
Twitches eye upper eyelid. Causes and treatment of left, right, what to do

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It is known that the eye twitches of different sex and age in humans. In this case, the process involves the upper eyelid. There are many reasons that could provoke such a manifestation, in every case, they are identified in the survey. To eliminate the unpleasant symptoms should see a specialist.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Why twitches upper eyelid
  • 2 As far as it is dangerous and dangerous it?
  • 3 To what doctor to address?
  • 4 Therapeutic medicated preparations
  • 5 Means and methods of traditional medicine
  • 6 Relaxation and exercise for the eyes
  • 7 Correction mode of work and rest
  • 8 Essential oils
  • 9 proper nutrition
  • 10 Video of nervous tics

Why twitches upper eyelid

Impulsive twitching century or the entire eye in medicine is called hyperkinesis as associated with muscle spasm. Symptom twitching century manifests itself in response to stress of various degrees of severity. However, there are other reasons, provoking the manifestation.

The most common are the following:

  • sleep disorders associated with mental disorders or diseases of internal organs. The nervous system responds to a peculiar deficit a good rest, so the violation of a nerve impulse to the muscles can lead to twitch.
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    Twitches left and right eyes, upper eyelid. Causes and treatment, what to do
  • Regular wearing lenses or glasses, puts pressure on the eye area. The lenses also often lead to corneal microtrauma that may also cause the disorder.
  • Regular mental fatigue. This reason is more common for students or students who are paying a lot of time reading, writing and mental work.
  • Pathology of the immune system that trigger a violation of the internal organs.
  • Severe allergic reactions accompanied by lachrymation and eyelid edema. This disturbed blood supply and nutrients to the eyelids, which leads to twitch.
  • Surgery on the eyelids. Twitch is often the result of a failed plastic surgery.
  • Bad habits, such as long-term smoking and alcohol abuse. Thus damaged nervous tissue and disrupted nerve impulse transmission.
  • Pathology of the facial and trigeminal nerve, provoking not only the twitching, but also changes in facial expression of the whole face.
  • the spinal cord and spinal column in the neck.
  • Malnutrition, which results in insufficient uptake of potassium, calcium and magnesium. These substances play an important role in the normal functioning of muscles.
  • Chronic vitamin deficiency. Deficiency of vitamin B causes disorders of the nervous system, which often leads to twitch.
  • Excessive dryness of the eyeball. Such a violation is more common in elderly patients, but can also occur in young people. This decreases the amount of liquid, ensuring humidification of the eyeball, and becomes twitch response to discomfort during blinking.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the eye and eyelid, for example, blepharitis, conjunctivitis, corneal lesion. Chalazion may also cause twitching. Since this disease is formed purulent hearth provoking squeezing tissues and blood vessels in the eye.
  • Vascular dystonia is considered to be a common cause, as when the breach occurs the change of the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for the regulation of all processes in the body person.
  • Parasitic diseases, such as helminth infections. Such a disorder is more prevalent in children. The presence of the parasite in the body leads inevitably to a breach of digestion and vitamins, which becomes the cause of beriberi and nerve abnormalities, eye muscles.
  • Epilepsy varying severity. In patients who have seizures happen more often 5 times a year, twitching a concomitant symptom.
  • Mental disorders chronic form of, for example, schizophrenia. During an exacerbation there are violations of the facial muscles.
  • Craniocerebral trauma of varying severity.
  • brain disease, such as meningitis and encephalitis.
  • Neuritis and neuralgia and nervous disorders in the acute and chronic form. Such violations can trigger a twitch only right or only the left eye.
  • Atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels, provoking violation of muscle blood flow, are responsible for the rise and the omission of the century.

Twitching eye, upper eyelid (the reasons may be different) is more common in those patients who are regularly exposed to stress. Experts note that such patients say twitch it in moments of strong emotional arousal.Twitches left and right eyes, upper eyelid. Causes and treatment, what to do

Patients with well-balanced nervous system less likely to suffer from such disorders. This is due to the slowing of nerve processes that do not cause sudden muscle spasms.

It should also be noted that the experts distinguish depending on the predisposing factor short-term or spontaneous twitching, primary, that disappear after some time awakening.

On the secondary twitch say when spontaneous does not disappear after a short time. There is also a chronic form of the disorder, where the patient's concern is not only the twitching, but also the pain of muscle contraction. When this symptom persists for many months and even years.

As far as it is dangerous and dangerous it?

Patients with the appearance of such a violation consider it frivolous and rarely refer to a specialist. If twitching spontaneously and disappears after a few minutes, do not worry. Most likely, such a sign is not a sign of any disease.

