Childhood Diseases

Swollen lymph nodes in the neck of the child. The reasons are increased if the neck with one hand behind the ear, on the back of the head for a long time. What to do, how to treat

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Swollen lymph nodes in the neck may not always be the consequence of a harmless child blowing. In some cases, the phenomenon may be a sign of serious abnormalities requiring immediate consultation with a specialist.

The following article will teach parents to diagnose lymph node enlargement in children, tells about the possible consequences and suggest to some doctor and as soon as it is most expedient to apply in order to avoid a protracted course of the disease.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Reasons for increase in the lymph nodes on the neck of a child
  • 2 Diagnosis of swollen lymph nodes in the neck in children
  • 3 The dimensions of the lymph nodes: the norm and deviation
  • 4 Symptoms of inflammation of the lymph nodes
  • 5 How to treat the lymph nodes on the neck of a child
  • 6 Drug treatment of enlarged lymph nodes
  • 7 Ultrahigh frequency therapy
  • 8 Surgical intervention
  • 9 Treatment of folk remedies for swollen lymph nodes
  • 10 What not to do with the inflammation of the lymph nodes
  • 11 When and to what doctor it is necessary to address
  • insta story viewer
  • 12 Possible complications of inflammation of lymph nodes
  • 13 Prevention of inflammation of lymph nodes in the child
  • 14 Video of inflammation of the lymph nodes in children, causes and treatment

Reasons for increase in the lymph nodes on the neck of a child

Lymph nodes in the human body responsible for cleansing continuously circulating through the lymph vessels. The need for timely diagnosis, and determine the cause of the increase of this kind of "filters" is due they perform a vital function in the body, including the children.

Inflamed lymph nodes on the neck of the child most often arise in the case of:

  • catarrhal diseases of viral nature in a small body;
  • an infection of the throat region of different origin (measles, rubella, and so on);
  • damage to the integrity of the skin feline claws triggers inflammation in the child's body due to the strong contact of the animal into the circulatory system;
Causes and treatment of inflamed lymph nodes on the neck of a child with one hand behind the ear, on the back of the head
In the diagram, the reasons for inflammation of lymph nodes on the child's neck.
  • presence of inflammation in the oral cavity;
  • of malignant tumors;
  • disrupt the normal metabolic processes.

Diagnosis of swollen lymph nodes in the neck in children

Determine swollen lymph nodes in the neck in the home is possible using an external child seat inspection and verification of the potential for inflammatory pain.

Primarily for primary diagnosis of the existence of "deviation" in the art necessary to evaluate the appearance of the neck.

Upon detection of "suspicious" of redness or "bulging" areas, apply slight pressure on the inflamed area, turning at the same time attention to their degree of hardness and the reaction of the child relating to possible pain on palpation of increased lymph nodes.

Causes and treatment of inflamed lymph nodes on the neck of a child with one hand behind the ear, on the back of the head

In most cases the development of lymphadenitis (swollen lymph nodes) in the neck region on the parent will be possible to detect the inspected portion of the body "balls", with diameter up to 5 cm or more.

At the touch of enlarged lymph "filters" are solid, and when you click on them, the baby is likely to be complaining about the sharp pain. The skin around the sore area turns red, becomes more sensitive, it may start to peel off.

The dimensions of the lymph nodes: the norm and deviation

Normally, a healthy baby diameter of lymph nodes varies in the range from 0.5 to 1 cm. After infectious disease in some instances the attenuated organism little man "gives reaction" in the form of an increase to 3 or more centimeters.

Causes and treatment of inflamed lymph nodes on the neck of a child with one hand behind the ear, on the back of the head

This process is considered to be natural and do not require further treatment, is known among skilled professionals as lymphadenopathy. Such a state of the lymph "filters" can persist for long periods of time (one year), and can remain for a lifetime, without causing the baby any discomfort.

Cause for concern and immediate consultation with a specialist should be:

  • "Bad" blood count against the backdrop of increasing "filter assembly" in the neck;
  • dysfunction of the lymph nodes identified by the ultrasound;
  • a progressive increase in the growth of swollen lymph nodes or a sharp increase in pain when palpation.

Symptoms of inflammation of the lymph nodes

Swollen lymph nodes in the neck of the child can be defined not only by direct examination, but also in the analysis of changes in the behavior or state of health of the baby.

Causes and treatment of inflamed lymph nodes on the neck of a child with one hand behind the ear, on the back of the head

In the usual behavior of the child in the event of significant changes of the inflammatory process observed in the lymph nodes, there is:

  • weakness, lethargy;
  • lethargy, drowsiness;
  • loss of appetite due to pain on swallowing food;
  • headache or toothache;
  • fever.
Causes and treatment of inflamed lymph nodes on the neck of a child with one hand behind the ear, on the back of the head

Upon detection of one of these symptoms, evidence of progressive disease in the child's body, parents should immediately check the status of the lymph nodes in the body of his child.

How to treat the lymph nodes on the neck of a child

Swollen lymph nodes in the neck of the child can be treated only with proper determination of their causes. In most cases sufficient to use folk remedies and compliance with doctor recommendations Admission antibacterial or antiviral drugs for 7 - 10 days.

However, in more severe cases, or in the absence of positive dynamics in a state swollen lymph nodes, you may need physiotherapy and, in rare cases, even surgery.

Drug treatment of enlarged lymph nodes

Drug treatment for swollen lymph nodes assumes paramount to determine the nature of the disease, inflammation provoked them. In case of a bacterial infection that attacks the ENT - organs, the child will be assigned to antibacterial drugs in the form of suspensions, tablets or syrup.

