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Sick and dizzy, weak. What treatment, if there is no appetite, loose, blood pressure and heart rate, loss of coordination. Causes, symptoms of which women, men

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Many people from time to time feel fatigue, dizziness and nausea. The causes of such a plurality of senses from the banal food poisoning or SARS, to serious pathological problems with internal organs. The first thing to do - be sure to undergo clinical examination to identify and eliminate the causes.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Physiological causes of dizziness and nausea in women, men, children
  • 2 Dizziness, weakness and nausea as a symptom of disease
  • 3 Stroke
  • 4 Drug intoxication and food poisoning
  • 5 diseases of the brain
  • 6 Traumatic brain injury
  • 7 The defeat of the vestibular apparatus
  • 8 What if the sick, dizzy, there was a weakness: first aid
  • 9 Diagnosis of the Lab and hardware techniques
  • 10 Drug treatment of diseases
  • 11 Groups of the drugs, the names of effective remedies
  • 12 Folk remedies for dizziness and nausea
  • 13 Videos on the topic: nausea, weakness and dizziness. Causes and what to do treatment.

Physiological causes of dizziness and nausea in women, men, children

Dizziness - state of the organism in which there is loss of orientation in space, the occurrence of motion illusion with stable fixed position of the body. It is often accompanied by nausea and general weakness.

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State of vertigo may provoke the following factors:

  1. Effect of drugs. Such side effects have antibiotics.
  2. Diet. Because of dieting body is not getting enough nutrients, which causes a feeling of weakness, especially against physical and psychological stress.
  3. Weak vestibular system. Vertigo can occur after non-durable trips in any transport or active movement of surrounding objects.
    Nausea, weakness and dizziness. Cause and treatment
    Nausea, weakness and dizziness originates in the vestibular apparatus, and more!
  4. severe stress or shock, which interferes with the process flow to the brain, which is why there is oxygen starvation.
  5. Overwork. The head can be turned due to violation of sleep, excessive exercise and chaotic power.
  6. meteorological causes: Magnetic storms and atmospheric pressure fluctuations.

Dizziness, weakness and nausea as a symptom of disease

Nausea and dizziness can be either one-time or periodic in nature, it is necessary to determine the cause of the symptoms, in order to understand what to do. If these feelings are often concerned, this can be considered a marker of some disease.

The most common cause of vertigo can become such diseases:

  1. Whitening central nervous system (brain tumors, circulatory disorders, physical trauma, migraine, stroke) and peripheral nervous system (neuritis and neuralgia).
  2. Diseases of the inner ear: poor circulation, deposition of salts, high pressure liquid, infectious lesions.
  3. diseases of the eye.
  4. Poisoning. Intoxication many toxins enter the blood stream, which enter the brain and cause a feeling of vertigo.


The head can be turned often after a stroke, and accompanied by nausea. This is caused by the defeat and death of cells lobe of the brain responsible for vestibular balance. Usually vertigo is felt in every position of the body, almost always accompanied by vomiting and speech impairments.Nausea, weakness and dizziness. Cause and treatment

Sick and dizzy, weakness (what to do if these symptoms do not stop, tell the medical staff) - these effects may be signs of a stroke. The patient should be hospitalized immediately in order to prevent disease progression.

When vomiting occurs suddenly, without nausea, it is possible to speak of hemorrhagic stroke, in which there is significant bleeding in the brain. Symptoms are similar to a concussion.Nausea, weakness and dizziness. Cause and treatment

When discomfort occurs during the week, and then passed without consequences, we can talk about transferring microstroke. In such cases it is advisable to be diagnosed, since it is possible repetition of minor stroke or ischemic stroke later. Prompt medical attention can prevent the unfortunate consequences.

Drug intoxication and food poisoning

Symptoms of drug intoxication or food poisoning are significantly different, so recognize them much easier. If poisoning nausea is observed as long as the body is not completely get rid of toxic substances. Dizziness characterized by a sharp increase in the intensity at the first stage of poisoning, with a gradual decrease to the extent of recovery.

The reason is vertigo protective reaction of the organism, which tries as quickly as possible to get rid of harmful substances by vomiting, nausea, excessive sweating, and diarrhea.

Due to exposure to toxins in the brain observed:

  • noise in ears;
  • Blackouts;
  • loss of coordination;
  • apathy.

