
Chalazion century. Treatment in adults: drops, folk remedies, medications, surgery. Photos and what it is

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Chalazion often hit the inside of the eyelids. Pathology provokes accession secondary infection especially in self-sealing opening. Sometimes a neoplasm unnoticed and cause some pain. Treatment is carried out in an adult conservative or surgical means.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is the age of chalazion
  • 2 Types chalazion century
  • 3 Stage and grade chalazion century
  • 4 Symptoms chalazion century
  • 5 Causes of chalazion century
  • 6 Diagnosis of chalazion century
  • 7 When to see a doctor
  • 8 Prevention chalazion century
  • 9 Methods of treating age chalazion
    • 9.1 Medications
    • 9.2 Traditional methods
    • 9.3 Other methods
  • 10 possible complications
  • 11 Interesting video about chalazion century, the reasons for their occurrence and methods of treatment

What is the age of chalazion

Chalazion - a benign nature of the tumor. Gradina occurs in a thick layer of the century. Provocateur performs closing and inflammation in the meibomian gland, which often takes a chronic nature. Location glands - cartilage. The glands have a tubular morphology. In century located 50-70 glands that produce tears fat layer. Inflammation is manifested in the form of a node.

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It is characterized by:

  • swelling of the century;
  • soreness;
  • itching;
  • pressure on the area of ​​the eyeball;
  • irritation of the eye;
  • accumulation of pus.
Chalazion age adult. What it is, treatment of folk remedies, medication, surgery

In ophthalmology pathology considered fairly common and makes up 7.4% of the total number of diseases eyelids. Chalazion affects people of all ages, but is usually diagnosed in adults aged 30-50 years.

Types chalazion century

Holyaziony age (adult treatment systems) may develop from below or above. Chalazion, emerging on top, usually located closer to the edge. It is characterized by unpleasant sensations: patient worried itching and feeling of a foreign object in the eye.

This type of pathology is 2-3 days, and usually does not require treatment. Chalazion, which develops from the bottom, similar to barley. Usually located near the eyelashes. Pathology is characterized for a long: it may take up to 2 weeks.

Stage and grade chalazion century

Accepted provide four main phases of the disease:

  1. The first phase. It characterized by redness in the area of ​​the century. It causes discomfort, which resembles a hit mote in the eye. At this stage, the symptoms are similar to signs of barley.
  2. The second phase. The seal begin to dominate clear boundaries, which makes it similar to a pea.
  3. The third phase. It develops within 2 weeks. When late neoplasm of the therapy is increased in size. Sometimes to eliminate the resort to rapid method.
  4. The fourth phase characterized by the formation of a seal that can be opened by itself. Often, it is converted into a cyst.

Symptoms chalazion century

With the development of pathology at the age below or above the tumor is formed rounded shape that is different density. Nodule localized in the thickness of the cartilage does not merge with the skin. On palpation the patient complains of pain. Education increases gradually. It may be up to 6 mm.

Chalazion age adult. What it is, treatment of folk remedies, medication, surgery

With an increase is noticeable, since provokes swelling. The conjunctiva hyperemia observed the formation of areas with the center, painted in gray color. Often formed several chalazion, which are located on the lower and upper eyelid.

The pathology is accompanied by:

  • itching;
  • tearfulness;
  • Sensitization;
  • pain;
  • violation of visual acuity;
  • slow flashing affected century.

Increased in size tumor can begin to put pressure on the cornea, causing astigmatism or breach of quality. When connecting the inflammatory process in Gradina accumulates pus.

In this case, it states:

  • local redness of the skin;
  • swelling;
  • pain pulsating nature;
  • softening of hailstones;
  • forming blepharitis.
Chalazion age adult. What it is, treatment of folk remedies, medication, surgery

Chalazion may reveal itself. Developing a fistula around which localized precipitation in the form of granules. Skin becomes dry eyelids, red and crusted.

