Female Diseases

Menopause in women. What is it, symptoms, age, treatment. As menopause begins

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Menopause in women - what is it and what symptoms may tell doctors and representatives of the fair sex, past this period. At this time, special attention should be paid to health, because hormonal changes can seriously affect overall health.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Menopause in women - what is it?
  • 2 What is an artificial menopause
  • 3 How old started menopause in women
  • 4 How long does menopause
  • 5 Early menopause: the causes
  • 6 As menopause begins women: Symptoms
  • 7 Climax: Symptoms and signs in women
    • 7.1 Early menopause in women 30 years of age: the symptoms
    • 7.2 The symptoms of menopause in women 40 years
    • 7.3 Symptoms of menopause in women 45 years
    • 7.4 Symptoms of menopause in women after 50
  • 8 Hot flushes during menopause: what it is, symptoms
  • 9 How to deal with hot flashes during menopause
  • 10 Can I get pregnant during menopause
  • 11 Allocation during menopause, which can
  • 12 What should be the power in menopause
  • 13 Climax: treatment
    • 13.1 Hormonal treatments with a new generation of menopause
    • 13.2 Non-hormonal drugs during menopause
    • 13.3 Vitamins in menopause
    • 13.4 Homeopathy in menopause: a list of drugs
  • insta story viewer
  • 14 Preparations in menopause: a review
    • 14.1 Remens: reviews of women in menopause
    • 14.2 Estravel: remedy for menopause, reviews
    • 14.3 Feminal: reviews of women in menopause
    • 14.4 Klimadinon: reviews of women in menopause
    • 14.5 Angelique Micro: reviews of doctors in menopause
    • 14.6 Estrozhel: reviews of women in menopause
    • 14.7 Klimaksan: reviews of women in menopause
    • 14.8 Beta-Alanine: women in menopause reviews
    • 14.9 Klimonorma: reviews of women in menopause
  • 15 Folk remedies in menopause
    • 15.1 Sage during menopause and hot flashes: how to make
    • 15.2 Other herbs in menopause
  • 16 Videos of menopause in women, causes and treatment

Menopause in women - what is it?

The word "menopause" is of Greek origin and translates as Staircases. This is a special period in the life of the woman who carries it to another level of life. Do not think that the climax - a disease that must be cured using a variety of drugs. Such hormonal changes are a natural process created by nature.

Menopause in women. That is, as an early menopause begins, the symptoms, age, treatment

According to the definition of official medicine, menopause - is a natural process of extinction of childbearing women due to age and health status of the organism. As a result of slow production of estrogen and progesterone comes complete disappearance of menstruation.

First comes the menstrual cycle and as a result, menopause. Despite the fact that this is a natural process, it is accompanied by painful sensations, and malaise.

What is an artificial menopause

Artificial menopause in women, it is easily explained by conventional medicine can. There are women's diseases, which require the immediate removal of the ovaries or reduce the production of female hormones.

Distinguish these types of artificial menopause:

  • Surgically. In cancer of the female organs and mammary glands, is carried ovarektomiya (complete removal of ovaries). Even when the disease will retreat, they will not be able to function fully. Artificial menopause may result from the removal of the uterus as well as when the vessels are tied, and there is a lack of ovarian blood flow.
  • Radiologically. Treatment of cancer or other diseases by X-ray exposure on the ovaries. In this case, you can restore their function, but not always in full extent.
  • By medication. During infertility treatment are introduced artificial hypothalamic hormones, which via the pituitary force ovaries produce more estrogen and progesterone, and then (after the end of artificial hormones) they cease function. This method is able to completely restore normal ovarian job after such a procedure.

Artificial menopause abruptly stops ovarian activity, in contrast to the natural way in which a woman's body gradually gets used to the lack of female hormones.

How old started menopause in women

Each woman is unique, so menopause can begin at any period of life. Scientists have proven that by 37-38 years do not ovulate each cycle, because the number of eggs decreased significantly. By the age of 40 begin hormonal changes, despite the fact that constant menstruation.

To accurately determine the age at which menopause begins in a woman, you need to ask their grandmothers, mothers and aunts at what age they started this process, and how much was going on.

The average age of onset of menopause is between 45-54 years. Since after reaching 45 years, the female body produces less hormones, so from this point on is reduced reproductive function.

How long does menopause

Doctors are divided into 3 periods climax:

  • Premenopausal, which lasts from 2-6 years. During this period, there are acute symptoms.
  • The peak of climax lasts for about 7 years. During this period there is a quick change of mood, palpitations, excessive nervousness.
  • Postmenopause begins one year after the last critical days and lasts for up to stabilize hormone levels. This process lasts for 5-10 years.
    Menopause in women. That is, as an early menopause begins, the symptoms, age, treatment
    Three periods of menopause

Scientists note that the acute symptoms of menopause in women of European lasts an average of 6 years. It depends on factors such as:

  • genetic inheritance;
  • a small amount of stressful situations;
  • quality food.