When drug intoxication blood stagnation occurs in the liver, resulting in loss of balance and coordination. It is necessary to replace a doctor or medical preparation on an analog or stop taking a course or appointed protectors drugs that protect the body and neutralizes negative consequences.

When food poisoning should clean the body, induce vomiting, in the later stages of applying an enema, as well as using absorbents. In cases of serious poisoning by prescription, can be taken as an antidote.

diseases of the brain

Cerebrovascular disease - common causes of vertigo, which is caused by insufficient blood supply to the vestibular center. This is due to the decrease in blood pressure that can lead to a sudden fall without loss of consciousness.Nausea, weakness and dizziness. Cause and treatment

Multiple sclerosis is often the cause of loss of orientation, accompanied by vomiting. When sclerosis may be a sudden loss of balance, especially when changing position, for example, if sharply rise.

Tumors of various types and stages have different symptoms, but almost always their development is accompanied by dizziness, nausea, and severe pain. Increasing the intensity of symptoms associated with a neoplasm growth which presses on individual brain regions and prevents the normal blood supply.

Increasing expression vertigo symptoms require immediate diagnosis, it is necessary to detect problems early.

Traumatic brain injury

If after a traumatic blow to the area of ​​the head, cervical spine, there was a sense of vertigo, nausea, having the urge to vomit, we can talk about getting a traumatic brain injury (most often shake brain). Nausea may occur abruptly at the turn of the head, tilting backwards or to the side.

Sick and dizzy, weakness (what to do in each case should be considered the doctor) - these can be signs of a head injury. Upon detection of such symptoms should carry out imaging of the brain.

The slightest damage to the head can lead to hemorrhage, brain injury separate fractions, damage to the skull, which is lethal injuries. Usually able to do a little concussion.Nausea, weakness and dizziness. Cause and treatment

To get rid of vertigo need:

  • to comply with special treatment drugs;
  • conduct gymnastics;
  • massage of the cervical spine;
  • observe the peace.

Total drug treatment duration is 1-2 months. But if nausea persists for 2 weeks, it is better to consult a doctor to adjust treatment.

The defeat of the vestibular apparatus

The defeat of the vestibular system is always accompanied by a sense of vertigo and mild nausea.

Among the causes of which we should mention:

  1. Physical trauma, associated with a concussion, fracture of the temporal bone or injury of the cervical spine, which is very often adversely affect the operation of the vestibular apparatus.
  2. Multiple sclerosis, Which eventually affects the operation vestibyulyarki, due to problems with the blood supply.
  3. Congenital abnormalities. Many patients who complain of dizziness, have inherent problems, which is why the vestibular system fails at high loads. These loads can be: the rotation of the head or the whole body, driving a car or other vehicle, an active movement of surrounding objects. Most often, such a disease can not be cured, for some it passes over the years, and some suffer a lifetime. The only solution - a drug reduces symptoms of dizziness, which can travel long distances without consequences.

What if the sick, dizzy, there was a weakness: first aid

Vertigo state requires mandatory diagnostics to identify the causes and treatment. No need to own, without consulting a doctor, to take any drugs.

But first aid to the sick person it is necessary to provide, especially if intense dizziness, accompanied by a loss of orientation and fall.

Sick and dizzy, fatigue - what to do to help someone:

  1. Patient should be put on a flat surface to protect it from falling.
  2. To normalize the blood circulation and increase blood flow to the head must be lifted up.Nausea, weakness and dizziness. Cause and treatment
  3. It is desirable to measure blood pressure.
  4. It is necessary to ventilate the room, so that the victim had access to fresh air, then you need to call a doctor.

If the patient feels weak, you should eat something sweet. Since there is often poor health due to a lack of glucose in the blood. Glucose from the food gets into the blood quickly, saving a person from feelings of weakness.

Taking medication is possible only if people have already faced a similar problem and has a doctor's prescription.

Diagnosis of the Lab and hardware techniques

If you experience vertigo symptoms should be treated to a family doctor. It is this specialist can determine the primary cause and give direction to highly specialized advice from a doctor (an ENT physician, ophthalmologist, neurologist or hematologist).

Family doctor prescribes, if the causes of vertigo is not associated with pathological diseases. If there is suspicion of pathology of the vestibular apparatus, the patient is engaged in a neurologist or ENT, in the case of anemia - haematologist therapist specializes in diseases of internal organs, in case of physical injuries the patient be referred to a traumatologist or surgeon.

