Common Symptoms

Cold hands and feet. Causes in women, men, teenagers, children. Treatment of folk remedies, drugs

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Some people do not take into account issues such as cold hands and feet. The pathology can be caused by different reasons. Very important time to take the necessary measures to prevent the development of serious diseases.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Causes of cold extremities
    • 1.1 Among women
    • 1.2 men
    • 1.3 adolescents
    • 1.4 children
  • 2 disease
  • 3 serious disease treatment drugs
    • 3.1 Iron-deficiency anemia
    • 3.2 vasoneurosis
    • 3.3 Thyroid disease
    • 3.4 Diabetes
    • 3.5 Atherosclerosis
    • 3.6 osteochondrosis
    • 3.7 Raynaud's syndrome
  • 4 Traditional recipes
  • 5 Massage
  • 6 Physical exercise
  • 7 Videos about the causes of cold feet and hands

Causes of cold extremities

Cold hands and feet (the reasons of occurrence are different) can occur in people of any age.

Among women

At the fairer half of humanity the problem caused by such factors:

  • Vperiod childbearing expectant mother's feet are cooled because of failures in the activity of the thyroid gland and changes in hormonal levels.
  • Due VSD, which arises due to low stress. During pregnancy, the limbs are cold all the time.
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  • The jumps in blood pressure in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy.Cold hands and feet. Causes, treatment of folk remedies, drugs
  • Strong emotions, during which blood arteries become narrow and interfere with the blood to the tissues normalnomupritoku.
  • Low-calorie food. This group includes women who want to lose weight and regularly conducting various diets.
  • Dysfunction of the blood supply often caused by wearing tight products - jewelry, gloves and hours.
  • A lot of stress.
  • Anemia, implying a decrease in hemoglobin and an insufficient supply of oxygen to body cells.


If you are cold hands and feet of men, it may be indicative of such characteristics and irregularities:

  • Features of the structure of the body. Here podrazumevaetsyanepravilnoe structure of capillaries and excessive thinness.
  • VSD causes harm to the vessels.
  • Hypotension or hypertension.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system. When thyroid dysfunction reduces the production of hormones, the body gets tired and feet are cold.
  • Stressful situations promote release of the active elements in the body, thereby developing spasm capillaries and blood flow in the limbs process is disrupted.
  • Dehydration provokes cramps foot vessels.
  • Previous stroke or heart attack is a violation of the nervous stability, because of what the hands and feet cool.
  • Atherosclerosis contributes to the appearance of harmful cholesterol and impairs blood circulation.Cold hands and feet. Causes, treatment of folk remedies, drugs
  • single limb transferred frostbite can cause this pathology for a long time.


Cold hands and feet (the cause of the pathology studied by experts) are observed in adolescents.

Discomfort is often due to the following factors:

  • excessive load at school;
  • stressful situations;
  • lack of exercise;
  • smoking;
  • sleep disorders and established a daily routine;
  • too much warm clothing;
  • significant dehydration.


If the children are cold hands and feet, it can be caused by such factors:

  • excessive heat (at zakutyvanii in warm clothes) can disrupt the blood circulation;
  • in infants feet are cold due to the underdeveloped heat;
  • a weak immune system or low hemoglobin levels;Cold hands and feet. Causes, treatment of folk remedies, drugs
  • a child between the ages of 4 and 7 years old, this pathology can be triggered by the rapid growth of the organism;
  • irregular and meager diet;
  • deviations in the thyroid gland;
  • chill and wearing shoes, compressing the legs;
  • flu or cold provokes temperature increases simultaneously with cooling of limbs.


Cold hands and feet (the reasons of occurrence depend on the characteristics of the organism, and acquired pathological processes) may be symptomatic following diseases:Cold hands and feet. Causes, treatment of folk remedies, drugs

Title Features
Diabetes Affects the small and large capillaries, there is fragility and susceptibility to thrombosis
Anemia Under reduced hemoglobin oxygen deteriorates the inflow to the cells, which impairs the process of heat transfer and metabolism
Raynaud's Developing a neurosis vessels and increases the intensity of arterial spasms. In this case a human patient limb not tolerate low temperature
endarteritis Because thrombus formation and vasoconstriction blood flow slows
phlebostasis In addition to cooling the extremities, causing swelling and pain
IRR The most common cause of cold hands and feet, often found among the younger generation
blood pressure fluctuations The blood supply is inhibited in vascular spasm during the growth of blood pressure. If hypotension legs cooled due to the slow movement of blood through the vessels
hypothyroidism Slows heat transfer process in the body and appears cold sensations
Atherosclerosis Provokes the deposition of excess cholesterol in the walls of blood vessels, which would destabilize the circulation

serious disease treatment drugs

When poor performance of non-drug therapy using drugs that are selected individually by the attending physician. This takes into account type of violation and the severity of the disease.

