Female Diseases

Microcalcifications in the breast. What is it, isolated, grouped, polymorphous, multiple. Treatment of breast folk remedies, sodium bicarbonate, preparations

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microcalcifications, appeared in the breast - the first sign of possible diseases of the female reproductive parts system, which may be caused by current pathology or the negative influence of external and internal factors.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Microcalcifications - it
  • 2 Causes precipitation of calcium salts
  • 3 symptomatology pathology
  • 4 classification of microcalcifications
  • 5 pathology diagnostics
  • 6 Methods of treatment of microcalcifications in the breast
  • 7 medication
  • 8 Massage breasts at home
  • 9 Traditional methods of treatment
  • 10 Hydrate of microcalcifications
  • 11 the pathology of the Diet
  • 12 The prognosis of microcalcifications in the breast
  • 13 Video of the microcalcifications in the breast

Microcalcifications - it

Microcalcifications in the breast - is a microscopic deposits of calcium salts that are found as a result of a woman's breast examination by a doctor or gynecologist mammalogy. The appearance of this type of mineral particles is the basis for the passage of more detailed examination of glandular tissue.

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A woman who has been identified microcalcifications, is compulsory for the surrender of mammography, and when the presence of concomitant inflammatory process passes a biopsy to rule out the development of Cancer process. Medical practice has shown that the formation of calcium salts in the breast - is one of the symptoms of the cancer.

Causes precipitation of calcium salts

In 55% of cases of microcalcifications are formed as a result of violations of metabolic processes in the female body and does not represent a significant hazard.

Microcalcifications in the breast. That is, individual, grouped, polymorphous, multiple. Treatment of folk remedies, drugs

The remaining 45% of clinical manifestations of calcium salt deposits occur in the breast for the following reasons:

  • menopause, when a woman's body are hormonal changes, bodies of her reproductive system lose reproductive function, which negatively affects the state of their tissues;
  • benign and malignant tumors, which are, cysts, nodular formation, tumors of various types;
  • excessive consumption of foods that contain in their composition natural calcium or vitamin D3;
  • stagnation in the breast-fed child with breast milk;
  • thyroid disease associated with increased synthesis of hormones or vice versa, causing an acute shortage of them;
  • mechanical damage and injuries to the chest, resulting drops, bumps, compression compression gland;
  • chronic inflammation of the adipose tissue, which has an infectious etiology.

There is a direct law, that the longer a woman's body to affect the above listed causative factors, the greater the likelihood that the mineral deposits in the breast will more. Therefore, the concentration of microcalcifications can make a preliminary conclusion about the severity of this disease and the stage of its development.

symptomatology pathology

Microcalcifications in the breast - is the smallest tumors. In most cases, their formation is seen. Only after the mineral deposits acquired increased density and over-saturate the glandular tissue, a woman begins to experience some symptoms of the disease.

They are as follows:

  • discomfort in one or both breasts at once, resembling a slight aching pain;
  • If calcium salts accumulated at a portion closer to the subcutaneous layer, the ball-shaped may be felt seals which become painful fingers when pressing the hands;
  • periodically allocated from the nipple atypical liquid completely transparent color, or with admixture ichor, indicating sluggish inflammatory process;
  • temperature increase to levels 37 degrees Celsius and above, if a woman is too long not sought help from the doctor in spite of the feeling of pain and a discharge from the breast.
Microcalcifications in the breast. That is, individual, grouped, polymorphous, multiple. Treatment of folk remedies, drugs

These symptoms may occur in other breast diseases. Therefore, it is important to go to the doctor for examination to the passage of a mammogram procedure. Only this method of diagnosis will allow to confirm or deny the presence of microcalcifications in breast tissue.

classification of microcalcifications

On the basis of space localization of calcium stones, form and position in relation to the breast tissue, they are classified into different types.