Causes and treatment of inflamed lymph nodes on the neck of a child with one hand behind the ear, on the back of the head

Upon detection of viral disease is expedient reception antivirals, e.g., Anaferon, Ergoferon and others. With the ineffectiveness of the considered type of therapy in relieving inflammation of lymph "filter", the doctor may be offered to other, more serious methods of elimination system dysfunction.

Ultrahigh frequency therapy

UHF - therapy is a physical therapy treatment of inflammatory processes in the neck area of ​​a child, by means of the use of ultra-high frequency electromagnetic fields.

The generated medical apparatus heat penetrates deep into the subcutaneous layers of muscle tissue, thus providing anti-inflammatory, regenerating and anesthetic action.

Causes and treatment of inflamed lymph nodes on the neck of a child with one hand behind the ear, on the back of the head

The average duration of the treatment varies between 5 and 15 minutes, Depending on the complexion a little patient and "neglect" of the disease. This time, even when the maximum exponent is acceptable to locate the child at standstill with its neck fixed to the electrode plates.

Surgical intervention

Surgical intervention in the solution of our problems with the health of the child is assigned rarely. This fact is due to the need for surgery under general anesthesia, heavy transferring the child's body, weakened during progressive inflammatory process.

If your doctor detects the fact zagnoeniya affected area of ​​skin on the neck hold special manipulation for opening the suppurative focus. After removing the non-functional part of the lymph nodes and accumulated in this area pus, a surgeon handles the "working" surface and then carefully sutured.

Causes and treatment of inflamed lymph nodes on the neck of a child with one hand behind the ear, on the back of the head

If appropriate in the operated zone can also contain a medical tube, suction residues pus from the inflamed area.

Treatment of folk remedies for swollen lymph nodes

Despite the practical proof the effectiveness of treatment for swollen lymph nodes folk remedies, they must be applied only in conjunction with medication, is a qualified specialists.

To reduce the lymph node in the neck of the child's size, traditionally used:

  • garlic (2 heads of garlic pour 5 cups of boiling water and insist 3 days, stirring the resulting mixture in the mornings and evenings - 2 times a day. Dosage Hour obtained tincture for a child - 0.5 - 1 teaspoon three times a day, 2 hours after meals);
Causes and treatment of inflamed lymph nodes on the neck of a child with one hand behind the ear, on the back of the head
  • blueberries (Pour fresh fruit with warm water in a ratio of 1: 5, crushed and infuse 3 hour. Due maximum naturalness and "benign" main ingredient properties can take the resulting mixture in an amount in which the child wants itself);
  • chamomile leaves (1 tablespoon of chamomile flowers add 200 ml of water and bring to boil. "Enduring" tincture of heat for 10 - 15 minutes, it is necessary to cool down, thereby giving the "real". The resulting solution of the child needs to be gargling every 1 - 3 hours before the onset of visible improvement).

What not to do with the inflammation of the lymph nodes

To reduce the risk of complications and a sharp deterioration in the status of the child, parents is not recommended at lymphadenitis:

  • to warm the affected area;
  • rubbing or massaging the inflamed site;
  • give the child medicine or independently appoint compresses, physiotherapy and so on.
Causes and treatment of inflamed lymph nodes on the neck of a child with one hand behind the ear, on the back of the head

Otherwise, the infectious "originators" of the inflammatory process becomes more active in their dissemination of child's body, thus affecting organs, circulatory and nervous systems, and even brain.

When and to what doctor it is necessary to address

Finding the child swelling in the neck, it is necessary to apply as soon as possible to pediatrician, TB doctor, infectious disease specialist, endocrinologist, surgeon, oncologist or hematologist for advice.

These specialists will be able to correctly identify the cause of the tumor to determine its degree of danger to life and health of the baby, to appoint competent treatment by modern methods of diagnosis of this type of diseases.

Possible complications of inflammation of lymph nodes

At untimely seeking medical care or prescribed treatment limfodenita illiterate children, several times increases the risk of complications, including:

  • weakened immunity;
  • fevers;
  • purulent inflammation, damaging the nearby lymph nodes, muscles and skin;
  • distribution of "swelling" on the face and the other side of the neck;
  • a sharp increase in body temperature, not giving an antipyretic drugs;
  • the emergence and development of neutrophilia.

Prevention of inflammation of lymph nodes in the child

To ensure that the child has never collided with swollen lymph nodes, parents There are basic rules of prevention of and accustom limfodenita to this their child:

  • checkups not only a pediatrician but narrow specialists, such as a dentist and an otolaryngologist, able to appoint an additional examination with a view to, if necessary, to confirm or refute the existence of a "filter" of inflammation assembly;
  • regularly clean and rinse the mouth with special means, namely, teeth, tongue, cheeks and gums;
  • Avoid hypothermia and prolonged residence time of the child in the draft;
  • minimize the frequency of "collision" of a child with potential allergens;
  • strengthen the body in different ways, in particular, use as many vitamins, a healthy lifestyle, to harden.
Causes and treatment of inflamed lymph nodes on the neck of a child with one hand behind the ear, on the back of the head

Swollen lymph nodes in the neck may indicate as a natural "post-infectious" process, adjourned the body of the child and does not require treatment, and the presence of malignant neoplasms. Timely diagnosis and determining the causes of inflammation, as well as the appointment of the correct treatment - a guarantee of a favorable outcome of the situation.

Video of inflammation of the lymph nodes in children, causes and treatment

Swollen lymph nodes in children, the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky:

How to treat swollen lymph nodes:

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