Childhood Diseases

Hoarse voice of a child 1-2 years 3-5. The treat cough, cold, temperature without if sore throat, snot, SARS. Home Treatment

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Being a parent of small children is always very responsible. Young parents may worry if your child suddenly hoarse voice. After the age of 1-2 years, 3-5 years - a very gentle, you need to know what and how to treat, how to help your child, what drugs and methods will help, not hurt - questions parents have a lot of.

After all, manifested in his voice hoarseness often indicates illness starts.

The content of the article:

  • 1 The causes of hoarse voices of children under one year
  • 2 Reasons hoarse voice in the presence of temperature
  • 3 Hoarse voice without temperature
  • 4 The main treatments for children from 1 to 2 years
  • 5 The main treatments for children from 3 to 5 years
  • 6 Treatment of hoarseness. Rinsing
  • 7 Means antiseptic
  • 8 inhalation
  • 9 antihistamines
  • 10 immunomodulators
  • 11 expectorant drugs
  • 12 antibiotics
  • 13 vitamins
  • 14 Traditional recipes for the removal of hoarseness in children
  • 15 Video of hoarseness in children, causes and treatments

The causes of hoarse voices of children under one year

Children under one year of life, especially in the first months, can wantonly change the tone of voice, hoarseness appear.

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Sometimes this is due to the restructuring and the growth of the vocal cords. If this restructuring caused by habituation to the new conditions of life, hoarseness will pass on their own.

Most often it happens that a hoarse voice in a child is associated with overexertion, prolonged crying due. The larynx and baby at long loud cry of swelling occurs, which prevents closing of the vocal cords. He and causes hoarseness of voice and strain.

Parents of toddlers should respond to this symptom, because grudnichka larynx is so sensitive that the swelling can make breathing difficult which appeared as a result of a long crying.

Hoarse voice of a child. The throat treated at home with cough, cold, temperature without if aches, snot, SARS

But irritation of the vocal cords with a loud cry, hoarseness in an infant can cause the following disease states:

  1. Laryngitis, laryngotracheitis and bronchitis. Often arise against hypothermia due to the vocal cords, or getting infections. In acute manifestation of these diseases inflamed throat and airways. It is possible accompanying pain when swallowing, fever, cough.
  2. Infections of viral and bacterial origin, Which appeared as a result of hypothermia - measles, rubella, scarlet fever. Not only affect the respiratory system of the child, but also the cardiovascular and nervous systems.
  3. False croup. When acute course of the disease laryngeal mucosa swells shell glottis narrows, causing breathing difficulties.
  4. Allergic edema.
  5. The trauma of the larynx, as well as the presence of a foreign body in the respiratory system of the baby.
  6. Stressful situation or fright.

All this is quite a serious disease, dangerous in that they may be accompanied by swelling of the mucous membranes in the throat of the baby. In infants, the larynx is so narrow that even with a mild edema, glottis may be completely blocked, causing suffocation can occur.

The following symptoms are considered to be hazardous to a child's life:

  • nonproductive "barking" cough;
  • obstructed breathing movements, accompanied by a whistle;
  • sweating and salivation;
  • temperature;
  • constant crying, pointing to the pain during swallowing a baby;
  • cyanosis around the mouth and nose, indicating a lack of oxygen intake.

If the parents of a baby watch these symptoms, most of which the first - hoarseness grudnichka is necessary in a very short time to turn to a pediatrician.

Reasons hoarse voice in the presence of temperature

The sharp rise in body temperature at a throat hoarseness may indicate progression in the child's body infectious diseases. In addition to wheeze, they may appear runny nose, sore throat, headache, or sore throat. The reason may be hypothermia child that triggered inflammation in the larynx.

Hoarse voice of a child. The throat treated at home with cough, cold, temperature without if aches, snot, SARS

Often the temperature indicates that the body is fighting an infection kid. It is a natural protective reaction. In infants the temperature may rise to 38 ° C, if higher - is necessary to bring it down, giving an antipyretic.

Hoarse voice without temperature

Hoarse voice of a child (1-2, 3-5 years) - than to treat and how to decide a doctor. It is important to draw attention to the alarming situation, when, in the presence of inflammation and wheezing, a child's temperature remains within the normal range. There is a possibility that the baby hidden symptoms of pneumonia (contact a doctor immediately).