Causes of chalazion century

Among the main causes of inflammation of the sebaceous glands century should be noted:

  • blockage of barley;
  • allergic reactions;
  • the use of false eyelashes;
  • infection century demodex mites;
  • infection;
  • violation of the morphology of the sebaceous glands;
  • the use of cosmetics;
  • lack of hygiene;
  • exposure to cold;
  • failure of the immune system;
  • wearing contact lenses;
  • presence of oily skin;
  • SARS;
  • vitamin deficiencies;
  • the presence of chronic blepharitis;
  • failure gastrointestinal functionality;
  • of hormonal nature;
  • the presence of dermatitis;
  • defeat a foreign body eye;
  • eating disorders;
  • not fully cured barley;
  • long stay in the wind or in a dusty environment.

Diagnosis of chalazion century

Holyaziony age (adult treatment described in this article) need to install the cause and stage of the lesion. Diagnosis involves an external examination of the affected century. When viewed from the inner eyelid is marked local swelling and redness.

Chalazion age adult. What it is, treatment of folk remedies, medication, surgery

Diagnosis by tools not usually performed.

Neoplasms that are characterized by rapid development of relapses or diagnosed by differential analysis. The disease usually differentiated adenocarcinoma. High degree of efficiency has histological examination of biopsy material. Moscow diagnostic costs 1500-2340 rubles. In Samara, such a procedure will cost 1300-2000 rubles.

When to see a doctor

When the seal, which resembles millet grain size or pea should promptly seek an ophthalmologist. Often the disease is triggered by disruption of the immune system. It requires consultation immunologist.

Holyaziony age (adult treatment should be carried out in a timely manner) is a capsule filled with pus. Pus may come out not until the end that will cause penetration of the secondary nature of the infection.

Prevention chalazion century

The major preventive measures include:

  • compliance with hyenas;
  • playing sports;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • receiving vitamin complexes;
  • avoidance of hypothermia;
  • the use of high-quality cosmetics;
  • cleansing the skin, especially if it has a fatty morphology;
  • avoidance of stress;
  • timely treatment of dermatological and ocular pathologies;
  • diet establishment.

Methods of treating age chalazion

Holyaziony century requires competent approach, the treatment of adults in the early stages is carried out by conservative methods.

Chalazion age adult. What it is, treatment of folk remedies, medication, surgery
For the treatment of holyazion age adults used drugs in the form of injections, drops and ointments.

Commonly used:

  • medications;
  • compresses;
  • physiotherapy;
  • massage.

Complications in resorting to surgery.


In pharmacies a wide range of different drugs for the treatment of chalazion.

With the goal of therapy is used:

  • products with antibacterial effect;
  • means for sucking pus in the form of drops and ointments;
  • injection with anti-inflammatory effect.

Antibiotics in tablet form in chronic pathology course not assigned. This therapeutic method is justified in complicated film to prevent blood poisoning.

corticosteroids Diprospan, Dexamethasone, Kenalog
antibacterial ointment Hydrocortisone, tetracycline, Floksal, Dexa-Gentamicin.
Eye drops Tsipromed, maksitrol, Tobrex, Oftan, Dexamethasone, Diklo-F Indokollir, Diclofenac.
vitamin complexes Milgamma, Vitamin C, Omega-3.

Corticosteroid drugs are administered through a fine needle. They help to eliminate swelling and inflammation. The dose and duration of treatment established by specialist. Self-holding manipulation is not recommended. Injections are made specialist in a medical facility.