Diagnosing the causes whirling head and nausea is carried out using the following methods:

  • superficial examination;
  • general and biochemical blood tests:
  • general urine analysis;
  • X-rays;
  • ultrasound examination of the brain vessels;
  • CT scan;
  • electroencephalogram;
  • cardiogram;Nausea, weakness and dizziness. Cause and treatment
  • MRI;

They allow you to accurately determine the causes nausea, weakness, dizziness, and assign the most effective treatment.

Drug treatment of diseases

Specialized products for the treatment of vertigo does not exist.

Among of drugs can be divided into two groups: the debilitating symptoms and affect the cause of the symptoms.

Sick and dizzy, weak - do in this case alone anything not recommended. Very often patients complain of migraine, in which the narrowing of cerebral blood vessels leads to weakness and dizziness. To get rid of the symptoms using analgesics and antiinflammatory agents. But to get rid of migraines is almost impossible, so you can only stop an attack.

When the inner ear pathologies ENT may designate steroids. With them, the inflammation is localized and eliminated. When blood pressure increase prescribers, expanding vessels.

Hypertensive crisis requires an immediate response, you can take medicines on their own, to the arrival of the doctor, but only if we are sure that the cause of vertigo at elevated pressure.

Groups of the drugs, the names of effective remedies

In the case of a migraine can be used painkillers, such as:

  • ibuprofen;Nausea, weakness and dizziness. Cause and treatment
  • Indomethacin.

At the same time to strengthen the vessels of the brain should be used:

  • Alesund;
  • Immigran;
  • Ergotamine.

For the treatment of inner ear pathologies are suitable preparations:

  • Reglan;
  • Fenegran.

People with high blood pressure can be taken:

  • capoten;
  • esmolol;
  • Corinfar.

can be used for ameliorating agents such as:

  1. cavinton - tablets, expanding brain vessels.Nausea, weakness and dizziness. Cause and treatment
  2. pipolfen - reduces the feeling of nausea, weakness, prevents vomiting.
  3. betaserk - eliminates tinnitus, increase the tone of the body and prevents the emergence of vertigo.

The above-mentioned drugs have contraindications, so their use should be carried out only after consulting your doctor. Not recommended for children, pregnant women, people suffering from liver disease and drivers.

Folk remedies for dizziness and nausea

Reduce the symptoms of vertigo can use folk remedies, but we must remember that to replace their full treatment is not possible. Similar methods and means used as recommended prophylaxis. The best remedy is herbal teas, herbal infusions and natural juices from fruits and vegetables.

Medicinal plants can be collected independently in the surrounding meadows and forests, purchased at pharmacies or grandmothers, who are engaged in their gathering. You can not strip the plants near the highways, industrial and agricultural fields, processed chemicals.

For the manufacture of natural juices need to pick only ripe products. In this case, if the fruits and vegetables have begun to deteriorate, it is better to refuse the use of these juices. Since the development of rot, toxic substances are distributed throughout the fruit.Nausea, weakness and dizziness. Cause and treatment

Melis Excellent help from vertigo, it should be drunk as a tea, insisting 1 tbsp. l. in the boiling water.
marjoram It is used for a month in small portions several times a day. The infusion should be done in a thermos with boiling water 2 tbsp Bay. l., leaving for the night.
Linden It should be used in conjunction with mint and peony root. Boil the leaves need in equal portions, usually 100 g Insist need about 10 hours.
natural juices
  • Carrot juice relieves fatigue and improves the immune system. For high efficiency it is recommended to drink approximately one liter per day. These properties are pomegranate juice, which effectively affects the circulatory system.
  • For patients suffering from anemia, it is recommended to drink pineapple juice.
  • In order to strengthen the cardiovascular system should drink the juice from young squash fruit.
Hawthorn You can apply tincture of hawthorn as a warming agent before the massage of the cervical spine and head.

If you feel sick and dizzy on a regular basis, to rationalize the power to completely abandon bad habits (alcohol, cigarettes), do a walk in the fresh air, to observe a healthy regime Sleep. At the slightest manifestation of more serious symptoms, such as vomiting and loss of consciousness is an urgent need to conduct a survey to identify possible disease in the early stages of its development.

PAPERS: Mila Friedan

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