But the average duration of menopause in general around the world is within 7 years.

Early menopause: the causes

Menopause at the age of 30-40 years is rare, so distinguish several main factors that led to the beginning of such a process:

  1. hereditary diseaseCausing early menopause in women. To prevent this disease, it is necessary to come to the appointment with the doctor and with the help of medication to normalize the functioning of the ovaries. It will only help with diseases treatable.
  2. Overweight and incorrect metabolism. Overweight violates the hormonal processes that occur in a woman's body.
  3. Woman may carry the abnormal gene, Stopping the production of estrogen and progesterone. Genetics currently account for such 2 gene.
  4. Any surgery pelvic It can lead to early menopause. As an example, the removal of ovarian cysts or uterine fibroids.
  5. The therapy of malignant tumors in the area of ​​the female genital organs with the help of X-ray beam. Such exposure destroys not only cancer cells, but also slows down the process of the emergence of other cells in the body.
  6. The use of chemicals in the treatment of cancer (malignant) tumors. Substances in the composition of such drugs directly influence cell division in the body.
  7. Infectious, autoimmune diseaseIn which the body thinks its strange cells and begins to reject them.
  8. Women who have never given birth, climaxes may begin earlier than those who have children.

As menopause begins women: Symptoms

Symptomatology of occurrence of menopause in women can be manifested in different ways. Therefore, we can not discard the individual characteristics and family history of each of the fair half.

Menopause in women. That is, as an early menopause begins, the symptoms, age, treatment

Here are the main symptoms that bother women:

  • The occurrence of heat throughout the body. Some women describe it as hot as the heat wave covers and after a while disappears.
  • Disturbed sleep because of the constant pondering problems, for any reason of concern.
  • Heart palpitations.
  • Occurrence of chills through his body and tingling of hands and feet.
  • Pain in the lower back and abdomen.
  • Reduced or vice versa increase sexual desire.
  • Fatigue and weakness throughout the body.
  • The change of taste preferences.
  • Frequent changes in body temperature.
  • Lack of air.
  • Frequent changes of mood, the emergence of unreasonable anxiety, worry, fear.
  • Drastic graying of hair, occurrence of dandruff.
  • Increase in dry skin and mucous membranes.
  • Change figure.

These are the first symptoms of the women go to the next level status. In this period can also worsen chronic diseases arise and new.

Climax: Symptoms and signs in women

What is the climax, can be explained only by a professional gynecologist. So if you feel unwell or other hormonal disorders, it is imperative to see a doctor. Some cases of early menopause can be prevented only at the beginning of this process.

Early menopause in women 30 years of age: the symptoms

Irregularities in the menstrual cycle, a woman is not perceived as a problem. That is why she feels a real shock when she is diagnosed with premature menopause.

Experts believe that to solve this problem can only be medicated way.

early menopause is a sign:

  • rush of heat in the upper body, accompanied by shivering and chills appearance;
  • excessive sweating, particularly evident after the tides;
  • sleep disorders due to anxiety and a permanent restroom;
  • the occurrence of psychological disorders and depression, constant irritation and hysteria.

These are the most common symptoms, in addition to which can cause headaches, dizziness, nausea and pressure change.

The symptoms of menopause in women 40 years

The occurrence of menopause at the age of 40 years is a pathology. The signs may include:

  • disruption of the menstrual cycle;
  • change of the condition of hair, nails and face skin;
  • the occurrence of pressure surges;
  • reduction in moisture of the mucous membranes;
  • appearance headaches and mood swings.

Symptoms of menopause in women 45 years

In women, menopause can begin at 45 years of age. However, it is too early, so to avoid the beginning of this process, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle and to eliminate from your life stressful situations.

Symptoms of menopause include:

  • excessive sweating;
  • dryness of mucous membranes;
  • reduction in days of menstruation, or an increase in its abundance;
  • instability psychological condition, experience and constant anxiety;
  • frequent headaches;
  • Blood pressure drops;
  • occurrence of fatigue;
  • insomnia.

Symptoms of menopause in women after 50

The onset of menopause at this age is acceptable for the average woman. In this age of menopause may pass almost unnoticed. A sign of menopause is:

  • increase the amount of sweat;
  • Periodic blood occurrence of hot flushes to the upper body;
  • irregular menstrual cycle;
  • increased aggressiveness and irritability.

Hot flushes during menopause: what it is, symptoms

For the occurrence of hot flushes is responsible hypothalamus.

