Female Diseases

Breast and nipple pain. When the pain begins before, after menstruation, ovulation, pregnancy, breast, other reasons

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Breasts and nipples are sore, for various reasons, the timely determination of which help to cope with unpleasant symptoms and prevent complications. Healthy lifestyle combined with proper diet and daily routine will make a major preventive measure against hormonal imbalances and breast pain.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Why breast and nipple pain (nipples) in women - causes, symptoms
    • 1.1 Hurts one breast
    • 1.2 Chest hurts when you press
    • 1.3 Sore breasts side, bottom
    • 1.4 Chest pain and swelled, growing
    • 1.5 Sore chest and abdomen
    • 1.6 Sore breasts and temperature
    • 1.7 disease of the breast
  • 2 When and how it starts to hurt his chest, nipples on which the term of
    • 2.1 before menstruation
    • 2.2 After a month - at ovulation
    • 2.3 during pregnancy
    • 2.4 After childbirth
    • 2.5 When feeding, after it
    • 2.6 when menopause
    • 2.7 after sex
    • 2.8 After contraceptives ( "duphaston")
  • 3 What if badly sore breasts, nipples
  • 4 Videos about pains in the chest and nipples

Why breast and nipple pain (nipples) in women - causes, symptoms

Breasts and nipples are sore in the prevailing number of cases due to hormonal changes in a woman's body, which are cyclical in nature. It is important to know under what symptoms should seek immediate medical attention to avoid the development of serious diseases.

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The causes of pain in the chest and nipples. When the pain begins before, after menstruation, ovulation, pregnancy, breast

It should pay particular attention to the nature of chest pain, intensity and regularity. Natural physiological causes of pain are:

  • PMS;
  • conception;
  • gestation period;
  • stress conditions;
  • hormonal changes or disorder;
  • lung diseases, low back pain, vascular dystonia;
  • hormonal drugs.

In case the breast and nipple pain over time, symptoms may be indicative of the development of pathological processes or the presence of disease. Can cause pain:

  • hormonal disbalance,
  • breast,
  • lactostasis,
  • cyst,
  • breast cancer.

Hurts one breast

Experts do not recommend to ignore the sign, when the breast and nipple pain is only on one side. The condition may signal a candidiasis, the development of mastitis, neuralgia or tumors.

Dislocation pain in one breast -trevozhny symptom that requires consultation mamologa and the need for laboratory diagnosis. Breast and nipple pain on one side and at the wrong child feeding. It is competent to carry out attachment, avoiding awkward positions.

Chest hurts when you press

Pain when you press on the chest is not always a sign of serious diseases.

Initially should make a thorough examination at home. If the chest pain when you press on the nipple need to determine the cause of the unpleasant symptoms.

Aching pain, both in the presence of a bruise, constitutes a violation of circulation. Unpleasant sensations arise due to wearing uncomfortable and close the laundry. It is going stagnation of lymph, causing inflammation and cancer growth.

Sore breasts side, bottom

Sore nipple and breast side, bottom neuralgia, inflammatory processes in the lung after injury or thorax. Symptom may also indicate a pathological diseases of internal organs.The causes of pain in the chest and nipples. When the pain begins before, after menstruation, ovulation, pregnancy, breast

Discomfort can radiate under the breast, without having to do with breast diseases. Experts do not recommend to ignore the pain and tingling in order to avoid aggravating the disease.

Chest pain and swelled, growing

Breast enlargement can occur cyclically, before menstruation, or during gestation. Pharmacy agents in the form of creams and ointments can help eliminate pain and alleviate the condition. After giving birth, hormonal bounces back, the discomfort disappears.

It is crucial to pay attention to symptoms, eliminating the cancer and mastopathy. The lack of natural physiological causes swelling and breast enlargement in size may indicate the development of pathological processes.

Sore chest and abdomen

Symptomatology of discomfort in the lower abdomen and painful breast tenderness indicate pregnancy. uterus fullness sipping provokes pain, increased blood circulation. Hypersensitivity nipple extends in the second trimester of gestation and requires no special treatment.

Sore breasts and temperature

Nipple and breast pain in conjunction with the increased body temperature in the presence of an infectious disease. Mastitis often affects the mammary glands during breastfeeding (during lactation).

The infection develops in areas of skin damage. Symptoms pronounced: sharp pain, purulent discharge from the nipple swelling. Increase in body temperature indicates the development of an acute inflammatory process.

The disease can develop, passes through three stages:

  • initial (swelling, soreness when touched);
  • after 10-15 years (intense pain, increases the density of breast PMS);
  • final (formation of cysts, abnormal contents released during palpation nipple).

There is a general weakness, headaches, malaise. Symptoms of mastitis is very similar to the symptoms of infectious diseases. Timely and proper treatment will help to quickly eliminate the disease. Diagnostics provides medical examination and laboratory tests in order to ascertain the type of infectious pathogen.

disease of the breast

Pathological symptoms as sore breasts and nipples may indicate the development of the benign nature of tumors in the breast.

A common cause of mastitis diffuse or nodular type acts hormonal imbalance.

Conservative treatment of mastitis in the initial step allows to eliminate the pathology. Ignoring anxiety symptoms may lead to complications, due to deterioration of the seals transformation into malignant tumors.

When and how it starts to hurt his chest, nipples on which the term of

Pain, discomfort in the area of ​​the mammary glands appear in the first trimester of gestation. Hormonal changes in a woman's body, progesterone levels increase causing structural changes in the breast and uterus.

