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Cerebral circulation. Treatment, medication, inexpensive but effective drugs, droppers, pill

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Cerebral blood flow is disturbed due to various reasons and at any age, so to improve the condition of blood vessels are always assigned to a special medication to help expand and strengthen the walls of capillaries and arteries, relieve spasms.

It is very important not only to choose an effective treatment drugs, but also spend quality adjustment of cerebral blood flow during transition periods, which are the most critical.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Symptoms of cerebral circulation
  • 2 Types of drugs for improving cerebral circulation
  • 3 vasodilators
  • 4 calcium antagonists
  • 5 Preparations based on plant extracts
  • 6 Medicaments strengthen the vascular wall
  • 7 Antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants
  • 8 nootropics
  • 9 Medicaments based on nicotinic acid
  • 10 Funds recommended for children
  • 11 Effective means for the elderly
  • 12 Useful video of cerebral circulation, symptoms and violations of his way to normalize

Symptoms of cerebral circulation

In medicine, there are two types of signs of impaired blood circulation in the brain:

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  1. focal: stroke, cerebral infarction, blood effusion in the intrathecal field.
  2. diffuse: multiple minor changes medulla, minor hemorrhage and benign, small foci of necrosis of brain tissue.

Each of the above diseases has its own characteristic symptoms.

Cerebral circulation. Treatment, drugs, cheap but effective
The article discussed in detail methods of treating disorders of cerebral circulation.

But there a few common signs that will help determine what disturbed cerebral circulationAnd an urgent need to go to a neurologist, he was able to prescribe the correct treatment with drugs:

  • recurrent pain in the head;
  • dizziness;
  • difficulties with reading, writing and speaking;
  • paralysis and paresis;
  • unpleasant tingling in the body;
  • loss of vision and hearing;
  • inattention;
  • memory loss.

There are also a number of signs of impaired blood flow due to mental or physical stress:

  • noise and pain in the head;
  • dizziness;
  • decreased performance;
  • tinnitus;
  • insomnia.

All these states should make a person go to a neurologist, who will find the cause and select effective drugs to help restore blood flow and prevent complications.

Types of drugs for improving cerebral circulation

Cerebral blood flow, treatment with drugs is based on the fact, in order to improve memory and blood flow for small and large vessels, You can restore these means:

Type of drugs Description examples
Drugs that affect it in the blood vessels Not yet fully studied their direct effect is on the brain vessels, which is why undesirable effects associated with blood flow. This group includes some kinds of antispasmodics, which positively affect the entire vascular system. Good results have shown papaverine, or Novitropan Spazmalgon.
Medications that help improve the metabolism of every cell of the brain Small part - it nootropics. They have a positive effect on all the functions of the brain. Their action is aimed at improving memory, increase efficiency, remove the negative effects of the injury and after-borne diseases. In this group, such drugs: Nootropil, Phenibut, Pantogam.
Means to prevent blood clots These include antiagregaty. These include: Aspirin Cardio, triflusal Dipyridamole.
herbal remedies They help improve blood flow in the brain, memory, increase metabolism in neurons, perfectly protect cell membranes. This group includes: Telektol, Cavintonum, Bravinton.
combined medication Have complex effects on the brain, thereby increasing the effectiveness of treatment These include Vazobral, Instenon and Pentaksifillin.
Cerebral circulation. Treatment, drugs, cheap but effective

Cerebral blood flow, treatment with drugs which should pick up a neurologist individually for each patient, can be normalized, the main thing - to comply with all the recommendations.


These medications are recommended to carry out sufficient blood to every cell in the brain. They help prevent oxygen deficiency, nourish the cells with all necessary useful components, positively affect energy metabolism, normalize brain function.

