Female Diseases
Reference Book Of Diseases

Treatment of cervical erosion

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Cervical erosion - is a collective term used to describe a defect in red on the surface epithelium of the vaginal surface of the cervix. Before treatment, erosion, it is necessary to understand the causes and symptoms of the disease.


The term "cervical erosion" is used by gynecologists to simplify the explanation of the disease in patients.

The normal vaginal surface of the cervix is ​​lined with squamous epithelium, consisting of many layers, and has a uniform pale pink color. Ectopia called "transition" columnar epithelium, normally found only in the cervical canal, the vaginal surface on the neck.

Typically hereinafter columnar epithelium is replaced at the cervical surface multilayered flat. This process is called "squamous metaplasia", And the area of ​​the substitution - the" transformation zone ". It is in this area is most often malignant degeneration of cells - cancer.

Also at the cervical surface defects can occur by direct impact of the damaging factors (mechanical, chemical, and so on. D.). So there is a real erosion of the cervix.

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At the expressed inflammatory and infectious process in the vagina and cervix are often affected - it acquires a pronounced red ( "inflammation") color, which can also sometimes treated as "erosion."


Ectopic columnar epithelium and true erosion differ not only in appearance during colposcopy, but also causes them to call.

Possible causes ectopia:

  • Ectopia cylindrical epithelium of the cervix is ​​common in normal girls and young women, which is due, in all probability, with hormonal changes at puberty and the formation of the menstrual cycle.
  • There is evidence identifying ectopic even infanticide, which may be due to a violation of the processes epithelial cell differentiation in utero.
  • cervical trauma during childbirth, during medical procedures (extension of the cervical canal during abortion etc.).
  • hormonal imbalance, Long-term use of combined oral contraceptives.
  • Inflammatory and infectious process in the vagina. A big role in the occurrence of lesions, cervical erosion play infections, sexually transmitted diseases.

True erosion happens:

  • inflammatory. It appears when exposed to specific (gonococcus, chlamydia and m. P.) Or non-specific infectious agent.
  • traumatic. A direct mechanical or chemical effect: injury gynecologic instrument during sexual intercourse, masturbation, the impact of soap, medicines, etc...
  • burn. It appears as a result of premature rejection of a scab after surgery on the cervix.
  • trophic. Often accompanied by uterine prolapse or a consequence of the ongoing radiation therapy.
  • cancerous.


The classification of benign background of pathological conditions used to divide them respectively colposcopic signs.

Colposcopic classification:

  • Ectopic columnar epithelium. It can be dishormonal or post-traumatic genesis.
  • Benign zone transformation: unfinished or finished.
  • Cervical inflammation: endocervite or ekzotservitsit.
  • True erosion.
  • Benign polypoid formation.
  • cervical endometriosis.


Most benign pathological cervical conditions are usually asymptomatic and are often discovered by chance at the next routine inspection at the gynecologist.

True erosion sometimes appear contact bleeding or spotting.

With concomitant infectious process may experience vaginal fluids of different nature and intensity, discomfort in the vagina and other symptoms.


Pathological changes in the surface of the cervix ( "erosion") identified already during normal gynecological examination. Determined by different values ​​"spot" or "defect" in red on the vaginal surface of the cervix.

The main method of diagnosis of "erosion" is colposcopy. In this study, the cervix is ​​examined using a special optical device - a colposcope. Additionally held various samples (Acetic, with Lugol's solution and the like. D.) Allowing to more accurately determine the nature, extent and depth of the pathological process. In identifying the suspicious area on the cervix carried him excision (biopsy) with further histopathological study.

Additional methods:

  • Bacterioscopic swab of the cervical canal and vaginal.
  • Sample Papanicolaou.
  • Bacteriological and PCR study of cervical discharge.
  • Endocervical curettage.
  • Determination of hormonal status, ultrasound scans of the pelvic organs and some other studies carried out on the grounds.


The main goal of treatment of pathological processes, such as cervical erosion is their elimination, as well as correction of the states in the female bodyThat caused them.

It should be noted that in nulliparous women to 23 years is usually observed physiological ectopia cylindrical epithelium of the cervix. Such patients are subject to dynamic observation without therapeutic manipulation required with a regular cytological and colposcopy examination.

Methods of treatment of benign pathological conditions:

  • Conservative.
  • Surgical.
  • Combined.

Conservative therapy:

  • It is usually carried out before surgery, and sometimes accompanies it.
  • In identifying the pathogen infection in the cervix and / or vagina carried his elimination by assigning appropriate antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal preparations.
  • At the end of treatment necessarily carried etiotrop vaginal biocenosis recovery (Biological products that contain live cultures of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli).
  • Correcting a hormone imbalance made depending on the extent of the violations. Required treatment of hormone-dependent disorders (endometriosis, leiomyoma).

After graduating from medical treatment is carried out retested three months later. In the case of treatment failure to perform surgical treatment of cervical benign pathologies. If there is scar-marked strain cervical erosion, surgical exposure is preferred.

Types of surgery:

  • Chemical coagulation. It carried a certain concentration of acid solutions in patients with small size lesions and in the absence of cervical deformation. Usually in the course of treatment it requires several applications.
  • Electrocoagulation. It is performed at the beginning of the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle. The indications are benign pathological cervical condition without pronounced deformation or hypertrophy. Anesthesia is not usually required.
  • Electroexcision. Local anesthesia. It carried in combination with the deformation of benign pathology or cervical hypertrophy, as well as dysplasia.
  • Cryodestruction.
  • Laser vaporization.
  • Radio wave therapy.

After surgery, it is recommended to abstain from sexual intercourse during the first two months. To speed up the repair process often prescribe a variety of local medicines.

Control examination and colposcopy is usually prescribed after six to eight weeks after such treatment.


In the absence of treatment or diagnosis of late for benign pathological processes may be complicated.

The most dangerous complication is the transformation of benign malignant process - the occurrence of precancerous (dysplasia) and cancerous conditions in the cervix. Unfortunately, the susceptible and young girls.

Defect cervical surface serves as a "gateway" for penetration of various pathogenic bacteria. This can exacerbate the disease and cause a chronic inflammatory pathology of the female reproductive organs. in this case, the penetration of the infection is associated with cervical protective barrier breach in pathological conditions of the cervix.

The birth defect cervix is ​​less responsive to hormonal effects - bad expands and easily injured.


Directions prevention of cervical benign pathologies are caused by exposure warning etiopathogenic factors.

Preventive measures include:

  • regular preventive examination by a gynecologist (At least once a year) with the mandatory implementation of cervical cytology testing. Colposcopy is performed when indicated.
  • timely diagnosis and treatment infectious and inflammatory pathology in the female genital area.
  • adequate correction of hormonal disorders.
  • Adherence to the basic rules of personal hygiene.
  • correctly picked up contraception.
  • sexual life hygiene - the avoidance of casual sex, condom use.


With timely detection and treatment of properly selected cervix benign pathological condition (erosion) disease ends a complete cure.

In the presence of physiological ectopia in young women and the absence of the background of pathological conditions, e.g., inflammation, there is a complete replacement of columnar epithelium stratified squamous to about 23-25 ​​years.

When the elimination of pathogenic factor in the erosion of the true and timely appointment of treatment as there is a full recovery.

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