Dental Disease

Stomatitis in adults. Causes and treatment, symptoms, photo in the mouth, on the tongue, gums, than to treat at home: medication, ointments, tablets

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Stomatitis in adults - is quite a common disease that causes inflammation of the oral mucosa. Its causes and treatment directly related to the kind of disease.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is stomatitis?
  • 2 The causes of stomatitis in the mouth
  • 3 Bacteria and viruses
  • 4 Food
  • 5 Injury oral
  • 6 types of diseases
    • 6.1 thrush
    • 6.2 aphthous
    • 6.3 catarrhal
    • 6.4 herpetic
    • 6.5 Allergic
    • 6.6 ulcerative
  • 7 Diagnostics
  • 8 How to treat catarrhal stomatitis easy for adults?
  • 9 Treatment of peptic ulcer forms
  • 10 Therapy with aphthous form Pathology
  • 11 Features of treatment of thrush
  • 12 Therapy in the form of herpetic disease
  • 13 Treatment of allergic stomatitis
  • 14 analgesics
  • 15 Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory drugs
  • 16 Antiviral, antifungal, anti-histamines
  • 17 Ointments, accelerating tissue healing
  • 18 Folk remedies against sores on the tongue, gums
  • 19 Undertreated complications stomatitis
  • 20 prevention
  • 21 Video of stomatitis in adults

What is stomatitis?

Stomatitis - is inflammation of the mucous lining of the mouth that is not uncommon. The disease begins with small ulcers located on the inner side of the cheeks, gums, under the tongue.

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The healing process may last from 4 days to 2 weeks. As a rule, the likelihood of re-infection is extremely low stomatitis. However, in some people, stomatitis occurs frequently, about 1 every 3-4 months, which indicates the presence of the chronic form of the disease.

It should be remembered infectiousness stomatitis, particularly the herpes and fungal forms.

The causes of stomatitis in the mouth

Mechanisms of development of the disease has not yet been fully explored. Experts are of the opinion that the blame for the impact of external factors on the human immune system. Thus, stomatitis may occur in the form of immune response to the particle, not amenable to recognition, which is reflected in increased activity of lymphocytes.

The causes of the disease:

  1. Gastrointestinal diseases: colitis, gastritis, duodenitis, infestation.
  2. Paste dentifrice with a high content of sodium lauryl sulfate having dehydrating properties. This material makes the oral mucosa extremely vulnerable to corrosive food acids.
  3. Experienced psycho-emotional stress.
  4. Changes in hormonal nature, occurring in the body (for example, the different phases of the menstrual cycle or during pregnancy).
  5. Genetic factors: if the parents suffered from stomatitis, the likelihood is high that the children will have this problem. In addition, the failure to comply with the principles of proper nutrition and dental hygiene during pregnancy may affect the baby's health.
  6. The presence of certain diseases (malignant tumors nasopharynx and oropharynx), provoking the appearance of frequent aphthous stomatitis species.
  7. Side effects after undergoing chemotherapy.
  8. Alcohol abuse and frequent cigarette smoking.
  9. Total dehydration resulting from suffering a disease.
  10. Dentures made from low-quality materials, or improperly installed.
    Causes and treatment of thrush in adults in the mouth, on the tongue, gums. Symptoms than to treat: drugs, ointments, tablets
  11. Improper or insufficient dental hygiene and oral health.

Bacteria and viruses

Stomatitis in adults, causes and treatment depend on which form of the disease often develops after the defeat of bacteria and viruses. Most often they are not the root cause of the occurrence of stomatitis, and only complicate the course of the disease.

This happens because in the oral cavity in a healthy condition present in certain bacteria amount, and in the development of stomatitis, some of them may become pathogenic and lengthen the flow disease.


Recent studies have shown the relationship of malnutrition, characterized by imbalance in the composition, with the incidence of stomatitis.

Very often there is a disease in the presence of:

  • vitamin deficiency;
  • Small amounts of zinc, iron and selenium in used products.

Stomatitis capable provoke allergies and expressed in individual intolerance products.

Foods with a high probability of causing allergies include:

  • cereals (barley, oats);
  • some fruits (citrus fruits, tomatoes, pineapples);
  • milk-containing liquid;
    Causes and treatment of thrush in adults in the mouth, on the tongue, gums. Symptoms than to treat: drugs, ointments, tablets
  • vinegar and mustard.

Injury oral

Frequent cases of stomatitis of injury due to the oral cavity:

  • soft tissue biting;
  • scratching gums fragment damaged tooth;
  • tissue injury jagged tooth crowns;
  • mucosal damage solid food;
  • chemical burn with acid or alkali.

