Diseases Of The Nervous System
Reference Book Of Diseases

Neuralgia: symptoms and treatment of the disease

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Nerve cells and closure penetrate the human body, being transmitters of signals from the central nervous system. Their coordinated work and the relationship with absolutely all authorities ensure the functioning of the body in accordance with the short-term needs. Like all other organs, nerve endings become very vulnerable under the impact of viruses, bacteria, hypothermia, enhanced physical activity. In high-risk are nerves, the path of which passes through narrow passages and openings.

Neuralgia treatment involved a neurologist. It identifies the cause of its origin and determine the etiology of the disease, which can be either primary (ie, occur independently under the influence of various circumstances) and secondary (be an additional manifestation of another disease). A harbinger of the disease is most often muscle spasm, with varying degrees of intensity turns into a sharp pain.


Despite the fact that the neuralgia may affect any nerve, the following are the most common types of it:

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  • Sciatica occurs due to infringement of the nerve roots that are at the base of the spinal column. As a result, a person feels a strong pain in the waist, which can extend to the area of ​​the coccyx, and down below, in one of the legs. This kind of neuralgia constrains movement and in severe cases can completely immobilize the patient. Sciatica is often caused by the onset of pathologic processes in the spine.
  • Trigeminal neuralgia, originating just above the ear, and branching almost all over his face - one of the most distressing and painful varieties of the disease. Person affected by it occasionally feels exhausting bouts of searing pain that prevents him to eat, communicate, perform other customary actions.
  • Intercostal neuralgia occurs predominantly in middle-aged and older people as a result of destruction of nerves located in the intercostal channels.
  • Neuralgia occipital nerve manifests the emergence of strong pain in the neck area with a gradual transition to the base of the neck. Sometimes the pain spreads to the face, because of which the person has convulsions. Frequent bouts of illness during coughing and other loads on the neck.
  • Neuralgia of the femoral nerve can be felt by the patient at any of the sites throughout the area it proleganiya. The femoral nerve has its base at the bottom of the vertebral column, it passes through the buttock and down the back of the feet up to the heel. In this regard, the disease is almost always accompanied by lameness, inability to take a comfortable posture while sitting or lying down, movement restriction.
  • Neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve of his symptoms reminiscent of trigeminal neuralgia. It just manifested by pain paroxysmal character in the face with a small bias towards the throat and tonsils. Discomfort exacerbated during swallowing cold or hot food when yawning, coughing, laughing, speaking loudest.
  • Neuralgia pterygopalatine node differs from other types of diseases that severely aggravated at night. Pain spreads mainly on the neck, temples, eyes, neck, sky, but can pass on the collarbone, shoulders, hands.

Neuralgia pain is different - in some cases, it abruptly begins and after a few seconds, gradually calms down, having reached its peak. In other pain can not be stopped for several days, and to wear at the same dull, aching, exhausting the patient, the nature.


Cause inflammation of the nerve may be one or a combination of the following factors:

  • herpes and other viral infections;
  • hypothermia;
  • injury;
  • salt deposits, inflammation of ligaments and joints;
  • allergy;
  • lung disease;
  • osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, scoliosis, Any inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • shingles;
  • inflammation of the sinuses;
  • pulpitis, caries;
  • obesity;
  • radiculitis, multiple sclerosis;
  • anemia, hypertension, peripheral vascular disease;
  • stress;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • a weakened immune system.

At risk also includes patients with a history of diabetes mellitus, malignant and benign tumors.

symptoms of neuralgia

Obviously, the main symptom, absolutely unifying all types of neuralgia is pain. But since pain and accompanied by other diseases (e.g., intercostal neuralgia often confused with heart and glossopharyngeal - with a toothache), it is necessary to take into account the overall picture of the ailment, which can complement such a diagnosis symptoms:

  • low-grade fever;
  • numbness in the affected area;
  • paresthesia (tingling, burning, a feeling of tightness of the skin, others the phantom sensations);
  • increased or decreased sensitivity in the area of ​​the patient;
  • convulsions;
  • muscle twitching;
  • limited mobility;
  • increased pain at night or simply in a horizontal position.

