
Baby food for pancreatitis in adults: whether it is possible, liquid, fruit drinks

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Sometimes doctors recommend baby food for pancreatitis in adults. Pancreatitis - quite a serious disease of the pancreas. In addition to treatment for the normalization of the patient and in the case of attack must be strict adherence to a specific diet.

Meals for children and pancreatitis

Useful if baby food for pancreatitis

From the diet of patients with pancreatitis are completely excluded many types of foods and dishes. Patients and their relatives, the question arises in this regard whether diversify the diet of the person can be suffering from this type of pathology. In addition, there are situations when it is impossible for the patient to prepare the necessary dishes.

Many adults have found a fairly simple way out of this difficult situation. They turned their attention to the baby food, which is freely available at any store. By its composition and fruit puree, and canned meat, dairy and cereal adapted to the child's body needs. Whether they are able to fully meet the needs of vitamins and nutrients for an adult?

First of all it is necessary to take into account the fact that the contents of a jar of sauce can satisfy the appetite of the young child only. Adult these jars will need several times more.

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Baby food has been developed with the aim to teach the digestive system of the child to work in a new environment with a new set of products.

If an adult begins to eat such food, it will significantly reduce the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, but not can make up for their nutritional needs, as some of them are not yet available in children nutrition.

How to eat baby food for pancreatitis

But on the other hand, during the illness and after the aggravation, the digestive system needs a gentle unloading. The patient again, as a child, will have to train your stomach and pancreas to a specific set of products. In addition, many patients with exacerbation of pancreatitis occurs aggravation of allergies. Therefore, each new type of baby food should be administered with caution.

Of the main advantages of baby food in the diet of adult patients with pancreatitis release:

  • powdered components;
  • liquid and a soft texture;
  • the body needs a certain set of vitamins, amino acids and trace elements.

Meat from children's canned food can replace boiled turkey, chicken and rabbit. Baby food do not need to cook, which is very convenient, however, to move fully to such products can not be grown.

The main problem of all patients with pancreatitis - the lack of enzymes which due to illness can not enter the intestine accumulate inside the pancreas and corrode its walls. Therefore, in addition to children's nutrition, the diet must be included, and other products. Nutritionists advise such patients to use:

  • liquid or jelly fruit drinks;
  • mucous decoctions of rice or oatmeal, which can then be replaced have these cereals.

If a person is inflamed pancreas, his diet should be included potatoes, cooked in a sauce on the water and oil-free. Then, while improving the patient can eat protein omelet, steamed, cheese souffle, and pureed cooked meat. Patients will benefit and pureed soups. Just a day in the diet of patients with pancreatitis should enter about:

  • 100 g protein;
  • 450 g carbohydrate;
  • 80 g fat.

Protein should be in the diet necessary, as they normalize the pancreas. With most of the protein should be of animal origin. The patient per day is required over 2 liters. Reimburse the amount of children like her juice will be problematic. Therefore it is best instead of juice to drink green tea with milk and honey. You can diversify your diet beet juice or mineral water.

The diet should be very strict. For example, the patient may be offered fish or chicken burgers for a couple with a garnish of pumpkin puree. Soups can be prepared in the fish or beef broth. Meat and fish should be low-fat varieties. For dessert, you can eat a baked apple with honey. All meals must be enabled patients with pancreatitis. Even the slightest deviation from the diet may cause a new escalation. The basis of the diet at an exacerbation of pancreatitis laid table №5. Further, it is possible to switch to the table №2, which is characterized by great diversity.

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