Often these injuries are, without a trace of humans, but occasionally appear provocateurs of stomatitis.

types of diseases

Causes and symptoms of thrush in adults depends on whether his appearance struck the human oral cavity. They all have some common features, but, in general, different. Treatment of each species of the disease and its course have their own characteristics.


Candida species refers to a disease caused by a fungus, most often it affects children or adults who are in advanced age.

This species develops in periods:

  • long-term treatment with antibiotics;
  • of chronic disease.


  • burning sensation on the mucous membrane;
  • the occurrence of whitish plaque on the tongue and inside of the cheeks;
  • bleeding gums;
  • redness;
  • loss of taste.


The causes of canker sores believe the disease:

  • intestines and other digestive tract;
  • allergic reactions;
  • viral diseases;
  • rheumatism.

The symptoms of aphthous type:

  • appearance in the mouth of small ulcers (one or more);
    Causes and treatment of thrush in adults in the mouth, on the tongue, gums. Symptoms than to treat: drugs, ointments, tablets
  • deterioration;
  • increase the temperature;
  • pain in the location of the ulcers.

This disease may occur both in acute and in chronic forms, with multiple recurrent periods of exacerbations.


Catarrhal stomatitis refers to manifestations of allergic reactions in the form of light.

It is characterized by such symptoms:

  • redness;
  • occurrence of edema;
  • fusion of papillae on the tongue together, giving the impression of painted surface;
  • burning;
  • occurrences slightest, bleeding lesions of the mucous;
  • itching;
  • overdrying mucosa;
  • loss of sensation;
  • change the usual taste.


The causative agent of this species is herpetic stomatitis virus. Most often, infection occurs by the transfer of the carrier.

Causes and treatment of thrush in adults in the mouth, on the tongue, gums. Symptoms than to treat: drugs, ointments, tablets


  • weakness;
  • raising the normal temperature;
  • the disappearance of the desire to eat;
  • swollen lymph nodes, which are located under the jaws;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • redness of the gums;
  • the appearance of bubbles, subsequently becoming opened and erosions;
  • drying and cracking of the lips.


Allergic stomatitis type can not be considered a separate species of disease, but rather a reaction to one or more pathogens.

It is manifested by symptoms:

  • redness;
  • occurrence of white spots;
  • appearance of bubbles or small dot hemorrhages.


Ulcerative stomatitis view has high morbidity, especially acute during a conversation or a meal. It is most commonly appears in people who have problems with the gastrointestinal or cardiovascular system bodies.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • swelling and redness of the oral mucosa;
  • the occurrence of bubbles on the lips and gums, with the liquid contents;
  • formation of ulcers after opening bubbles;
  • unpleasant feeling sore;
  • temperature rise;
  • enlargement and tenderness of lymph nodes.


Stomatitis in Adults (its causes and treatment differ depending on the type of pathology) requires prompt diagnosis.

It includes a number of mandatory studies:

  1. Visual inspection, during which the doctor detect ulcers, evaluates their appearance and location, examines the state of the oral mucosa.
    Causes and treatment of thrush in adults in the mouth, on the tongue, gums. Symptoms than to treat: drugs, ointments, tablets
  2. blood samples for clinical analysis.
  3. Blood test for glucose levels to determine the presence of diabetes mellitus (stomatitis often appears in this disease).
  4. Fence material with the oral mucosa for bacterial inoculation test and PCR reaction. This analysis allows us to identify the causative agent and pick up the necessary products that will help get rid of the disease and prevent its recurrence.

PCR diagnostics at stomatitis often reveals: streptococci, staphylococci, Candida fungi or bacteria Treponema.

How to treat catarrhal stomatitis easy for adults?

Bluetongue kind of stomatitis in adults requires therapy comprising the following stages:

  1. Eliminating the causes that led to the emergence of the disease.
  2. Treating the symptoms.
  3. The use of adjuvant therapy for a quick recovery from stomatitis.

To get rid of catarrhal stomatitis use such agents:

  1. Antiseptics applied with the aim of rinsing the mouth (Chlorhexidine or Miramistin). The procedure is performed many times during the day (mandatory morning and evening and after meals).
  2. Analgesic preparations containing benzocaine or lidocaine, to eliminate pain.
  3. Means, reduces inflammation of the mucous membrane, is not necessary for the admission of secondary infection (Geksaliz, Geksoral, Tantum Verde).
    Causes and treatment of thrush in adults in the mouth, on the tongue, gums. Symptoms than to treat: drugs, ointments, tablets
  4. Vitamin therapy aimed at improving immunity, it includes a course of multivitamin supplements and also by administering injectable vitamin B, nicotinic acid, ascorbic acid chloride calcium.

Additional recommendations:

  • ban on teeth cleaning brush having bristles of a high degree of rigidity (to prevent mechanical damage of inflamed oral);
  • correction everyday food hot with a mandatory limitation, acute and savory;
  • administering a liquid consistency diet food.