Chalazion age adult. What it is, treatment of folk remedies, medication, surgery
  • In the systemic use of the drug diprospan administered in a dose of 1-2 ml. It is administered intramuscularly. Repeated administration is dependent on the clinical picture. Price ampoules 1 ml of RUB 247.
  • Means kenalog injected intramuscularly with 40 mg of 1 every 4 weeks. Then, the dose is determined depending on the disease and the response of the patient. Typically 40-80 mg administered monthly. The maximum dose is 100 mg. The cost of 1 ml ampoules - 473 rubles.
  • Ointment for the eyes Floksal It possesses anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. Means is laid in the bottom of the eyelid 2-3 times / day. It should squeeze 1.5cm preparation. For better absorption of the eyes should be closed g for 30 seconds. Cost ointment 0.3% is 162 rubles.
  • tetracycline ointment is applied to the seal in a small volume 1-2 times / day. Usually means used 1-2 weeks. The ointment can be applied both on the outer area of ​​the century, and in the conjunctive sac area. The cost of 3% of the drug is 40 rubles.
  • In acute lesions of bacterial eyedrops Tsipromed appointed 4-8 times / day 1-2 drops in the conjunctiva. The course of treatment lasts for 5-14 days. bottle cost 0.3% - 126 rubles. Vial contains 5 ml of product.
  • A drug Tobrex 1-2 drops assigned in inflamed conjunctiva eye every 4 h. Duration of treatment is 7-10 days. bottle cost 0.3% - 178 rubles. Vial contains 5 ml of product.
  • A drug Omega-3 Take 1 capsule per day after meals. The course is not more than 2 months. The cost of the drug ranges from 341 to 629 rubles. The package of 30 capsules.
  • Vitamin C It is used in tablets of 500-1000 mg per day. The duration of therapy is determined by a specialist. The cost of the drug is from 1,000 mg to 1,022 RUB 397. depending on the manufacturer.

Traditional methods

Upon detection of the eyelid tumors with purulent contents should remember that self-treatment is prohibited conduct. Some recipes offered by traditional medicine, can have not only a low effect, but also have a very negative impact. self-treatment risk of chalazion is that you can significantly reduce the quality of vision.

The use of recipes must be agreed with a specialist.

Traditional medicine offers the following recipes:

  1. Mark handful dry figs. Brew 1 cup boiling milk and grind to a state of slurry. The tool is designed to strengthen the immune system. Medication use 2-3 times a day for 30 minutes. before eating 1/2 cup.
  2. Grind cabbage leaf and mix it with the egg white. Wrap the mixture and apply the bandage on the region of inflammation.
  3. Squeeze the juice of aloe or kalanchoe. Lubricate the juice inflamed eyelid 5 times a day. After the procedure, it is recommended to perform a light massage century. Tool helps to reduce swelling and redness, eliminating the infection.
  4. Take 100 g of rye bread crumb and fill it with 200 ml milk. Protomai to heat for 10 minutes. Pour 1 h. l. dried leaves of the plantain. The mixture was applied to the inflamed century in the form of a compress.
  5. Warm up in the fire linseed oil. Rub it massage movements in the affected area. Tool helps relief of the inflammatory process.
Chalazion age adult. What it is, treatment of folk remedies, medication, surgery

The following recipes are used for lotions:

  1. Finely chop the root of the medicinal marshmallow. Pour boiling water and infuse for 8 hours. Make lotions.
  2. Take 1 tbsp. l. dried flowers of cornflower. Pour 1 cup boiling water. Let stand 1 hr.
  3. Mark 1 onion and boil in 500 ml of water. Mix with 1 tbsp. l. honey. Eye wash tincture three times a day.
  4. Take 1 h. l. sage and chamomile. Pour the mixture with boiling water and infuse 1 hr. Strain, moisten it and attach the bandage to the eye by 10-15 min.
  5. Mark 2 hours. l. raspberry leaf, chamomile, dried parsley, calendula. Pour the mixture was 1 cup boiling water and infuse 10 minutes. Infusion of strain. Moisten it cotton discs and put on the eyelids for 5 minutes 3-4 times a day. Therapy lasts for 5 days.
  6. Mix curd with boric acid. Ready means to put on a napkin or cloth. Attach to the patient areas.
  7. At night you can make compresses of grilled onions. But at a purulent process such therapy is contraindicated. From bow to separate the layers. Each of them fry in a pan. Oil should not be poured. Bow to impose on the eyes for half an hour in the evening. The eyes do not have to wash.
  8. Preheat a frying pan a little bit of salt and pour in a bag made of cloth. While salt hot compress to apply to the eyelid for 5-7 minutes. This method facilitates the exit of pus and purification duct glands. But the technique is different contradictory as it may provoke a secondary infection of the wound. This is due to the partial exit of pus from the duct.
  9. Take 10 g of dry inflorescences of Calendula and pour cup of boiling water. Insist half an hour, then strain. The infusion is used for lotions.
  10. Take a cloth and moisten it with warm water. Attach to age for 10-15 minutes. For 5 minutes to carry out a light massage century. Manipulation improves blood circulation and restores patency ocular glands. For high efficiency advised massage carry up to 5 times a day.