Among the group of medicines particularly in demand alpha-blockers:

  1. Sermion. Recommended for Aytsgeymera disease, migraine and atherosclerosis. Normalizes blood flow and metabolism in the cells of the brain. Manufactured in tablet form. Drink 10 mg three times daily or 30 mg twice take the need for at least two months. Sermion discharged at a dosage of 5, 10 or 30 mg. The cost of 50 tablets, 10 mg 600-700 rub.
  2. Prazosin. It is recommended to receive people who have a long time high blood pressure. The drug dilates blood vessels perfectly. The initial dose was 1 mg, it must be taken at bedtime, lying in bed, blood pressure may drop sharply after administration. After drinking the drug to 1 mg three times a day for two months. This is a very expensive drug, but effective.
Cerebral circulation. Treatment, drugs, cheap but effective

The action of these drugs is aimed at to eliminate the effects of serotonin, in fact it causes vasoconstriction.

calcium antagonists

This calcium channel blockers, which are now produced three generations of drugs. They help to expand the arteries, blood vessel walls to relax and not have a negative impact on the veins.

Immediately after taking the blood flow increases, cells receive the required amount of oxygen and vitamin complex. These drugs are divided into three main types: dihydropyrido, phenylalkylamines and benzodiazepines.

Proved to be effective:

  1. Nifedipine - dihydropyrido, Recommended if disturbed blood circulation, if there is a risk of blood clots, memory impairment as a result of injury or illness. The drug helps expand blood vessels, reduce the risk of blood clots. Take 10-30 mg three times a day. This drug costs only 32 rubles.
  2. Diltiazem - benzodiazepines indicated in blood flow through the vessels Abuse, when a thrombus and reducing memory. It helps to expand the blood vessels and prevents blood clots. The recommended dose of 180-360 mg 3 times a day. it cost 80 rubles.
  3. Verapamil - phenylalkylamines aimed at restoring blood flow, improve memory and prevent the formation of thrombi. Has a vasodilatory effect, reduces the risk of blood clots. Take 240-360 mg per day, divided into 3 doses. The cost of 40 rubles.
Cerebral circulation. Treatment, drugs, cheap but effective

It must be remembered that these drugs systemically affect the whole body, so before you start taking them, you need to undergo a thorough examination.

Preparations based on plant extracts

Cerebral blood flow, treatment with drugs which should pick up a neurologist, you can restore the herbal remedies. They are well-suited for people with serious health problems, because they have almost no contraindications and undesirable manifestations.

Most of these funds are sold in the public domain, and not harm, if the original read the instructions.

Cerebral circulation. Treatment, drugs, cheap but effective

Among these drugs especially in demand:

  1. Medicines based on vinca. They help to relieve spasm of vessels, normalizes metabolism and microcirculation processes, reduce the risk of blood clots. Particularly popular drug Cavinton which is recommended in patients with atherosclerosis or stroke. He clearly improves the metabolism in brain cells. Take 10 mg 3 times a day for at least 3 months. Price from 200 rubles.
  2. Medication with Ginkgo biloba. They have a complex effect on the blood flow: relieves spasms, normalizes microcirculation, remove the swelling, activate the protective function of the vessel walls. This category includes drugs biloba is recommended for insomnia, disturbances of mental capacity, irrational fear. Available in capsules, take 1 piece. 3 times a day for at least 90 days. Price from 50 rubles.

If the patient had been assigned to these drugs, it would in any case be at the same time they take medication aimed at thinning the blood. Increased risk of bleeding in the brain.

Medicaments strengthen the vascular wall

These products are prescribed only neurologist. Their action is aimed at to maintain the elasticity of the vessel walls. Similar action have some vitamins and minerals. Good improve blood flow in the brain and improve memory products, as part of which the vitamin is present R.

Cerebral circulation. Treatment, drugs, cheap but effective

This group may include:

  1. askorutin recommended to accept patients with lesions of capillaries, retinal hemorrhage. If you take a course of treatment it, then we can reduce capillary fragility, increase the elasticity of blood vessels. The recommended daily dosage of 2 tablets three times a day for at least 1 month. Price from 40 rubles.
  2. bilberry Forte helps to improve the elasticity of the vessel walls, reduces the risk of brain hemorrhage. The day is recommended to take 2 tablets in the morning and evening for two months. Price from 80 rubles.