However, often eye twitches for a few hours, there is pain or discomfort. In this case, do not ignore the manifestation, it is better to visit a specialist.

To what doctor to address?

Treatment of pathologies of neurological neurologist involved. If the patient has a regular eye twitches, or only the upper eyelid, it is worth visiting a specialist for examination. After the first examination, the doctor examines the history of previous disease, patient polls and reveals the supposed cause of the disorder.

If necessary, appointed consulting endocrinologist, ophthalmologist, cardiologist. In most cases, identified concomitant diseases of other organs and systems.

Therapeutic medicated preparations

Twitching eye, upper eyelid (the reasons are often associated with neurological disorders) in patients of different age and sex. That's why experts prescribe therapy individually, taking into account the related disorders, and the risk of complications.Twitches left and right eyes, upper eyelid. Causes and treatment, what to do

group funds examples Features of the application
light sedation afobazol Tools help normalize the psycho-emotional state, improve sleep and prevent the jerking associated with neurological disorders. Usually specialist prescribes patient 1 tablet before bedtime. The course duration is 10-14 days.
antidepressants amitriptyline This group of agents is not always used, but only when the twitching associated with severe nervous or mental disorder. The preparations have a pronounced hypnotic effect, as well as patient comfort. Should take 1 tablet before going to bed for 5-7 days. The drug is prescribed by a specialist after the test.
Herbal sedatives Persen, New Pass Tools help to reassure the patient and prevent the re-emergence of symptoms. You must use them for 1-2 weeks. The dosage and number of administrations per day is determined individually. Formulations contain herbal ingredients that are beneficial to the patient, but does not adversely affect the nervous system.
antispasmodics Papaverine, no-spa Used at muscular spasm, which leads to a prolonged twitch. In this case, the patient drink enough 2 tablets a day for 10 days. Funds shall not apply in the case of chronic arterial hypotension.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents Ibuprofen, Nimesil Drugs have not only anti-inflammatory, but the analgesic effect, so used in the twitching of the chronic form, which provokes pain. Allowed to consume per day from 1 to 3 tablets depending on the severity of symptom. The course of treatment lasts for no more than 7 days.
antihistamines Suprastin, Zodak Shown in disorders caused by allergies and swelling of the eyelids. For 7-10 days, the patient should take 1-2 tablets of the drug.
antibacterials Azitral, Ciprofloxacin Used in infectious pathologies that could provoke muscle spasms and twitching. The daily dosage is determined depending on the disease and course of duration generally does not exceed 10 days.
B vitamins Thiamine, pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin The funds help to normalize the passage of nerve impulses, improves the nutrition of tissues. Typically, the patient is prescribed means in the form of a solution for intramuscular injection. The course consists of 10 daily injections. Sometimes the patient is prescribed a single drug or just 2. In the latter case it is their turn, and the course duration is increased to 20 days.
Twitches left and right eyes, upper eyelid. Causes and treatment, what to do

Scheme drug treatment in each case assigned individually. All drugs are not used simultaneously.

Means and methods of traditional medicine

Twitches eye as a result of various factors. If the process involves the upper eyelid, the patient does not always consider the cause of any internal disease, therefore, prefers to use the recipes of alternative medicine. The most frequently used drugs on the basis of medicinal herbs that have sedative properties.

Infusion based mint used for sleep disorders and psycho-emotional stress, which leads to a jerking eye. It is possible to prepare 3 g of dried leaves of peppermint and 300 mL of boiling water. Infuse composition must be 20 min., Taken at bedtime for 5 to 10 consecutive days. Allowed to be added to the infusion of honey or a small amount of sugar.

A mixture of lemon, honey, garlic helps to saturate the body with valuable components and to strengthen the immune system. It is necessary to take 5 garlic cloves, peeled and crushed, put in a container made of glass.

To add the garlic 5 pre-crushed with lemon rind, then pour the liquid ingredients honey in the amount of 500 g Infuse mixture must 7 days. Ready means used in the morning for 1 st. l until it is over.Twitches left and right eyes, upper eyelid. Causes and treatment, what to do

Motherwort tincture is used for nervous disorders and insomnia. Prepare agent may be from 20 g of dry raw material and 100 ml of vodka or home brew. Steep herbs should be 2 weeks. After that, take a tincture of 20 drops in the evening. Duration of the course - 10 to 14 days depending on the severity of symptoms.

chamomile decoction is considered a natural antiseptic and sedative. It helps to improve the general condition, eliminate muscle spasm. 500 ml of water need 5 g of dry raw material, which must boil for 3-5 min. After that, the means to filter and take 150 ml morning and evening during the week.