Menopause in women. That is, as an early menopause begins, the symptoms, age, treatment
What is menopause in women and how to overcome tides tell the doctor

Since it takes at the normal temperature for climacterium increased, it begins to decrease. Hence the state of palpitations, the appearance of the paint on the face, the allocation of a large number of sweat. Signs of the tides include:

  • appearance sensations coming tide;
  • heat is distributed mainly on the face, neck and chest;
  • heart palpitations;
  • the occurrence of headache, nausea, weakness;
  • lack of oxygen;
  • fever, which rapidly decreases, and as a consequence, increase in sweating (at the end of the tide spreads throughout the body chills);
  • the emergence in the evening and at night.

Duration tidal ranges from several minutes to 2 hours. At high intensity woman should see a doctor.

How to deal with hot flashes during menopause

You can choose to reduce the time of the tides or get rid of them all. To do this, you must perform a few simple guidelines:

  1. Proper breathing. At the moment it is necessary to do 8 breaths and hold their breath for 6 seconds. Such action will help to calm down and reduce the intensity of the tide.
  2. The room where the woman must be constantly ventilated. It facilitates the flow of fresh air and a more natural environment.
  3. Bedtime be cooled pillow or put it in the fridge for a few minutes, either pre-freeze the bottle and put it on the cushion for a few minutes and then hide under it.
  4. During the period of hormonal changes it is best to reduce the consumption of protein foods (such as meat), try to eat vegetarian (vegetables, fruits, legumes).
  5. Begin to engage in active sports: swimming in the pool, yoga, fitness. If such actions are counter, it can be replaced by walking in the park.
  6. To reduce the number of hot flushes, you should update your wardrobe and add clothing made of natural fabrics (linen, cotton), loose-fitting.

Can I get pregnant during menopause

Menopause in women, it is concerned about the older generation. And if this process began to emerge at a young age, while a woman will want to learn to conceive, carry and give birth to a child.

Since ovarian failure - it is a gradual process, so you can get pregnant even after 2 years after the cessation of menses. Sometimes it happens that menstruation has stopped, and a few months later began again. Therefore, at this time a woman can get pregnant.

Allocation during menopause, which can

At the time of menopause may be a variety of selection:

  1. At the stage of pre-menopausal bleeding observed as during menstruation. After complete termination of the ovaries can be seen slimy, transparent allocation of uniform consistency.
  2. Unnatural - a spin-off, have an unpleasant odor, uneven texture, dark or yellow, not clear or watery.

If a woman saw the unnatural selection, then you must consult a doctor immediately. Since this could be diseases that threaten the life of the woman.

What should be the power in menopause

During this period, the woman should particularly monitor their diet, as it affects its health.

Menopause in women. That is, as an early menopause begins, the symptoms, age, treatment

Foods that should be consumed:

  • calcium containing products (milk, curd, cheese);
  • products rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (walnuts);
  • a variety of spices and herbs;
  • boron-containing products (raisin, figs, peaches, strawberries);
  • or flax seed oil;
  • magniyasoderzhaschie products (kelp, cashews);
  • foods that strengthen the immune system (onion, garlic, black currants, kiwi).

Climax: treatment

Menopause in women, know what it is and pharmacists, pharmacies, a great variety of different drugs, which include hormonal and non-hormonal drugs.

Hormonal treatments with a new generation of menopause

These funds are used by women under doctor's orders, as they contain active estrogen. In some preparations are necessary second hormone - progesterone.

Hormonal monopreparations recommended to use women who remove the uterus. Everyone else should take comprehensive means. It should be noted that in such formulations contain a minimum daily rate of hormones.

Distinguish these hormones:

  • "Sigetin"
  • "Divina"
  • "Estrofem"
  • "Dermestril"
  • "Klim"
  • "Divigel".

Non-hormonal drugs during menopause

Many women against synthetic means, so they can write down the plant hormones, which are not an allergic reaction, and they are absolutely safe. Phytoestrogens - plant is the prototype of human hormones.

Preparations containing plant hormones:

  • "Estrovel";
  • "Inoklym";
  • "Klimadion";
  • "Feminal".

Vitamins in menopause

Eating complex vitamins helps to strengthen the immunity of women in menopause. Also, these drugs improve metabolism.

Menopause in women. That is, as an early menopause begins, the symptoms, age, treatment
Vitamins Chi-klim

The most common complex vitamins in menopause:

  • "Gipotrilon";
  • "Women 40 Plus";
  • "Chi-Klim";
  • "Orthomol Femina".

Homeopathy in menopause: a list of drugs

Alternative medications are homeopathic. They do not contain hormones, but are synthetic substances in minimum dose.