If this is true, grudnichok will behave as follows:

  • will refuse the breast;
  • It is sluggish and moody, or, conversely, restless;
  • will spit up more often than usual;
  • will breathe with difficulty and wheezing;
  • the baby will be shown a runny nose and cough;
  • appears cyanosis around the mouth and nose.

The main treatments for children from 1 to 2 years

Prior to joining the parents the doctor should ensure that the patient should care:

  • Drink plenty of liquids (warm but not hot tea; decoction of herbs; compote or fruit drink).
  • For infants - more frequent breastfeeding, as breast milk strengthens the immune system and help the child to overcome the illness.
  • Creating an environment in which the child is minimally straining the vocal cords, does not cry, does not speak.
  • Airing the room where the sick child.
  • Sufficient humidity in the room, wet cleaning.
  • When wheezing child is recommended to do a drainage massage the back and chest - it will improve the expectoration of sputum.
  • If you have a runny nose, wash your child's nose salted solution.
Hoarse voice of a child. The throat treated at home with cough, cold, temperature without if aches, snot, SARS

Further treatment must appoint an ENT doctor or pediatrician on the basis of the child's age and the severity of the disease.

The main treatments for children from 3 to 5 years

By the hoarseness in a child 3-5 years old should not be treated less seriously than similar ailment in children 1-2 years. The doctor makes a diagnosis and prescribe treatment based on blood taken from the child's analysis, as well as on the basis of inspection and listening. An experienced therapist, even the nature of wheezing can understand much about the child's condition.

Rales can be heard at:

  • lungs;
  • bronchi;
  • nasopharynx.

Rales are wet and dry, and their different treatments. It is therefore important to carefully listened to the pediatrician of the child and ordered immediate treatment.

Most likely, a doctor's prescription in the presence of viral or acute respiratory infection are as follows:

  • broad-spectrum antibiotic;
  • mucolytic agents, effectively thinning phlegm;
  • bronchodilators to expand bronchoconstriction;
  • expectorant drugs, promotes discharge of phlegm;
  • antihistamines, the cleaning component allergic inflammation;
  • inhalation medicaments.

In difficult situations, when the disease progresses rapidly, and at the risk of complications the doctor will prescribe your child antivirals and immunomodulators.

Treatment of hoarseness. Rinsing

For sore throat in children is an effective means of flushing pyogenic bacteria rinse method. This procedure requires the child to a certain skill, so it is indicated for children older than 3 years, and the kids first years of life is replaced by irrigation oropharynx via syringe.

Hoarse voice of a child. The throat treated at home with cough, cold, temperature without if aches, snot, SARS

Gargle child is recommended following medicinal fluids:

  • soda-brine (On a hot glass - 40 degrees - Water 0.5 teaspoons of salt and soda, and 1-2 drops of iodine);
  • furacillin (0.02 g tablet grind and dissolve in a glass of warm water);
  • decoction of herbs (Chamomile, sage, eucalyptus, calendula, St. John's wort).

It is necessary to teach the child to gargle.

To do this, the child must:

  1. Dial in your mouth prepared medical solution and throw back his head back;
  2. Within a few seconds with his mouth open throat vibrate, uttering the sound "x-xx";
  3. Spit out the solution in the sink (do not swallow!);
  4. Repeat the rinse 5-7 times.

Infants up to 3 years is carried out irrigation so: the baby's head is turned slightly to the side, a soft rubber syringe directed jet of fluid on the palate. The baby is not able to rinse it sglotnet solution. Irrigate oropharynx need small amounts, but often.

Means antiseptic

Instead gargling can use spraying antimicrobial sprays:

  • Tantum Verde;
  • Joks;
  • iodinol;
  • Miramistin4
  • Geksoral.
Hoarse voice of a child. The throat treated at home with cough, cold, temperature without if aches, snot, SARS

They quickly relieve inflammation and pain throat. But most of them are appointed by the child from the age of 5-6 years. Only drugs Miramistin and Tantum Verde could be used for kids 1-2 years to lubricate the mucous oropharynx. Rinsing and spraying aerosols do 4-6 times a day.


Hoarse voice of a child (1-2, 3-5 years) than cure, and a means of help - this is the main question. Should pay attention to inhalation treatments that have been proven in the treatment of respiratory diseases.

Effectiveness of inhalations due to the fact that the drug substance as a vapor or aerosol into the respiratory tract and has a curative effect. Thus, it is possible to soften and moisturize the throat hoarse, remove the swelling, inflammation and pain.

