about the health of the child and the time to take action for the treatment of certain diseases, you need monthly check-ups by a pediatrician and a blood test at least 2 times a year.

Author of the article: Anna Shalunova

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Videos of red blood cells in the baby's blood

How to decipher the child's blood analysis:

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