Good help to cope with problems of blood circulation drugs with minerals:

  1. Greenview It is recommended to take people who often forget about the bread, headaches, hearing loss and a sensation of ringing in the ears. This drug is perfectly restores blood flow, prevents blood clots and prevent stroke. Take 1 capsule 3 times a day for half an hour before meals, for 1 month. To get the maximum effect, you need to drink the drug for a year through the system to take 1 month, then 1 month break and so 6 times. Price from 50 rubles.
  2. Flavia assigned patients who observed adverse changes in blood flow, with forgetfulness and age changes in the brain tissues. The drug was well restores the elasticity of the vessel walls, reduces the risk of stroke. The main dose of 135 mg in the morning and evening or 160 mg once only during a meal for 30 days. Price from 900 rubles.

These medicines are taken as a therapeutic purposes in case of problems with the blood flow, and as prophylaxis. They are allowed to drink, not even a consultation with a neurologist, but it is important to carefully read the instructions to know about all adverse events and contraindications.

Antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants

These two types of medications prescribed to improve blood permeability through the capillaries and decrease blood viscosity. they also result in the rate of blood flow in the brain. Antiplatelet agents prevent the formation of blood clots and prevent thromboembolism.

Cerebral circulation. Treatment, drugs, cheap but effective

Most often, neuroscientists have recently favored such drugs:

  1. TromboASS helps get rid of the symptoms of stroke and problems with blood circulation in the brain. It reduces the formation of blood clots. Is drug 50-100 mg per day, before meals, the required large number of tablets squeezed liquid. The course is chosen individually for each patient to a neurologist. Price from 50 rubles.
  2. Ekotrin It recommended as prevention of stroke. It prevents the formation of blood clots. Take 100 mg per day, with plenty of fluids.

Antiplatelet agents are selected only after the patient will pass a series of laboratory tests, the course is different for everyone. Anticoagulants purports to reduce blood clotting and improve microcirculation in the capillaries.

Among a wide variety of drugs in this group proved to be effective:

  1. Fragmin taken as a prevention of blood clots. It has a direct impact on the system of blood responsible for clotting. Recommended to take 2,500 IU prior to surgery or the same dose after surgery for 7 days. The cost of 600 rubles.
  2. fraxiparine administered as a preventative of thrombus formation. The drug has anti-thrombotic effect. It is produced in the form of solution for injection. 1 is administered once a day subcutaneously with 0.3 mg. Price from 200 rubles.

These drugs are recommended only neurologist appointment. To avoid complications the patient is recommended to periodically take gemokoagulogrammu and blood biochemistry.


These drugs are actively stimulating effect on all metabolic processes in the brain, helping tissues bravely endure the lack of oxygen, improves memory and intelligence. Some drugs in this group are produced from the brain tissue of large animals, so their structure there are natural amino acids that are easily absorbed by the body.

Cerebral circulation. Treatment, drugs, cheap but effective

Particularly popular are such medicines:

  1. Glycine. He copes with stress, irritability of the nervous system and the psycho-emotional instability. Prolonged its application helps to improve intellectual performance. This medication is recommended to accept students who are preparing for the exam, because it does not just improve blood flow, but also memory. It must take 1 tablet 3 times a day, putting under the tongue and wait for complete dissolution. The price of 30 rubles.
  2. piracetam recommended for people with reduced attention, frequent dizziness, distraction and disease Aytsgeymera. It helps in the short term to improve brain function. The dose depends on the body weight: 150 mg / kg 3-4 times per day for 2 months. The cost of 60 rubles.

Most nootropics broad spectrum of activity.

They help not only to improve the blood flow in the brain, and also recommended in the treatment of:

  • asthenic syndrome;
  • vascular dystonia;
  • coma;
  • brain ischemia.

Nootropic drug appointed neurologist after the passage of a comprehensive survey.