Which drug solution is applied and in what dosage - should consult a doctor. Perform the procedure with the aid of an inhaler - nebulizer. It charged drug necessary means and this unit converts the drug into a fine aerosol.

Hoarse voice of a child. The throat treated at home with cough, cold, temperature without if aches, snot, SARS

For inhalation with a nebulizer most often used:

  • or disinfecting formulation Dioksidin furatsillina;
  • Fluimucil antibiotic;
  • antiseptic herbal Rotokan.

These drugs are in the form of tiny particles penetrate deep into the bronchi, are deposited on the mucous membrane of the throat. Inhalation via nebulizer even a year-old children can be carried out. In the absence of an inhaler can carry out the procedure at home.

To do this in a small pan is heated by a certain amount of water to a temperature of 60 degrees, in water is a medical substance to be inhaled in the form of hot steam. That the solution is not quickly cooled down, it is necessary to cover the head with a towel. Exposure to hot steam stimulates the throat warming, the medicament reduces swelling and inflammation.

Hoarse voice of a child. The throat treated at home with cough, cold, temperature without if aches, snot, SARS

Effective procedures are:

  • with herbs (1 tablespoon of dried herb collecting 200 ml. water). Well help chamomile, sage, eucalyptus leaf, mint, mother and stepmother;
  • with baking soda (0.5 teaspoon per 200 ml. water);
  • with onion and garlic juice diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10;
  • with jacket potatoes, cooked until tender;
  • with iodine (4-5 drops per 1 liter of water);
  • essential oils (10-15 drops per 100 ml. water). This may be sea buckthorn, eucalyptus, anise, menthol, and other oils.

We must remember that there are factors that prohibit steam inhalation:

  • age up to three years, as babies throat mucous tissue is very soft, easy to burn the ferry;
  • the child's temperature is higher than 37.5;
  • allergies to medicines, or their components, which are used for inhalation;
  • purulent inflammation of the throat, which may be amplified by exposure to heat.

Although the use of inhalation does not replace the full treatment, but they are very effective when it are diseases of the respiratory system in children and often become a decisive tool in recovery.


Hoarse voice in children as the 1-2 and 3-5 years, can be triggered by an allergic reaction causing swelling of the mucous membrane of the larynx. Doctors suggest, than to treat children in such a case: allergy medications come in the form of suspensions, syrups, inhalation solutions and tablets. Infants up to 1 year is convenient to give the drug in liquid form.

Hoarse voice of a child. The throat treated at home with cough, cold, temperature without if aches, snot, SARS

Most often, children with any form of allergy prescribe antihistamines (Blocking of histamine receptors and stopping allergic process) of the old and new generation means.

old generation drugs have a sedative effect and high antiallergic activity. a new generation of drugs do not cause drowsiness, have a long-term effect, but the effect on the child's body is not fully understood.

Among the antihistamines are the most popular:

  • suprastin - tablets for all kinds of allergies, may be given to the first months of life;
  • fenistil - drop in all types of allergies can be given to children from 6 months;
  • Zyrtec - drop in all types of allergies can be given from 6 months;
  • Claritin -sirop, in all types of allergies can be given from two years;
  • Flomax - solution for inhalation, asthma and bronchitis, from birth.
Hoarse voice of a child. The throat treated at home with cough, cold, temperature without if aches, snot, SARS

The choice of anti-allergy prescription of drugs is huge, but parents need to remember that a child should not be prescribed treatment themselves. Allergy symptoms are similar to other diseases, and to choose a drug assign dosage regimen and dosage must be a doctor.


If the child is weakened, often sick, it needs to strengthen his immune system. Raise the body's defenses perhaps with the help of special substances - immunomodulators. They affect the immune system, activating it, which allows you to fight disease. Often they are used for prophylactic purposes, as well as for the treatment of viral and respiratory diseases.

Without any reason you can not assign immunomodulators children: they can deplete the body's own immune, and in addition they have a lot of side effects. These drugs should be prescribed by your doctor. Excess doses can have an immunosuppressive effect.

