Joints And Bones

Spondylosis: symptoms, treatment, prognosis

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Spondylosis - a spinal disorder, a chronic process, which is characterized by impaired nutrition of intervertebral disc cells. When spondylosis mobility of the torso or the head becomes more limited.


The cause of the disease is an overload of the spine or injury. risk group consists of mostly men after 40 years

When spondylosis in the cervical vertebrae and intervertebral discs such disturbances occur which lead to the deposition of salts (formed by the so-called osteophytes). Formation of osteophytes - a defensive reaction to the destruction of the intervertebral disc. The salt formation contributes to the cessation of movement between the vertebrae.

Spondylosis can also result scoliosis, kyphosis, Inflammation in the spine. Spondylosis is often the result of wear of the intervertebral discs.

symptoms spondylosis

Spondylosis may affect any spine. are the common symptoms:

  • pain in the spine;
  • limited movement in the affected spine;
  • predominant manifestation of symptoms at the end of the day or night.
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When spondylosis marked stiffness and spasms long back muscles. At the same time between attacks of pain patients tend to straighten back slowly and with effort.

The most common spondylosis of the cervical spine. It is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • cervical migraine;
  • pain in the neck, radiating to the arm or pain in the shoulder blade;
  • stiffness when cornering head in a standing position (prone, usually less restricted movement);
  • heartache, headache, Tinnitus, visual impairment (worse when tilting the head);
  • pain in shoulder movement.

Pain during cervical spondylosis occurs due to circulatory disorders and various changes in nerve plexuses. If you have these symptoms of patients sent for X-rays of the spine or magnetic resonance imaging.


Spondylosis can be cured both surgical and conservative method.

Surgical cure is possible in the case of not undergoing severe pain in the conservative treatment, and the presence of signs of lesions of the spinal cord. In these cases, the operations carried laminectomy (removal of the diseased disc) and decompression (operation to reduce pressure on nerve tissue).

Treatment spondylosis complex and is conducted usually in conjunction with treatment osteochondrosis.

For treatment spondylosis used hondroprotektory (drugs for restoring intervertebral discs) in combination with a vasodilator to improve blood circulation. Also, for these purposes, effective hirudotherapy (treatment of medical leeches) and a back massage.

Also effective in the treatment spondylosis nonsteroidal antiinflammatories, procaine blockade. The remission periods recommended therapeutic exercise and physical activity.


Spondylosis progresses slowly, so with timely treatment, the prognosis for life is favorable.

This article is based on materials of the book "Diseases of the spine", ed. d. m. n., prof. YU. YU. Eliseev, Moscow, 2008.

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