The most popular tools in menopause:

  • "Belladonna";
  • "Kalkareja karbonika";
  • "Glonoin";
  • "Ignacy";
  • "Lycopodium";
  • "Nux vomica."

Preparations in menopause: a review

The most popular and effective are considered drugs of the review. About these tools, you can find a lot of positive feedback, not only women, but also doctors.

Remens: reviews of women in menopause

This is a rather publicized means and refers to the high price category. However, many women suffering from menopause, say that after 3-4 weeks after the start of Remens noticeable improvement. It reduced the number of nocturnal hot flashes, sleep better and recover.

Menopause in women. That is, as an early menopause begins, the symptoms, age, treatment

Also worth noting is that some women refused admission because of worsening symptoms.

Estravel: remedy for menopause, reviews

This drug is a domestic production, non-hormonal. Its structure consists of only herbal ingredients.

Menopause in women. That is, as an early menopause begins, the symptoms, age, treatment

The women say that the effect appears after 3 weeks after the start of the reception. Reduces the number of hot flashes, insomnia disappears.

Feminal: reviews of women in menopause

Homeopathic remedy that helps to cope with the symptoms of menopause women.

Menopause in women. That is, as an early menopause begins, the symptoms, age, treatment

It is recommended to take a daily basis at the same time after a meal. It helps reduce and sometimes even completely eliminate, the tides and restore the psycho-emotional state.

Klimadinon: reviews of women in menopause

This drug is a biologically active additive. Many women say that after drank course, immediate result was seen. Decreased the number of hot flashes, estrogen increased the rate.

Menopause in women. That is, as an early menopause begins, the symptoms, age, treatment

However, some point out that the observed deterioration and bleeding.

Angelique Micro: reviews of doctors in menopause

This tool contains both female and male hormones. Therefore, it is necessary to apply it only on doctor's prescription.

Menopause in women. That is, as an early menopause begins, the symptoms, age, treatment
Angelique Micro

Some women suffer from weight loss, reduction in the number of hot flushes. However, others point out a large number of contraindications.

Estrozhel: reviews of women in menopause

The drug, which is produced as a gel. Very useful when applied to the body, quickly absorbed. Women say that, thanks to this facility passed all the symptoms of menopause.

Menopause in women. That is, as an early menopause begins, the symptoms, age, treatment

However, there were the side effects in the form of chest pains.

Klimaksan: reviews of women in menopause

This non-hormonal drug, prevents the emergence of the disease osteoporosis. Many women say that it can cure a headache, reduce sweating and hot flushes.

Menopause in women. That is, as an early menopause begins, the symptoms, age, treatment

This means long-term application, so the fair sex have stopped looking counterparts. Results appear after 14 days after the beginning of reception.

Beta-Alanine: women in menopause reviews

The main effect of the amino acid Beta-alanine is aimed at reducing the number and severity of hot flashes.

Menopause in women. That is, as an early menopause begins, the symptoms, age, treatment

After applying the medicine course, women have improved immunity, it is possible to easily solve stressful situations, increased performance.

Klimonorma: reviews of women in menopause

Means, used by women for several years. No serious side effects were observed.

Menopause in women. That is, as an early menopause begins, the symptoms, age, treatment

It helps to reduce the number of hot flushes and sweating.

Folk remedies in menopause

Along with drug therapy can be used folk recipes. Doctors recommend at this, before taking, get advice.

Sage during menopause and hot flashes: how to make

Changes in a woman's body can pass safely. However, if menopause brings discomfort, then you can use the infusion of sage.

Menopause in women. That is, as an early menopause begins, the symptoms, age, treatment
Tea from sage

It contributes to the normalization of the sexual organs and the restoration of stable psycho-emotional state. There are several ways to use sage:

  1. It is necessary to take 1 tbsp. l. leaves and pour 200 ml hot water. Then infuse for half an hour, passed through cheesecloth and drink 8 times a day on a tablespoon.
  2. Take Zhmenya leaves, pour into a saucepan, cover with water and boil for a few minutes. This tea 2-3 times a day.
  3. It should mix 45 g of sage, 15 g of valerian and horsetail. Add water and give infusions for 30 min.

Other herbs in menopause

The most budget funds is an infusion of fennel. This tool will help to restore the nervous system, eliminate flatulence, it is a natural diuretic and laxative.

The use of infusion of red clover can reduce the number of hot flushes, get rid of insomnia and restore sexual desire.

Also, excellent products, which help in menopause, are flax seeds, red grapes, hops and alfalfa.

Menopause in women - it is a natural process that, in spite of these specific symptoms, brings new sensations and state. That menopause is successful, it is necessary to monitor the health and not to neglect the advice of doctors.

Videos of menopause in women, causes and treatment

What is the climax of the author tells in the video:

Symptoms of menopause in women:

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