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Androstenedione is elevated in women. What is it the norm hormone, is responsible for what, when to pass on what day of the cycle, when planning a pregnancy, the reasons for rejection

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The normal level of hormones provides not only physical health, well-being and reproductive function of women, but her emotional state. The most important hormone that regulates the activity of the reproductive system - androstenedione. If it is raised, it causes in women hormonal changes that eventually lead to infertility.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is androstenedione, and its norm for the body
  • 2 Reasons for increasing androstenedione
  • 3 Symptoms of increased levels of androstenedione
  • 4 Diagnosis androstenedione levels
  • 5 Prevention increasing androstenedione
  • 6 Methods for the treatment of elevated levels of androstenedione
    • 6.1 drug therapy
    • 6.2 Traditional methods
    • 6.3 Other methods
  • 7 complications
  • 8 Video of androstenedione and the reasons for his departure from the norm in women

What is androstenedione, and its norm for the body

Androstenedione - a steroid hormone present in the blood of both sexes. In women, it is synthesized by the ovaries and the adrenal cortex partially. Although he refers to androgens, the male sex hormone, it directly affects the production of female sex hormones - estrogen.

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Estrogen include:

  • estradiol;
  • estrone;
  • estriol.

At the stage of fetal development, they stimulate the formation of the female genital organs, and then provide them with the proper functioning of the menstrual cycle and reproductive function. They form the appearance of representatives of the "fair sex": breast development, lack of facial hair, especially figures and voices. Estrone, the second hormone value, formed from the androstenedione.

A woman's body produces androstenedione permanently since birth, but the amount varies at different stages of life. On average, 8 years, the content of this hormone increases sharply, and then increases incrementally until it reaches 30 years. At the age of thirty androstenedione production is greatest, and after 30 - it begins to decrease gradually.

Androstenedione is elevated in women. That is, the norm, is responsible for what, when to pass, the reason for rejection

The content of this hormone is measured in nanograms per 100 ml of blood.

Normal values ​​are as follows:

  • 20-290 ng / 100 ml - within a month after birth;
  • 5-68 ng / 100ml - from 1 month to one year;
  • 8-50 ng / 100 ml - from one year to 10 years;
  • 8-247 ng / 100 ml - from ten years to age;
  • 85-275 ng / 100 ml - 18 years and older.

For this hormone fluctuations of its level characteristic: in the morning, at the time of ovulation, menstruation and before it reaches a maximum amount. If androstenedione content is within normal limits, it is converted to estrone. If its concentration is much higher than normal, it may begin to be converted into testosterone, which leads to severe hormonal crash.

Reasons for increasing androstenedione

Androstenedione is elevated in women during pregnancy, and this is natural. For a pregnant woman the norm is to increase hormone levels, because after conception, a woman's body is rebuilt in the child bearing and the embryo begins to develop actively.

There are studies in which the level of androgens, including androstenedione during pregnancy It can affect the formation of the individual features of the child's character and even his future sexual preferences. Unambiguous confirmation of this data is not present.

Doctors do not believe the increased number of androstenedione during pregnancy pathological and are not engaged in his treatment. After birth, its amount is often returned to the normal value.

Androstenedione is elevated in women. That is, the norm, is responsible for what, when to pass, the reason for rejection
Polycystic ovarian disease is one of the pointed to increased androstenedione in women.

In other cases, the growth of the content of this hormone cause disease:

  • polycystic ovaries - violation ovarian operation, adrenal gland, pancreas, and pituitary gland, causing the excess production of androgens and estrogens;
  • hypercorticoidism - a syndrome that occurs as a result of effects on the excess amount of adrenocortical hormones. It can cause tumors, disruption of pituitary hormones or overdose drugs in the treatment of adrenal diseases;
  • osteoporosis - a disease caused by a violation of metabolic processes in the human bones and the subsequent formation of brittle bones;
  • stromal hyperplasia Ovarian Syndrome - benign tumors in the ovarian tissue is sometimes considered a severe form of polycystic ovaries;
  • congenital adrenal hyperplasia - a genetic disorder resulting in a failure of the adrenal glands work;
  • ovarian cancer and other malignant tumors.

In all cases the increase androstenedione caused by the disease, measures to reduce its amount are undertaken in parallel with the treatment of the underlying disease.