The following drugs most mild earned the trust of the parents:

  • Anaferon children - non-toxic, it contains ultra-low dose of the active substance, making it safe even for young infants.
  • tsikloferon - treatment of viral diseases of the respiratory system, herpetic infections. It can be given to children from 4 years.
Hoarse voice of a child. The throat treated at home with cough, cold, temperature without if aches, snot, SARS
  • Immunal - treatment of respiratory infections and the overall strengthening of immunity, can be given to 4 years.
  • Lizobakt - treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases in the oral cavity. Assign children from 3 years old.
  • Arbidol - for the prevention of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections. It can be given 3 years.

expectorant drugs

When you cough in the respiratory tract accumulate thick secretion, which must be removed to the outside. Expectorants are part of the complex prescription and should help thin out and withdraw secret.

Effective in this regard, well-known drugs "Ambroxol" and "Bromhexine". Especially for children, there are syrups of these drugs. But doctors recommend them to give their children only two years in order to avoid side effects. Medicines with expectorant effect can not be given to infants.


Broad-spectrum antibiotics have to be in the family medicine cabinet, because they are able to stop the disease at the outset. For children, there are antibiotics in a convenient form - in the form of a suspension.

They are intended for babies, but they are willing to accept rather than tablets and toddlers up to 5-6 years.

Drugs that can be given to children from the first months of life:

  1. Amoxicillin, Amoxiclav, Ampicillin, Augmentin - help in the treatment of bronchitis and pneumonia;
  2. Sumamed, Azithromycin, Hemomitsii - treat respiratory diseases.
Hoarse voice of a child. The throat treated at home with cough, cold, temperature without if aches, snot, SARS

Before you start giving antibiotics to children, parents need to understand the following rules:

  • It is necessary to strictly adhere to the time and medication regimen.
  • To assign an individual child antibiotic narrow direction (and much more effective than wide), it is necessary to hand over the tank. sputum culture.
  • Antibiotics occurs addictive, they cease to exert a therapeutic effect on the body, so to reuse the same drug is not necessary and it is necessary to use an analogy.
  • Do not give injections of antibiotics to children, do not prove the existence of the same drug in the form of a suspension.
  • Treated only with antibiotics, bacterial infections, viral infections can not be treated with these drugs.


If a child's resistance to colds and infections is reduced, it is recommended to support the children's immunity vitamin preparations.

Vitamins convenient to give their children as follows:

  • kids from the age of 1 year in the form of powder mixed with food;
  • with two years of age in the form of chewable pastilles with fruit flavors;
  • with 7 years of age and older - pill to swallow.

The daily requirement of vitamins in children of different ages are different, so there are vitamin complexes with an indication of the age category.

Hoarse voice of a child. The throat treated at home with cough, cold, temperature without if aches, snot, SARS

The most popular drugs that are differentiated for each child age:

  1. Pikovit;
  2. Kinder Biovital;
  3. Multi-tabs;
  4. Alphabet;
  5. Sana Saul;
  6. Vitrum Kids;
  7. VitaMishki.

Vitamins recommend giving the kids in the morning, because these preparations have a tonic effect.

Traditional recipes for the removal of hoarseness in children

Hoarse voice of a child (1-2, 3-5 years) than cure, prompt and traditional medicine.

Folk medical manual in this case it is recommended to use the following tools and methods:

  • The child is allowed to drink hot milk dissolved 0.5 tsp soda and 2-3 drops of iodine.
  • In one glass of carrot juice was added 2 tablespoons honey, stir and give the child small portions.
  • Mix the juice of 1 radish 2 tablespoons honey and give a child a husky 1 tsp the resulting syrup.
  • Boiled potatoes in the form of heat and knead the paving through several layers of gauze is applied to a sick child on the neck and the sternum wrapped before cooling.
  • Warm up baby's feet in a hot bath and put mustard plasters on the chest and back.
  • Make a compress of warm vegetable oil at night.
Hoarse voice of a child. The throat treated at home with cough, cold, temperature without if aches, snot, SARS
Also used mustard if the child hoarse voice.

It should be noted that the presence of many people's recipes, honey can be an allergen, and is not suitable for the treatment of children under one year. It is important to remember that the hoarseness in a child can be caused by various conditions, and on the correct diagnosis depends on the outcome of treatment times.

Therapies baby 1-2 months of life different from what and how to treat the child 3-5 years. But the main thing: children's health - not a field for experimentation. Let the experts prescribe treatment, and the task of parents - to patiently and diligently appointment to see your baby very, very healthy.

Video of hoarseness in children, causes and treatments

How to treat a hoarse voice:

The causes of hoarseness and how to resolve it:

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