It is useful to make honey compresses, which will soothe the skin and help to alleviate the condition. In 200 ml of warm water will need 1 tbsp. l of liquid natural honey. It is necessary to dissolve the product and moisten as part of a cotton pad, apply it to the eyelid and leave for 20 minutes. Repeat manipulation in the morning and evening for 1 week.

Any of the methods of traditional medicine may be used only after consulting a specialist.

Relaxation and exercise for the eyes

Twitching eye, upper eyelid (the reasons may be related to the lack of proper rest) in many patients whose professional activity is connected with the front of the computer manipulation. It is necessary to carry out special exercises to help relax the muscles and normalize the blood flow to the nerve endings.Twitches left and right eyes, upper eyelid. Causes and treatment, what to do

Suitable for relaxation and a separate well-ventilated room in which the patient will be able to stand alone. Be sure to leave all disturbing thoughts, take a comfortable position and focus on pleasant things. For a quick relaxation is recommended to listen to classical music or nature sounds. This will help not to think about problems.

Every day, experts recommend at least 20 minutes. to be alone and to try to relax as much as possible.

Then you can perform simple exercises for the eyes:

  • Much squinting 5-10 sec., Then wide-eyed. Repeat 5 times.
  • Looked right and left, up and down for 20 seconds. Do not make it too fast, it is better to move slowly opinion, not to provoke pain in the eyes.
  • Roll your eyes clockwise and counterclockwise. Repeat for 15 seconds. in each direction.
  • Focus look at the tip of his nose, trying to translate it into other subjects for 20 seconds.
  • Close your eyes and relax as much as possible, feel the tension leaving the area of ​​the orbit and the entire face.

Such exercises can be performed daily until symptoms disappear. If necessary, allowed to do the exercises 2 times a day. If after some time the patient notices twitching again, you can resume classes.

Correction mode of work and rest

During treatment, the patient must normalize the work and rest. Constant fatigue, stress and lack of night sleep will not eliminate a symptom. For some patients simply to increase sleep time, or add them to your daily routine short daytime rest.

However, in most cases, it required a radical change in the regime. You must not exceed the time. If the working day lasts 8 hours, it is not necessary to continue to work from home or stay late. In addition, the holiday includes not only a dream. In his spare time you can attend concerts or museums, exhibitions. Such activities will help restore emotional balance.

Do not ignore the sport. In his spare time you can go for a bike ride or visit the pool. This will get the maximum benefit from the rest and strengthen the immune system. The effect of lifestyle changes can already be observed in 7-10 days.

Essential oils

Twitches eye upper eyelid (need to identify reasons during the test) by various predisposing factors, but many patients deliberately refuse conventional treatment, replacing it unusual techniques. One such method is the use of essential oils that have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and help to eliminate jerking.

Twitches left and right eyes, upper eyelid. Causes and treatment, what to do
Twitches eye upper eyelid typically due to stress or fatigue. Stress help remove warm baths

The best effect have a warm bath with a few drops of essential oils of lavender, geranium, peppermint. The procedure was carried out 3 times a week, the course consists of 10 sessions.

Duration of the bath should not exceed 20 minutes. It is worth remembering that before the addition of essential oil should be dissolved in 5 ml of oil-base. For this fit peach, apricot or almond oil. In 5 ml of the product will need 10 drops of essential oils.

It is important to remember that patients with varicose veins and thrombophlebitis should not take a bath. They are contraindicated in the presence of venous ulcers or infected wounds. Some oils increase blood pressure, so do not take a bath in patients with hypertension.

proper nutrition

Many experts with frequent upper eyelid twitching is recommended to adjust the diet to include foods rich in potassium, calcium and magnesium. These components are necessary for normal functioning of muscles and the nervous system.

It is important to eat the following foods:

  • Almonds and walnuts in a small amount.
  • Dairy products with a low percentage of fat.
  • Wheat bran and porridge from this cereal.
  • Dried fruits. Particularly useful is considered apricots, which compensates for a deficiency of potassium and magnesium. Even a few pieces a day helps to saturate the body with these elements.
  • Peas and beans.
  • Flax seeds. This product is not as easy to use in its pure form, but can be added to salads or yogurt.

In addition, you can use cooked lean meat, fruits and vegetables. You can increase the number of berries in the diet, which also contain valuable components. Compliance with these guidelines will reduce the supply risk of violations and improve the overall health of the patient.Twitches left and right eyes, upper eyelid. Causes and treatment, what to do

Usually eye twitches in humans as a result of various factors. The upper eyelid at the same time involved in the process more often. The causes of this disorder may be associated with neurological or physical illness, so it is important to visit a doctor and get tested to determine the most appropriate treatment.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

Video of nervous tics

Three test if eye twitches:

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