Medicaments based on nicotinic acid

Sometimes neurologist may advise patients taking means, which is present in the composition of nicotinic acid. Such drugs to home vascular system is not affected, they help expand the small capillaries. Nicotinic acid helps improve the condition of the vessel walls, it helps remove cholesterol from the blood.

Cerebral circulation. Treatment, drugs, cheap but effective

Among this type of drugs are especially popular:

  1. A nicotinic acidWhich is recommended in patients with blood flow problems in the brain and ischemic stroke. The drug reduces capillary fragility and improves the elasticity of the vessel walls. It is recommended to take 1-2 tablets 3 times a day for 1 month. The price of 20 rubles.
  2. nikoshpan perfectly removes spasm of cerebral vessels, and has a strong vasodilator effect. Taking the drug and 1 tablet 3 times a day after meals. The course is chosen individually for each patient. Price from 160-180 rubles.

Cerebral blood flow, treatment with drugs is based on the reception of funds from nicotinic acid, to recover is not always possible as it is necessary to choose the right dose and rate. Otherwise self can lead to serious complications.

Funds recommended for children

In newborns, blood circulation problems can arise due to oxygen starvation, injuries sustained during childbirth, after cesarean section or other complications. The most difficult complications can cause: a brain hemorrhage, cyst disease, signs of cerebral palsy or seizures.

To restore cerebral blood flow may take up to 3 years. Puberty, school - is a serious burden on the children's fledgling body.

Suffer often the vessels of the brain, therefore, to help the child adapt more quickly to the school and loads neurologist may prescribe such drugs:

  1. Glycine. This drug copes well with overexertion, normalizes sleep, improves mental activity. Widespread among students, allowed to accept children from birth and women, hatched baby.
  2. Aminalon prescribed to children 3 years of age in those cases where they observed a violation of the functions of speech, which provoked severe impairment of blood flow in the brain.
Cerebral circulation. Treatment, drugs, cheap but effective

Children can be given a special vitamin complex, which, together with medicines gives a good result and quickly restores blood flow and oxygen saturates every cell in the brain.

Essential vitamins in the complex is the PP, which has a positive effect on the entire body:

  • relaxes and expands blood vessels;
  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • It reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood.

The most common and effective drug belonging to this group - it Ascorutin.

Effective means for the elderly

People after 70 years it is necessary to consult a neurologist who prescribes neuroprotective drugs to improve brain function. He will not only saturate every cell of oxygen, but also to help glucose is better absorbed, and this is very important for the body, which poiznosilsya. That sugar helps to improve memory, concentration and performance.

In old age, nootropics such as Nootropil help restore memory.

Initially, it is taken for 30 days, and then as much again, but the dosage is reduced by half. The first results can be replaced within a week after the start of reception. The disadvantage of neuroprotective drugs is the fact that for them the human body quickly gets used and you have to increase the dosage. To prevent this, neurologists recommend to take breaks and change agents.

As a precaution, except nootropov neurologist may recommend:

  • vitamins - complexes based on ginseng extract, such as Biotredin;
  • Glycine well eliminates the effects of anemia and multiple sclerosis, but it can not drink for people with diabetes;
  • piracetam It improves blood flow in the brain, activates metabolic processes;
  • tanakan It eliminates anxiety and stimulates mental activity.
Cerebral circulation. Treatment, drugs, cheap but effective

Pick up means must neurologist, who not only conduct a thorough examination, but also take all the concomitant disease of the patient into account. Cerebral blood flow restored after an illness, injury or nervous strain is easy, if a patient is time to seek help.

Treatment with modern drugs will be effective in strict compliance with all recommendations. To get lasting results you need to take the drug for at least 1 month. Almost all funds are well tolerated by the body, but there are some that can cause anxiety, insomnia, confusion - this must be reported to your doctor (general practitioner).

Useful video of cerebral circulation, symptoms and violations of his way to normalize

Preparations for the improvement of cerebral circulation:

Initial cerebrovascular accidents:

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