Other methods

The initial stages involve treatment by physiotherapy.

This treatment helps to:

  • decrease the size of tumors;
  • elimination of pus;
  • resorption of hailstones.
Chalazion age adult. What it is, treatment of folk remedies, medication, surgery

Of physiotherapy methods used should be highlighted:

  1. UHF-therapy. This method is based on the action of an electric field of high frequency. The procedure generates heat in the interior of cells. The method is used in conjunction with massage. UHF therapy is contraindicated in the presence of the seal or inflammation in hailstones since the thermal exposure may provoke the formation of abscess or phlegmon century. Usually UHF course of 4-5 sessions.
  2. Magnitoterpiyu. The method is based on the effects of low frequency magnetic fields. The course consists of 15-20 procedures.
  3. Electrophoresis. The method involves the exposure of the problem area of ​​low frequency electric field in parallel with the drugs. For the treatment of chalazion used electrophoresis with hydrocortisone. Typically, the course includes 6 procedures. Then shows a break in 2 months.
  4. Phonophoresis. This method is based on the use of ultrasound and drugs. The advantage lies in the fact that drugs are absorbed precisely in the affected area without affecting the surrounding tissue.

If tumor size exceeded 6.5 mm, continuously increases in size to provoke pain and inflammation, the conservative treatment medication has low efficiency.

With this clinical picture, surgical intervention. Removal chalazion conducted through surgical scalpel or laser. The first surgery is performed on an outpatient basis.

The procedure involves the following steps:

  • antiseptics operation processing region;
  • administering anesthetic to the affected area;
  • century through the fixing clamp;
  • cut solidification area;
  • removal of the neoplasm pus;
  • bandaging.

Duration surgical method is 10-15 minutes. Initially, the patient has a small swelling which subsides within a few days. The operation is fraught with complications, are as bleeding or infection control.

Laser therapy involves the following phases:

  • administering anesthetic to the affected area in the form of eye drops through a fine needle;
  • pinching century lock;
  • dissection of tumors by laser exposure;
  • removing the inner contents;
  • laser surface treatment;
  • superimposition ointment with antibacterial effect.
Chalazion age adult. What it is, treatment of folk remedies, medication, surgery

The operation does not involve dressing as a laser as it welds vessels, eliminating the infection.

After the surgery is advised to adhere to certain rules:

  • Avoid getting water in the eye apple;
  • not combing operation zone;
  • not remove the skin when the healing process;
  • apply medicaments which prescribed specialist;
  • adhere to all medical recommendations;
  • appear to those skilled in 2 days after surgery.

The main advantages of the method prior to surgical laser method include:

  • high efficiency;
  • no seams;
  • a small fraction of injuries;
  • bloodless;
  • no dressing;
  • shorter rehabilitation period.

possible complications

Holyaziony age, treatment in an adult which is held by different methods, are fraught with a number of complications. Sometimes the underlying pathology joins a bacterial infection. The inflammatory process is fraught with the development of an abscess. Nearby leather covers redden and swell.

In some cases, a channel is formed, after which tumors spontaneously opening between the cavity and the capsule skin. It implies the pus. In this case, the patient requires the intervention of a surgeon, as the process can repeat.

Chalazion age adult. What it is, treatment of folk remedies, medication, surgery

Another complication is provoked in that chalazion exerts constant pressure on the eyeball, irritating it and leading to the development of inflammation in the patient. Such a condition can trigger the development of astigmatism and a drop in visual acuity. Time unopened hailstone can be reborn into a cyst.

Sometimes century occurs forming a plurality of neoplasms. They tend to merge. In this case, there is a development of large tumors. However, in most cases, multiple chalazion century form a clear chain, which is located on the edge of the eyelid. Treatment in adults should be conducted by an experienced specialist.

Interesting video about chalazion century, the reasons for their occurrence and methods of treatment

Causes and treatment of chalazion century:

How is surgery to remove the chalazion:

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