Symptoms of increased levels of androstenedione

Symptoms androstenedione excessive level due to its effects on the body. If the woman is healthy, it is converted into estrogen. If it produces too much, it promotes the formation of an excess of male hormones and changes in health and appearance of women.

Androstenedione is elevated in women. That is, the norm, is responsible for what, when to pass, the reason for rejection

Androstenedione is elevated in women who have signs of masculinization:

  • menstrual disorders, and even its termination;
  • discharge of blood out of the uterus;
  • voice change downward and coarsening;
  • the appearance of hair on the face, chest, excessive body hair on arms and legs;
  • the development of muscle tissue in the upper part of the body, changing the shape;
  • acne;
  • thinning of hair on the head, down to focal baldness;
  • strengthening of sweat secretion, change in smell.

If hormone levels increase during childhood, it can lead to premature development of the genital organs, change their proportions.

Some women engaged in power sports, weightlifting or bodybuilding, tend to quickly gain muscle mass and begin to take supplements in food or medications that increase the level of androstenedione.

Androstenedione is elevated in women. That is, the norm, is responsible for what, when to pass, the reason for rejection

But the human endocrine system - a complex self-regulating complex, which interfere with the work without the need for and under the supervision of a physician, you should not.

It is important to know that taking androgens can increase muscle mass, but their excessive number causes damage to the female body:

  • destabilizes flooring and other internal organs;
  • It leads to failure of the menstrual cycle;
  • violates the reproductive function.

Excess levels of androstenedione results in the fact that a woman can not conceive or bear fruit.

Diagnosis androstenedione levels

The presence of a woman a few of these symptoms - an unambiguous recommendation for treatment to the doctor. Diagnosis androstenedione levels in the body can make an endocrinologist, gynecologist, endocrinologist or gynecologist, and a pediatrician, if the symptoms manifested in the child.

The main method of diagnosis of the content of androstenedione in the body - linked immunosorbent blood test. The biochemical laboratory, the patient take blood from a vein and add reagents that change the color of the plasma. The intensity of the color change and the final hue determine the level of the hormone. This analysis is accurate, but for an objective result is required to comply with a number of conditions.

Research is conducted on the following days:

  1. If a woman's menstrual cycle lasts 28 days, blood sampling is performed in the second to fifth day cycle.
  2. If the cycle is more than 28 days, you need to take the analysis from the fifth to the seventh day.
  3. If the short cycle - 21-23 days, the blood is taken on the second or third day of the cycle.
Androstenedione is elevated in women. That is, the norm, is responsible for what, when to pass, the reason for rejection

In appointing the analysis necessary to put a doctor aware of all medications, including hormonal, that woman takes. Hormonal contraceptives, despite the low dose of hormones, distort test results. 3-4 weeks before delivery of the analysis of their receiving end.

Rules for the preparation for delivery of the analysis:

  1. During the 3 days prior to blood sampling is important to avoid physical and emotional overload.
  2. Within 2 days - a diet: to remove from the menu fried, fatty and spicy.
  3. Within 1 day - do not drink alcohol.
  4. Within 3 hours prior to analysis - to give up smoking.

Analysis surrender in the morning, on an empty stomach, only allowed reception clean, mineral water. During the month, the level of androstenedione in woman's blood varies, because of what the correct interpretation of the results of his hand over several menstrual cycles in a row.

Androstenedione is elevated in women. That is, the norm, is responsible for what, when to pass, the reason for rejection

In addition to the blood test, the doctor prescribes:

  • study of other hormones - testosterone, progesterone, cortisol, and other;
  • Thyroid ultrasound;
  • Renal ultrasound and pelvis;
  • roentgen kidney and adrenal glands.

These surveys are designed to identify the reasons for increasing or decreasing the level of androstenedione.

Prevention increasing androstenedione

Normal hormones - a fundamental indicator of the body's health. If the body is healthy, then the hormones are working properly. The main preventive measure for increasing androstenedione is a healthy lifestyle. Androstenedione is elevated in women who often tend to starve or to change the weight dramatically.