They are described below:

type of microcalcifications Characteristics
ductal Accumulate exclusively in milk channels. There are most women previously undergone or are currently suffering from breast cancer.
lobular Formed in the lobular section of the glandular tissue. They are one of the symptoms of mastitis fibrocystic type. Because of this localization of deposits, the presence of calcium stones can be easily installed with the help of mammography.
stromal A distinctive feature of this type of microcalcifications is their location. An excess amount of salts of calcium accumulated in the connective tissue of the breast. Almost never be felt by palpation.
single Dense extraneous neoplasms, presented in the form of a single object with mineral structure, the nature of occurrence of which is most often associated with the concomitant presence of lipomas, fibroadenomas, cysts formations.
multiple Over breast microcalcifications scattered large number of different diameters and sizes. The appearance of such an excess of calcium salts indicates cancer or atherosclerosis.
polymorphous The most rare type of microcalcifications, since it allows multiple presence of calcium salts, which are different in their shape, density, structure and place of localization. Indicates comorbidity endocrine and reproductive systems.

Microcalcifications in the breast - it's mineral deposits, requiring a thorough diagnosis. Therefore, the classification is possible only after the examination of the female breast with mammography. calcium salt type can not be determined by palpation.

pathology diagnostics

Examination of breast tissue should do mammolog doctor or gynecologist.

After the initial examination, breast specialist appoints woman to pass the following types of diagnostics:

  • collecting blood from a finger to carry out clinical analysis;
  • sampling of venous blood to perform its biochemical research for the balance of sex hormones, the presence of cancer cells, infectious agents;
  • chest X-ray (in case of calcium deposits will be visible in the image characteristic dots accumulated in a certain part of tissues, depending on the type of stones);
    Microcalcifications in the breast. That is, individual, grouped, polymorphous, multiple. Treatment of folk remedies, drugs
  • Breast ultrasound diagnostics, within which there is a discomfort;
  • Surgical fragment selection glandular tissue to biopsy and refute oncology;
  • mammography, which is the main metol investigation for suspected appearance of microcalcifications in the breast.

The diagnostics doctor forms a therapeutic course, aimed at removing extraneous growths. Parallel to the treatment process carried out corrective action causative factors causing deposition of salts in the chest.

Methods of treatment of microcalcifications in the breast

Treatment of calcium deposits in the breast can be represented by a single therapeutic direction or the complex medical professionals actions aimed at the speedy recovery of the patient.

From this was isolated following treatments mineral concrements in the breast:

  • drug - it includes the use of intravenous and tablet formulations that refer to pharmacological groups such as hormonal, potent anti-inflammatory agents non-steroidal type, hepatoprotectors, vitamin complexes, intravenous based on chemical compounds (if the formation of microcalcifications reason is related to the presence of cancer Tumor);
  • surgery - microcalcifications do not require surgery, and the need for surgery It arises in the case of diagnosing cysts, fibroadenomas, malignant neoplasm or nodal formations;
  • physiotherapy - provides for therapeutic massage sessions, perform gymnastics and physical exercises aimed at maintaining breast tone.

The choice of treatment methods is assigned to the attending physician. Timely examination and receiving medication avoids operational method of treatment and to eliminate the deposition of calcium salts during the early stages of their cluster. Advanced forms of disease require combination therapy.


Selection of medicines to get rid of microcalcifications in the breast, is highly individual and depends on the cause of the pathological condition of the breast.

Allocate pharmacological group of drugs that can be used in a particular clinical case, namely:

  • hormonal agents (A type of medication is selected from the results of venous blood, establishing a deficiency or excess of a certain hormone);
  • nonsteroidal antiinflammatory agents (Prednisolone, Nimid, Amtolmetin, Nayzilat) required for removing smoldering inflammation in prostatic tissues and preventing further build-up of salt deposits;
    Microcalcifications in the breast. That is, individual, grouped, polymorphous, multiple. Treatment of folk remedies, drugs
  • vitamin and mineral supplements, Reinforcing the body, but without calcium and vitamin D3;
  • chemotherapy drugsWhich are administered intravenously to develop a course, if the diagnostic results on the woman found the cancer development step 1-2.

Microcalcifications in the breast - a neoplasm, which may eventually manifest itself again, as a recurrence of the pathological condition of the breast. Therefore, during and after the drug treatment is very important to correct way of life, to reconsider their diet, give up bad habits and start to play sports.

Massage breasts at home

One of the most effective methods of prevention and treatment of microcalcifications in the breast is the daily performance of breast massage.