It is stimulation of growth of alveolar lobes that increases breast sizes. During gestation the fetus comes the stage of maximum development of the chest, followed by swelling and changes in the secretory apparatus.

Mammary glands during early pregnancy markedly different changes:

  • They increase in size, swell;
  • changes the size and color of the areola;
  • It increases blood circulation.

Increasing the level of estrogen in the second or third trimester of gestation of the fetus can also cause discomfort, pain in the chest. Synthesized gonadotropin substance which acts on milk production, and stimulates mammary ducts increase.

At the stage of hormonal changes can cause aching pain with characteristic heaviness in the chest. Help alleviate the condition special underwear made of soft elastic fabric, adaptable to changing volumes.

In the last stages of pregnancy to discomfort and pain in the breasts joins itching. Symptom hypersensitivity causes the secretion of the mammary glands.

before menstruation

On the eve of the monthly breast and nipple pain due to cyclic hormonal surges and changes. Female body being prepared at this stage for possible conception, there is an increase of progesterone production.

Natural aggravation sensitivity of breast, nipple PMS does not require treatment. It helps alleviate the condition comfortable underwear, vitamins, correct mode.

After a month - at ovulation

Discomfort appears during ovulation and ends only with the beginning of discharge. After a month in the absence of diseases and disorders in hormonal levels in women of reproductive age breasts and nipples do not hurt.

during pregnancy

Pregnancy brings hormonal adjustments in a woman's body. Processes of preparation for lactation mammary glands cause discomfort. Breast and nipple pain due to increased milk flow, the pressure on the nerve endings. Constant intense pain requires consultation with a gynecologist.

After childbirth

Sensitization breast after birth is directly related to the lactation process. After delivery, it is recommended to consult a specialist for advice.

After receiving information about the good attachment of the child to her breast, advice on hygienic measures and the choice of clothes, you can avoid the uncomfortable sensations. Gradually, after childbirth and breast tenderness nipple returns to normal, thanks to the normalization of hormonal background of the woman.

When feeding, after it

Painful condition breasts and nipples lactating women require special attention. Discomfort is often manifested in the initial stage of lactation. It will help to eliminate special ointments, alternating breasts while feeding. In addition, you can provide the painful side of a temporary rest, performing pumping milk for bottle feeding.

Poor attachment, hypothermia can cause blockage of milk ducts - lactostasis. Experts recommend to make early therapy of painful seal.

Massage and applying frequent disease at an early stage of development will help eliminate pain in the chest and nipples. It is important that the baby while feeding exciting part of the areola in order to avoid cracks and damages the nipple skin.

when menopause

After the entry of women in menopause the breast and nipple pain acyclic, without being tied to the menstrual cycle. Pain symptoms may occur asymmetrically, appearing on only one side.

The nature of pain is different and depends on the age and hormonal changes in women. There may be periodic or constant discomfort in the breast.

In some cases, the intensity of pain requires medical correction. Symptomatology chest discomfort during menopause include increased sensitivity, itching, seal glands and aching. It is important to eliminate pathological factors that may also cause discomfort during menopause: cysts, trauma, neuralgia, hormonal imbalance.

after sex

Cause uncomfortable sensations in the breast can perform sexual activity of women is low. Rare sexual acts lead to the accumulation of hormones that triggers itchy nipples and chest pain.The causes of pain in the chest and nipples. When the pain begins before, after menstruation, ovulation, pregnancy, breast

Breast and nipple pain sometimes and after sex. Hormonal surge stimulates orgasm after intercourse, so there is a rush of blood to the mammary gland. Pain in these situations do not require treatment and will be on their own. Regular sexual activity eliminates the hormonal imbalance.

Chest pain after sex can occur due to injury to her during intercourse, the presence of inflammation of lymph nodes or breast. Seen mammalogy will prevent mastitis onset or development of cancer process.

After contraceptives ( "duphaston")

Acceptance of contraceptives has an impact on women hormonal background. Sore breasts and nipples are usually due to the presence of imbalance.The causes of pain in the chest and nipples. When the pain begins before, after menstruation, ovulation, pregnancy, breast

Consultation with the gynecologist will help determine the feasibility of taking the medication, to choose the most suitable option without any side effects.

What if badly sore breasts, nipples

Preventive measures include maintaining a healthy lifestyle and regular visits to specialists.

Alleviate the condition, when the sore breasts and nipples, some simple guidelines can help:

  • Consultation in a medical facility. Strong pain signals the need to visit a specialist. It is important to quickly identify the cause of the pain and get adequate doctor's appointment. Fix this problem can only therapy of the disease rather than the elimination of symptoms.
  • Minimize exposure to irritants. It is not recommended to provoke pain constant touches to the breast. Additionally, you must purchase a comfortable seamless underwear made of natural fabrics.
  • Implementation of the rules of care and hygiene. Full moisturizing, softening and massage to help relieve dry skin, cracked nipples and stretch marks. Conduct hygiene procedures better off without soap, lubricating nipples after bathing sea buckthorn oil.

Breasts and nipples are sore with increasing intensity only at a pathology. Discharge from the breast, changes in nipple shape, the appearance of erosions and edema are serious symptoms that require immediate treatment to the doctor.

Videos about pains in the chest and nipples

Why nipple and breast pain. Causes, treatment, preventive maintenance:

Why chest pain:

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