Blood Test

Eosinophils are dropped in an adult: what it says, what it means to zero (0) in a blood test, the reasons, the level below the norm, women are absent, such low, lowered, no, little

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Eosinophils are a type of white blood cells. In the bloodstream, these corpuscles are in a small volume, but they can easily be found on structural features. These cells are colored due to the dye eosin in a red tint, what determines their primary functional role. If eosinophils reduced the adult, it speaks about the development of acute inflammation and weakening of immunity, most often it indicates with antiparasitic protection problems.

Not only have human eosinophil

How analysis determined

Specific eosinophil blood test is not available, the concentration is determined in the process of clinical trial appointed at least once a year during the passage of a planned medical inspection. Such laboratory diagnosis is assigned if required to estimate the amount of blood cells due to the occurrence of data attributes helminthic infestations. Such an examination may be useful in the appearance of symptoms characteristic of allergies.

That can affect the outcome

To determine eosinophilic index, blood is taken on an empty stomach. Also, before the analysis and delivery of physical activity stress state must be excluded, t. K. This reduces the possibility of obtaining significant digits. If in this period the dose of medication, you need to put in the doctor aware of taking the drug.

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What is the count reduced

Normally eosinophils in the blood stream should not exceed 1-5% of the total leukocytes. The level of these cells is able to vary during the day. For example, eosinophilic index during the day is reduced, and in the course of a night's rest - rises to a maximum.

According to the standards, the number of eosinophils in the blood of an adult and a child who has reached 13 years of age, should be 0.5-5%, which in absolute terms means - 0.02-0.03 * 109 / L. While the children, this figure is slightly higher - 0.5-7%.

Small cell content

Eosinophils may be absent in adults, when development began eosinopenia - state, in which blood flow is reduced in the number of cells.

In the case where the proportion of eosinophils in adult 0 leukocytic formula, but the level of blood cells themselves remain unchanged, which means that there is a formation relative eosinopenia.

Reduced level of eosinophilic cells in women after fertilization is the norm (sometimes completely absent) since leucocytes perceive such an egg as a foreign body and destroy it.

Why falling figures

When eosinophils reduced the adult, she says about the different disorders of the internal organs. The maximum accumulation of these cells found in systems that are actively in contact with the external environment. In the skin, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract. They kept in contact with foreign microorganisms, get inside with the inhaled air, food, water. The main reasons for reducing the level of circulating leukocyte cells in more detail below.

Bone marrow suppression

The process of synthesizing the leukocyte cells is slowed down during treatment with toxic drugs. As a result, detected low eosinophils in CROI analysis.

Such a state is able to provoke antibiotics, anticancer medicaments, the use of chemotherapy.

Can inhibit bone substance effects on the body of salts of heavy metals, chemical substances, carbon dioxide. Weakened production of white blood cells leads to the formation of the absolute eosinopenia.


When inflammation in the body of viral or bacterial origin no reduction of eosinophilic cells, their accumulation is reduced simply based on the total amount of protective cells in the bloodstream. This increases the number of neutrophils in comparison to that will show that eosinophils are lowered. In this situation, the doctor diagnoses the relative eosinopenia. A similar pattern is observed on the background of toxic shock.

physical overload

In this case, the mechanism of leukocyte granulocyte reduction similar to the process if infected organism. eosinophils in the blood are lowered in comparison with other protective blood cells.

Increased adrenal activity

With increased synthesis of corticosteroid hormones automatically hematopoietic suppression of accumulation of products and blocking the process of aging and removal of leukocyte cells in the bone marrow. As a result, diagnose decreased eosinophils. A similar picture is observed during treatment with hormonal drugs (prednisone, cortisone).

Symptoms and signs

Features characterizing eosinophilia, as there are none, because it is not an independent disease. While under the influence of certain factors when lowered eosinophils in the blood, patients complain of similar symptoms.

In the pathology of parasitic nature:

  • increased lymph nodes, liver and spleen;
  • marked anemia - especially against the backdrop of the damage of the intestinal system, malaria;
  • reduced weight;
  • temperature all the time is kept within subfebrile;
  • there is joint and muscle pain, lethargy, lack of appetite observed;
  • there is a dry paroxysmal cough, skin rashes.

Man complains of constant fatigue, weight loss and hunger even if the increase in the consumption of food, dizziness on the background of anemia, long causeless hyperthermia. These signs point to poisoning of the body products of vital activity of worms and other harmful microorganisms, the growth of an allergic reaction to them, a violation of the digestive function and metabolism.

If decreased eosinophils in adult accompanied by an allergy, there is the development of pruritus (Urticaria), bubbles, swelling in the neck (Quincke's edema) typical urticarial rashes.

May form collapse, a sharp decrease in blood pressure, shock, and skin delamination.

If low eosinophilic cells led to gastrointestinal damage, the patient complains of retching, diarrhea, pain and discomfort in the abdomen, admixture of blood or pus in the stool in the background colitis. In this case the symptoms are caused by the development of the disease in the gastrointestinal tract.

When eosinophils below normal followed by oncology, observed the occurrence of fever, lethargy, weight loss, joint and muscle aches and pain, increase in size of liver, spleen and lymph nodes, disease infectious-inflammatory nature.

What to do

Sometimes, to find out why there is a decrease in blood eosinophils does not work. In addition, after brief decrease in the level of these cells separate treatment is required.

The goal of treatment is to combat the drivers of change in the results of analyzes:

  • When the cause was a bacterial infection, the mainstay of therapy are most often antibiotics. As a supplement may be assigned reception means maintaining intestinal microflora - probiotics and restrictions on consumption of fried fatty, canned and smoked products.
  • If reduced levels of eosinophils provoked by toxic substances, detoxification prescribed treatment and symptomatic therapy. In case of violation of the heart and blood vessels treat arrhythmia and shock, against the background of acute respiratory failure is performed tracheal intubation. On a critical disorder in vital systems can be applied to hardware artificial blood circulation or ventilation, hemodialysis.

With sustained relief of pain by local action, spasmolytic and analgesic drugs, the level of eosinophil cells in normal blood.

When the condition is stabilized, remission or be cured primary pathology parameters in laboratory analyzes of blood flow to stabilize. Do not forget that is strictly forbidden to use the medication, when in the bloodstream few eosinophils, without medical advice.

Balanced diet

To prevent conditions that may lead to the fact that the rate of eosinophils will be less than normal, and strengthen the immune system of the whole body, you need to follow some rules. One should stick to a balanced diet, drinking regime, to the extent of body weight, often walking in the street, not supercool, be sure to comply with the daily work and leisure.

Dangers and Consequences

Some people ignore when decreased eosinophils in the blood turn into a chronic condition, they simply do not know what can cause a decrease of leukocyte cell data. It should be understood that the reduced number of such cells can harm the body. Lack of eosinophilic granulocytes indicates the vulnerability of immunity, the possible formation of different pathologies.

When the adult level of eosinophils in the range of zero, the immune system is not able to fight internal and external pathogenic organisms, it is able to trigger the development of various diseases. A value of 0 means that it is possible exacerbation of chronic diseases, formation fungal infection, an allergic reaction to food, and sometimes the formation of numerous inflammatory processes.

Therefore, the rate of eosinophilic cells should necessarily be kept under control and do not forget about strengthening the immune system so that it was able to defend the body.

Especially risky is a decreased level of blood cells in children. The body of the child is still weak, and the reduction of eosinophils in the blood stream it adds vulnerability by external sources. By lowering the index of these cells children become susceptible to viral pathologies, besides to be more severe and protracted course of the disease.

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