Hormones can be adjusted, observing the general principles of good nutrition:

  • abandon acute, smoked and fatty foods;
  • limit consumption of canned, fried and spicy foods;
  • reduce the consumption of fast carbohydrates;
  • increase the amount of protein foods, including vegetable protein;
  • enter into a steady diet of plenty of vegetables and fruits;
  • reduce the consumption of sugar.
Androstenedione is elevated in women. That is, the norm, is responsible for what, when to pass, the reason for rejection

A healthy diet, adherence to the norms of daily calorie menu allows you to control the weight and ensure a healthy percentage of body fat. Provoking factor hormonal disruptions in the female body - strict diet, a habit of periodically arrange fasting and dramatic weight fluctuations.

It is important to give up bad habits, do not abuse alcohol, do not smoke or take drugs.

It is mandatory to show the correct exercise, frequent walks in the fresh air, active sports. It is important to avoid overexertion. If possible, ensure the absence of stress and psycho-emotional health, in particular, can learn the basics of meditation, or find other ways to relax.

For the prevention of a gynecologist should visit at least 2 times a year, as well as periodic blood tests and do ultrasound of the thyroid gland and other organs. Mandatory condition preventing high levels of this hormone - early treatment of diagnosed diseases.

Acceptance of dietary supplements, vitamins or any supplements, including herbal, you must agree with the doctor. This is especially true steroids and hormonal agents.

Methods for the treatment of elevated levels of androstenedione

Traditionally modern medicine to treat recommends increase of androstenedione in women with medication. regimens depend on the cause of the hormone levels of growth and are selected by the attending physician to each patient individually. Self-medication can not only help, but also aggravate the disease.

drug therapy

Androstenedione is elevated in women with a strong hormonal failure.

To restore the correct hormone are assigned the following medications:

  • Combination oral contraceptives;
  • glucocorticoids;
  • drugs with antiestrogenic action;
  • drugs with antiandrogenic action.

Contraceptives are used most often, if the woman is not planning a pregnancy. Selection of oral contraceptives is made based on the patient's physician analyzes. Often prescribed "Yasmin", "Diane-35", "Janine."

Androstenedione is elevated in women. That is, the norm, is responsible for what, when to pass, the reason for rejection

How to use: one tablet daily, at one and the same time. Course: at least one year. Oral contraceptives contain lower doses of hormones, estrogen and progesterone, and do not harm the body. These medications restarts the endocrine system, eliminates hormonal disruptions and reduces the level of androstenedione.

These drugs have a number of contraindications and are not suitable patients who have:

  • thrombosis and tendency to them;
  • diabetes;
  • disease and hepatic tumors;
  • hypertension and others.

In case of failure of oral contraceptives, for reducing androstenedione doctors prescribed reception glucocorticoids:

  1. "Prednisolone". Dosing: 5-10 mg / day orally after meals. Course: until recovery.
  2. "Dexamethasone". Dosing: 0.5-1.0 mg / day orally after meals. Course: until recovery.

These are preparations of adrenal hormones and they are used only if the androstenedione level rise caused by the malfunction of this body. Receiving glucocorticoids is strictly prohibited, if a high level of androstenedione associated with Cushing's syndrome.

When planning a pregnancy used drugs with an anti-estrogen effect, for example, "Clomiphene".

Mode of application:

  1. The first 5 days - 50 mg / day.
  2. If pregnancy has not occurred - 100-200 mg / day.

Course: Treatment continues until pregnancy. It regulates the activity of the ovaries and pituitary, and normalizes the menstrual cycle, stimulates ovulation. It is often recommended for the treatment of infertility.

Drugs with antiandrogenic action - "Cyproterone acetate." Method of use: 100 mg / day, orally after meals. Reception begins on the day of onset of menses and lasts for 10 days. Course: 6 months.

Androstenedione is elevated in women. That is, the norm, is responsible for what, when to pass, the reason for rejection

Designed to reduce the production of androgens, including androstenedione. In parallel with the reception of a medicament for lowering the level of androstenedione, conducted a comprehensive treatment causes its increase.

Traditional methods

Traditional medicine does not give unequivocal recommendations, what to do if androstenedione increased. The main direction of the treatment of this problem in women is considered to be the normalization of hormone production through the use of herbal infusions and intended to establish a hormonal background.

The positive side of their application - no excessive side effects. Herbal teas and do not supply the body artificial hormones, and contribute to the proper working of the endocrine system. The negative side of the reception of such teas and infusions - unpredictability of the reaction to them.