Iron-deficiency anemia

To get rid of the anemia should take medicaments containing iron and ascorbic acid. They are produced in the form of capsules and tablets. Correct reception involves the oral route of administration at dose strictly fixed, while their not liquid, it is necessary to wash down a large volume of water. Cold hands and feet. Causes, treatment of folk remedies, drugs

Optimal dosage iron entering the human body, is 2 mg per 1 kg body weight.

Best tablet products:

  • tardiferon;
  • Maltofer;
  • Ferroopleks;
  • Feozol;
  • Sorbifer.

When aggressive form of anemia prescribed medicines by intravenous injection. They reach a maximum concentration after 40 min. after administration.

List of effective drugs:

  • Ektofer;
  • Kosmofer;
  • Ferlatum;
  • Infed.

Of vitamin complexes should opt for these funds:

  • Complivit;
  • Vitakap;
  • Theravit.


To reduce the activity of the sympathetic part of the nervous system comprising prescribed means magnesium, natural sedatives, antispasmodics as papaverine, and antidepressants. nootropic drugs, caffeine and herbal adaptogens (ginseng, Siberian ginseng) are used to lower parasympathetic tone.

A list of some of the drugs:

  • meksidol stabilizes blood circulation and mental activity, relieves anxiety and dizziness. Initially patients receive treatment according to Table 1-2. 2 r. a day, then go to 3-time use.Cold hands and feet. Causes, treatment of folk remedies, drugs
  • tenotome increases stress and reduces anxiety. The effect of their use manifests itself after some time. The recommended dose of the homeopathic preparation comprises receiving 1-2 capsules from 2 to 4 p. per day. The treatment course lasts 2-3 months.
  • Neyromultivit stabilizes the nervous apparatus of the activities, eliminate neuralgia and dystonia. Multivitamin complex involves taking 1-3 capsules per day for 1 month.
  • novopassit It represents sedative made of vegetable components. He was appointed the appearance of anxiety, insomnia and mental stress. The drug was diluted in the drinking water and 5 mL of 3 r. per day.

Thyroid disease

In hypothyroidism (lower hormone levels) observed in human extremities cooling even at normal temperatures.Cold hands and feet. Causes, treatment of folk remedies, drugs

In this case shows the following products:

  • Tireoidine It takes as much time as it takes to stabilize the heart rate and the normalization of cholesterol levels. Adults are advised to consume at 0.05-0.2 g a day with an interval of 1 day.
  • Tireotom. The average daily rate for patients of all ages 2-2.5 tablets a day.
  • Endonorm use of the capsule 1 2-3 p. a day for 15 minutes. before a meal. The treatment course is carried out for 1-2 months.
  • Kaustikum (Homeopathic remedy) is shown the elderly. It should take 10 cap. every 15 min. for 2 hours. When a marked effect of the drug can be increased to 3 times in the same dosage.


The cause of the discomfort of cold hands and feet can act diabetes. In this case, degraded blood flow and reduced heat transfer.

For the treatment of diseases such drugs are shown:

  • metformin take 500 mg of p 2-3. a day after meals for protyazhenii10-15 days. Reserve dosage - 3000 mg per day, divided into 3 r.
  • Glyurenorm appoint 0.5 tablets with meals. The maximum dose must not be higher than 2 pcs. in a day.
  • Pioglar use 1 p. per day, regardless of the meal. Tablet is not recommended to chew, and drink plenty of water. If necessary, the rate of increase up to 2 pcs.


Atherosclerosis take such drugs:

  • niacin shows an adult at a dosage of from 2 to 3 g per day for 3-4 times.Cold hands and feet. Causes, treatment of folk remedies, drugs
  • clofibrate use inside a capsule of 0.25 g of active ingredient. The recommended daily dose is 2-3 pieces. 1 p. On the day you need to make 3 admission. Therapeutic course zanimaet20-30 days.
  • Cardiostatin start drinking po20-40 mg per day. If necessary, increase the dose every 4 weeks. Reserve daily dose - 80 mg for 1-2 p.


As a vasodilator therapy in osteochondrosis it is recommended to take such drugs:

  • trental administered intravenously. For etogo100-500 mg of the active ingredient is dissolved in the same volume of Ringer's solution and 0.9% sodium chloride liquid, whereupon poured 1-2 p. per day. Duration dropper - a minimum of 60 minutes.
  • aktovegin in tablet form appoint 1-2 tablets per day, for children from 3 years of age the dose should be reduced to 3 p. The duration of the treatment course takes 4-6 weeks.
  • Barlition take 1 capsule per day on an empty stomach for 30 minutes. before breakfast.