The procedure can be done at home as well as a technique of its implementation is quite simple, namely:

  • put his free hand on the surface of a patient chest;
  • fix the palm and fingers so that they cover the entire area of ​​the prostate;
  • 30 make smooth and unhurried movements in a clockwise direction to warm up every centimeter of tissue;
  • perform a similar movement in the opposite direction.
Microcalcifications in the breast. That is, individual, grouped, polymorphous, multiple. Treatment of folk remedies, drugs

It is recommended to do on a daily basis for at least 5 sets of 30 repetitions in each direction. The main purpose of massage therapy is to improve the local blood circulation, activation of the protective function of the cells of the immune system, maintain the tone of glandular tissue.

It is important to remember that the breast can not be greatly compress and exert pressure on the compression microcalcifications, since there is a high risk of developing an inflammatory process.

Traditional methods of treatment

Microcalcifications formed in the breast - it calculi requiring treatment by means of traditional medicine.

Yet there are a few folk therapies, which consist in the following recipes:

  • take 200 grams. hips and mozhevelnik fruit crush them by means of a meat grinder, and then pour 30 minutes 500 ml of boiling water to future drug present and processed berries all gave their medicinal substance (taken 3 times a day for 100 ml);
    Microcalcifications in the breast. That is, individual, grouped, polymorphous, multiple. Treatment of folk remedies, drugs
  • in the warmer months to collect dill leaves, dandelion and elderberry, dry them, grind, take 1 tbsp. spoon medicinal plants, poured into metal container, pour 400 ml of cold water and boiled for 15 minutes (the resulting broth drink on an empty stomach 100 ml of 4 times a day);
  • select 10 gr of dried camomile flowers and calamus, put them in a glass jar or bottle of a capacity of 0.5 liters, to fill to the brim vodka (Folk medicine for microcalcifications must infuse for 5 days and then received 50 grams of 2 times a day immediately before meal).

The effectiveness of national treatment is not scientifically proven.

Therefore, the main precaution this method of therapy is the inability to predict the reception result teas, decoctions and infusions based on medicinal plants.

Hydrate of microcalcifications

The use of baking soda in the treatment of breast microcalcifications due prevention of cancer process in breast tissue. It is believed that soda will neutralize the increased acid balance in the body and prevents the formation of cancer.

The treatment regimen is as follows:

  • take half teaspoon baking soda, dissolve it in 250 ml of warm water;
  • wait for 10 minutes to dissolve all the crystals substance;
  • drink homemade medicine in one gulp on an empty stomach;
  • after 15 minutes for breakfast;
  • a second procedure performed in the evening hours before dinner.
Microcalcifications in the breast. That is, individual, grouped, polymorphous, multiple. Treatment of folk remedies, drugs

Treatment time ranges from 10 to 15 days. After that the woman re-examines the state of breast tissue for the presence of calcium salts. It is important to remember that this method of therapy is not approved by official medicine, since there are no clinical data on its use. Laboratory studies have not been conducted in this direction.

the pathology of the Diet

The basic principle of dietary at microcalcifications in the breast - the restriction of the following products containing calcium salts, or else promoting its absorption.

They are as follows:

  • all kinds of milk products;
  • sunflower seeds, poppy seeds, peanuts, sesame seeds, almonds;
  • ocean fish, especially sardines;
  • confectionery;
  • garlic, parsley;
  • eggs, regardless of their method of preparation;
  • beans, peas, beans, soybeans;
  • oat and wheat cereals.
Microcalcifications in the breast. That is, individual, grouped, polymorphous, multiple. Treatment of folk remedies, drugs
To resolve microcalcifications in the breast, it is necessary to adhere to a special diet.

In addition, a woman needs to renounce the use of fatty, fried, smoked food. Most of the dishes held in the diet should be steamed, cooked in the oven, or cooked in water in conventional manner. Alcoholic beverages, tobacco and drugs are strictly forbidden.

The prognosis of microcalcifications in the breast

Microcalcifications, which appeared in the breast - is extraneous growths, which a woman can expect to live all life and not feel any discomfort until the calcium deposits are found mammography.

At the same time under the influence of factors unfavorable environmental conditions, poor nutrition, weakening of the immune system, microcalcifications can be a catalyst to form the cancer process cancer. With timely start of drug treatment prediction for getting rid of microcalcifications and a full recovery is positive.

Author of the article: Stella Millet (stellamille)

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Video of the microcalcifications in the breast

What dangerous tumors can occur in the breast:

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