Treatment of peptic ulcer forms

To get rid of stomatitis ulcer forms, it is important to first eliminate the cause of its occurrence, and only then you can remove the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

Easy form requires the following recommendations:

  • excessive drinking;
  • the food is light, does not irritate the mucous membrane;
  • applying appliqués with anesthetic in inflammation foci;
  • conducting to remove tartar procedures;
  • grinding the tooth surface;
  • oral irrigation with disinfectant solutions containing hydrogen peroxide and chlorhexidine furatsillina;
  • applying to the oral mucosa gel containing metronidazole;
  • Use ointments and oils containing in its composition buckthorn and rosehips, to accelerate the healing process.

Severe form requires:

  • appointment of antibacterial therapy;
  • the use of drugs for intoxication removal from the body;
  • antihistamines for relief of edema;
  • reception multivitamin for maintaining the body's defenses;
  • a course UFO, and sonication.

To prevent recurrent disease requires periodic sanitation of the oral cavity, timely treat carious teeth and gum disease.

Intensive drug therapy gets rid of ulcerative lesions of the week. If a person suffers from a chronic form of ulcerative stomatitis, he needs treatment at the dispensary periodontist for 1 year.

Therapy with aphthous form Pathology

Aphthous stomatitis type occurs after the destruction of the organism infection, when the degree of protection of the immune system decreases and can not cope with its task of protecting the body against viruses and bacteria.

Treatment includes:

  1. The treatment of lesions using chamomile tea, attached to boric acid.
  2. Application to mucous sea buckthorn oil, peach and extracts from the leaves of Kalanchoe.
  3. To remove toxicity intravenously administered sodium thiosulfate.
  4. In order to improve reactivity is appointed reception pirogenal or lysozyme.
  5. Admission vitamin complexes compensate the lack of vitamin C, B6 and B1, as well as folic acid and nicotinic.
    Causes and treatment of thrush in adults in the mouth, on the tongue, gums. Symptoms than to treat: drugs, ointments, tablets
  6. For removal of edema, reduction of hyperaemia use antihistamines (Zyrtec, Fenistil) and soothing agents (Tincture motherwort, Afobazol).
  7. As the applied magnetic physiotherapy and UHF.

Features of treatment of thrush

The causative agent of Candida species stomatitis acts fungus called Candida, a characteristic feature acts plaque-like curds, covering the gums and tongue, with foci of inflammation reddish hue around.

Stomatitis therapy involves the use of:

  • drugs for combating fungi, applied topically and inwardly (Clotrimazole, Fluconazole, Irunine);
  • applying to stomatitis lesions antifungal agents (Lugol, ointments containing miconazole, solutions of water and soda);
  • the use of a dietary food, without the inclusion of starchy foods, sweet, spicy and salty.

Therapy in the form of herpetic disease

This kind of common stomatitis stronger, its appearance may be due to the influence of viral influenza, herpes, and other varieties.

Therapeutic effects include the use of such funds:

  • analgesics (lidocaine);
  • means for removing inflammation (Holisal);
  • Healing ointment (Kamistad);
  • ointments or tablets with antiviral action (oxoline, acyclovir);
  • immunomodulatory drugs (Immunal, Arbidol).

Treatment of allergic stomatitis

Stomatitis in Adults (its causes and treatment depending on the type of disease) often is allergic in nature.

Response from the human body can cause different objects:

  • flowering plants;
  • fur of cats and dogs;
  • preparations of medicinal purposes;
  • feed for aquarium fish;
  • dust;
  • Food.
Causes and treatment of thrush in adults in the mouth, on the tongue, gums. Symptoms than to treat: drugs, ointments, tablets

Allergic species is not regarded as a specific type of disease, it is one of the symptoms of common human allergic to a particular component. Treatment of such stomatitis requires the use of antihistamines (Tavegilum, Suprastinum, Tsetrina) and topical application of anti-inflammatory and analgesic ointments (Metrogil Dent Kamistad).


Stomatitis - a disease accompanied by severe pain effect, which prevents a person not only to lead a normal life, but even to eat.

Experts recommend the use of analgesics for the relief of pain:

  • surface applications mixture of lidocaine and chlorhexidine;
  • Geksoral use of tablets containing benzocaine;
  • Spray application with the content of lidocaine, rendering effects to irritated mucous erosions, even with aphthous stomatitis;
  • applying gel Lidohlor, authorizing a local anesthetic and antiseptic effect in 5-10 minutes after laying;
  • mouth rinse decoction of chamomile, the leaves of Kalanchoe juice and sage, not only analgesic, but also to get rid of ulcers.

Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory drugs

Stomatitis in adults, causes and treatment of which are individual, will be faster if you use a special external preparations, removes inflammation and counteract the microbes.

The most effective drugs:

Causes and treatment of thrush in adults in the mouth, on the tongue, gums. Symptoms than to treat: drugs, ointments, tablets
  • Lugol, Geksoral, Eucalyptus M, produced in the form of sprays, and having disinfectant properties;
  • Holisal gels, Aktovegin, Kamistad having antiseptic and soothing properties;
  • Evkarom solutions, Stomatidin, Ingafitol used for irrigation and are capable of suppressing life activity of microbes.

Antiviral, antifungal, anti-histamines

Drugs in this direction is used to treat herpes and fungal stomatitis, where the root causes of mucosal lesions become fungi and viruses. Such preparations are produced in the form of suppositories, ointments or tablets.

Most often, experts prescribe:

  • antifungal agents: ointments containing Nystatin, Levorinum, miconazole;
  • drugs against viral component: Acyclovir, candles with the content of human interferon, Zovirax, oxolinic ointment;
  • means reducing the severity of an allergic reaction: Fenistil, Tavegil, Suprastin.

Ointments, accelerating tissue healing

To speed up the regenerative processes of the mucosa, it should apply such ointments:

Causes and treatment of thrush in adults in the mouth, on the tongue, gums. Symptoms than to treat: drugs, ointments, tablets
  • Solkoseril Dental, increasing rate of healing by stimulating the tissue regenereriruyuschey function;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oilThat creates a protective film on the mucosa;
  • Vinylinum, cleansing sores and accelerates the regeneration of the oral cavity;
  • Spray Propolis, beneficial effects on inflammation.

Folk remedies against sores on the tongue, gums

To quickly remove the unpleasant manifestations of stomatitis arising in the field of language, cheeks or gums, mucous matter how often special tools can be rinsed. Traditional recipes offer many options for infusions and decoctions, reduces inflammation, to stimulate recovery and reduce pain.

The house is recommended to apply such funds for irrigation:

  • aqueous soda solution or hydrogen peroxide diluted in half a glass of water;
  • freshly carrot juice, mixed with water;
  • whipped egg protein;
  • solution of potassium permanganate;
  • propolis tincture;
  • chamomile broth or oak;
  • flax seeds, infused in boiling water;
  • infusion of the tea fungus.

In addition to recipes, good results mentioned above provide such methods:

  • attachment to the mucosa of grated potatoes;
  • resorption protein mixture of honey, novocaine 5 mg, 1 mg vitamin B group;
  • Chewing the leaves of aloe;
    Causes and treatment of thrush in adults in the mouth, on the tongue, gums. Symptoms than to treat: drugs, ointments, tablets
  • distribution of lesions yogurt mixture and crushed garlic.

Undertreated complications stomatitis

Stomatitis - a dangerous disease, characterized by a variety of unpleasant symptoms. If patients do not seek medical help (even when the disease went unnoticed on their own), the probability of occurrence of adverse effects.

They are:

  • reinfection ulcers;
  • flow of disease in the chronic stage;
  • increase the area of ​​the affected mucosal surface;
  • occurrence of bleeding gums;
  • inability to eat;
  • the likelihood of secondary infection;
  • loss of dentition elements;
  • hoarseness;
  • development of laryngitis;
  • fungal diversity throughout the body;
  • the appearance of thrush in the genital area.

Symptoms characteristic stomatitis are often symptoms of diseases such as diabetes or leukemia, which can recognize only a qualified physician.


It is much easier to protect your own body from stomatitis, rather than deal with getting rid of it.

Basics prevention stomatitis are:

  1. Elimination of tobacco, which irritates and reduces the protective function of the body.
  2. Proper oral care, comprising a 2-minute tooth cleaning twice a day, after a meal as well as the use of dental floss and dental rinse.
    Causes and treatment of thrush in adults in the mouth, on the tongue, gums. Symptoms than to treat: drugs, ointments, tablets
  3. The correct organization of power, with the inclusion in the daily diet foods rich in vitamins (especially B, ascorbic acid and nicotinic acid) and minerals (iron and fluorine).
  4. Minimum consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  5. Regular exercise.
  6. Early treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.
  7. Mandatory hand hygiene after being on the street, before the adoption of the food and after contact with pets.
  8. Respect for the oral mucosa, the maximum avoidance of injuries of the teeth and gums.
  9. Visiting the dentist at least once every six months 1.
  10. The regular holding of wet cleaning the house and washing the dishes thoroughly.

Stomatitis caused in adults, should not be left untreated. its causes, and it is important to remove quickly with help of medicines appointed an expert to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms that the disease did not have time to go into the chronic stage.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Video of stomatitis in adults

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