Raynaud's syndrome

Raynaud's syndrome can be successfully treated these operating agents:

  • nifedipine consumed in an average daily dosage of -10 mg for 2-3 hours. Reserve daily rate of vasodilator drugs - 80 mg.
  • dipyridamole decreases blood viscosity. It is taken daily in an amount of 1-3 tablets of 75 mg over several times.Cold hands and feet. Causes, treatment of folk remedies, drugs
  • pentoxifylline 2-4 designate dragees 2-3 p. in a day. Daily norm should not contain more than 1.2 g of active ingredient.

Traditional recipes

Cold hands and feet (the reasons determined by a doctor) can cure these operating popular recipes:

  • Alcohol compress involves wetting the bottom of the x / b socks vodka or alcohol. Before putting on their feet should be heated in hot water. Top socks, wear wool underwear.
  • Salt foot baths. For their preparation requires dissolve in 1 liter of hot pure water 2 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt and pour back 10 cap. rosemary or clove oil and 2 tbsp. l. milk. This solution will help to warm the feet and soften the skin feet and satiate its nutrients.
  • 4, p. per year with an interval of 2 months it is recommended to do a course in order to stabilize the blood supply Its duration -1 month. For this it is necessary to produce drinking a mixture of the following ingredients:
  1. 1 tbsp. carrot juice, horseradish, beets.
  2. Nectar of 1 lemon.
  3. 1 tbsp. honey.

The composition preferably stored in a refrigerator for 2 p to use. per day for 2 tablespoons. l. 30 min. before meals.

  • With the help of apple cider vinegar rubbed the hands and feet and legs. The procedure helps relieve spasms, to dissolve blood clots. must be treated with cold extremities areas of pure vinegar. After 5 min. insulate them for 15 minutes.Cold hands and feet. Causes, treatment of folk remedies, drugs
  • Pepper burning is applied to the desired area of ​​the body, then wrapped it. Pre-areas of the body should lubricate fat cream.
  • From flowering fruit of Sophora is necessary to make the infusion (50 g of raw sugar and 0.5 liters vodka and insist). Take 1 h. l. 3 r. per day for 4 months.
  • Tincture mistletoe shown at destabilize AD. Method of manufacturing means:
  1. 1 h. l. chopped herbal leaves pour 1 tbsp. boiled water.
  2. The resulting composition over night brew.
  3. Drink 2 tablespoons. l. for 20 min. before meals for 4 months.
  • To restore the operation of vessels and warming the hands and feet fit the below recipe:Cold hands and feet. Causes, treatment of folk remedies, drugs
  1. Prepare 2 tablespoons. l. mustard powder, 1 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt and cut in half red hot peppers.
  2. All components are sent to a glass container and top up to 0.5 liters of vodka.
  3. Container cover and put in a dark place for 1 week. Composition desirable to periodically shake.
  4. The finished tincture should be red.
  5. Moisten a cotton swab in the grease composition of their upper and lower limbs, and then wrap them.
  6. The procedure is done for 2 weeks -1 month.


massage is recommended to get rid of the feeling of cold hands and feet, as well as to improve circulation:

  • Walking barefoot, taking into account the precautions.
  • Point involves massaging biologically active points stimulation. It helps to improve blood flow and fill the body with energy and warmth.Cold hands and feet. Causes, treatment of folk remedies, drugs
  • Fingerprints on the foot to the knee should massage the legs with ginger and cinnamon oils.
  • Classic massage techniques with the use of warm-up formulations to help warm the body, activate blood circulation and warm the cold extremities.
  • To massage the feet. This requires grease oil or cream and foot massage movements reinforced the right lower limb, moving from the ankles up. After that you need to drop back to the foot while tapping with your fingertips on the tibia. The procedure should be complete circular smoothings knee. The same procedure was repeated on the other limb.
  • To massage the hands with aromatic oils.

Physical exercise

should do physical exercises to activate the blood supply:

  • his feet shaking. It is necessary to go back to a smooth surface, then raise the lower and upper limbs was under it 900 relative to the body and shake them for 1 min.Cold hands and feet. Causes, treatment of folk remedies, drugs
  • Reed. It provides position, lying on his stomach. The body in this case is better to relax, and the legs bent at the knee joints. In this position you need to gently swing your legs, so they hold out to the buttocks.
  • Massaging nuts. It is necessary to take the whole nuts walnuts and pinch them between your palms. Then, by applying a force should be to roll them for 3 minutes. Similar actions are done by means of a foot. Exercise repeat 2-3 p. per day.
  • When sedentary lifestyle is recommended every 15 minutes. rise up and knead the lower and upper limbs.
  • Regularly go swimming or jogging.

Frequent cold sensation in the hands and feet can be not only a feature of the body, but also indicate the development of various diseases. To find out the causes of this discomfort is not necessary to self-medicate, and it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

Videos about the causes of cold feet and hands

Elena Malysheva talk about the reasons for cold hands:

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