With a sharp attack of neuralgia, the patient may experience chills, fever, sweating, and dizziness.


When the first patient treatment with a complaint of pain, their symptoms resembling neuralgia, a doctor examines and palpation of the affected part, and asks the patient about the nature and duration of disturbing his symptoms. In some cases, you may need to conduct additional studies - X-ray, ultrasound, CT, MRI.

neuralgia treatment

In the treatment of inflammation of the nerves priority is the removal of pain. For this purpose is used an injection novocaine, Administered orally analgesics, anti-inflammatory and anticonvulsant drugs, local anesthetic ointments and creams containing snake and bee venom.

Good results show the use of physiotherapy techniques: acupuncture, massage problem areas, paraffin mud and ozocerite baths, electrophoresis, laser therapy, ultraviolet irradiation, irradiation of special lamps, baths with sea salt, medical physical education.

Subsequently the neurologist is necessary to determine the type of the disease. If it is the primary character, symptomatic treatment will be enough, if secondary, there should be the treatment of disease, provoke an attack. After the diagnosis and therapy of the underlying disease manifestations neuralgia, usually aligned.

If conservative treatment does not produce results, and the patient does not experience noticeable relief may be needed surgery (microvascular decompression) during which the release of nerve pinch his vessels. Partial or total removal of the damaged nerve endings is today considered a radical solution and applied only in the most severe cases.

The most modern methods of disposal of treatment refers neuralgia gamma knife (cyber knife), but use this method can only during inflammation trigeminal, occipital, and other glossopharyngeal nerves located in head.


Like any other disease, neuralgia easier and cheaper to prevent than to cure. To this end, should follow some simple rules:

  • Dress according to the weather, avoid drafts and hypothermia.
  • For any physical activity to try not to make too sudden movements.
  • Before sports activities necessary to warm up the muscles with special exercises.
  • To lift weights properly: to lift a weight more than 5 kg, it should first sit down and get up with the goods, clasping his hands and holding in front of him. Do not lift heavy objects standing, bent at the waist - it is fraught with nerve entrapment and subsequent inflammation. If you need to bear behind a heavy backpack or bag, this should be done, leaning forward slightly.
  • Follow the diet - it should be rich in B vitamins and magnesium, which are so essential to the nervous system. During the cold season should take special complexes of vitamins and minerals for the nervous system, after consultation with the doctor.
  • Time to treat viral infections, and other diseases. With a history of chronic diseases to undergo regular examinations and courses of therapy.
  • To avoid intoxication limit consumption of alcoholic beverages.

For the treatment and prophylaxis of neuralgia and other diseases of the nervous system are also shown Active specialized health centers, where you can take a course of mud and other effective methods of combating attacks of pain.


Contrary to popular belief, nerve inflammation can not pass on its own. Even if the pain subsides for a time, it necessarily will have an effect again after some time. In the absence of adequate treatment of the affected organ begins to function worse, deformed. This is typical for intercostal neuralgia and sciatica - the disease often change posture of man is not the best, contribute to the emergence of lameness. In addition, intercostal neuralgia, difficult breathing, due to which the patient has dizziness and fainting, falling hemoglobin levels in the blood.

Running inflammation of the occipital and facial nerves are fraught with violation of facial expressions, facial distortion, his numbness. It is important to remember that any prolonged severe pain exhausting man violates his sleep adversely affects the mental state, contributes to the emergence of chronic fatigue.


of the primary neuralgia treatment usually has a good prognosis and takes 2-4 weeks. If the nerve inflammation is another manifestation of the disease, in this case, getting rid of the negative symptoms depends entirely on the correct prescribed therapy of the underlying disease.

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