No one can accurately predict how the body will react every woman to receive individual herbs. Before taking herbal obligatory consultation with the attending physician.

Only he can analyze the safety of the combination of various herbs with medication. To normalize the level of androstenedione, traditional medicine recommends acceptance of herbs with estrogen-like properties or anti-androgenic effect.

Androstenedione is elevated in women. That is, the norm, is responsible for what, when to pass, the reason for rejection

The following herbs have anti-androgenic properties used to treat increasing androstenedione:

  1. Palmetto extract. Dosing: 2 capsules a day, orally after meals, in liquid form - 1 tsp in a day. Course: 6 weeks if there were positive results - until recovery. It has a strong anti-androgenic effect. Not only helps to reduce the amount of androgen in the blood of women, but also as a whole to adjust its hormones. It contains phytosterols that reduce cholesterol.
  2. Prostrate summer cypress. Method of use: 100 ml of broth from K. prostrata fruit, 4 times per day. Recipe broth 2 tablespoons K. prostrata fruit per 1 liter of water to boil - 20 minutes, for - 40 minutes, drain. Course: at least 3 months. It helps to establish the frequency of menstruation and to normalize the exchange of estrogen and progesterone. Also it has a stabilizing effect on the pituitary gland.
  3. Peppermint. Method of use: 250 ml tea, 2 times a day. tea recipe: 1 tbsp leaves in 1 cup boiling water, - 15 minutes, drain. Course: at least one year. It is used to reduce the production of androgens often than others. Drinking mint ball can reduce the elevated levels of androstenedione. To achieve a permanent effect it is required to make mint tea on a regular basis throughout the year.
  4. Blooming Sally. Method of application: 1 tablespoon infusion, 3 times a day before meals. Recipe tincture: 1 tbsp leaves to 1 cup of boiling water - 2 hours, strain. Course: 3 months, then a break - 1 month and again. Anti-inflammatory effect, treats diseases of the sexual sphere. Reduces the male sex hormones in women contributes to the proper operation of the sex hormones. It recommended for infertility.
  5. Peony. Method of application: 1 tablespoon infusion, 3 times a day before meals. Recipe tincture: 1 tsp roots to 3 cups of boiling water - half an hour, drain. Dosages not exceed, as a rhizome toxic. Course: 3 months. It promotes the establishment of a regular menstrual cycle and treatment of reproductive disorders. Used to treat mastopathy, myoma, and other diseases.

Also, intensive anti-androgenic effect have stevia, nettle, licorice root and other herbs.

For herbs with phytoestrogens include:

  • hop;
  • verbena;
  • St. John's wort;
  • Linden;
  • sage.

How you can apply extracts of individual herbs and herbal teas, but only after consultation with your doctor.

Other methods

If increased production of androstenedione is caused by benign or malignant tumors of the ovaries or adrenal glands, in addition to the medication, are shown:

  • chemotherapy;
  • surgical intervention.

After removal of the patient the doctor prescribes hormone replacement therapy, which after the start of hormone production should return to normal. Sometimes held cauterization of the ovaries.

Androstenedione is elevated in women. That is, the norm, is responsible for what, when to pass, the reason for rejection

They also include measures to reduce the external cosmetic displays a high level of androstenedione, including the removal of unwanted hair treatments:

  • Mechanical hair removal (shaving, waxing);
  • chemical hair removal (depilatory cream);
  • laser hair removal.


Increasing the level of androstenedione in the body of a complex effect on the physical and emotional condition of the woman. This problem not only disrupts the endocrine system, but also changes the appearance of its kind, creates a stressful situation for her psyche.

A serious complication of raising the level of androstenedione is the inability of a woman to become pregnant and bear a healthy child.

This state is in any case can not be ignored, because in some cases ill-timed visit to the doctor can result in infertility, or even death, if the levels of the hormone increase is associated with the occurrence of malignant neoplasms.

Hormones - a complex system, which determines the appearance of a woman, her physical, emotional and reproductive health. Androstenedione in women can be upgraded for various reasons, but in any case it is unsafe condition that requires prompt treatment.

Video of androstenedione and the reasons for his departure from the norm in women

Diagnosis and treatment of hyperandrogenism:

The adrenal hyperandrogenism is dangerous for women:

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