Greens for man's health

Greens for man's health

Contents Plant characteristics Potency and plant effect on it General health Greens and obesity Plant material composit...

The norm of sugar in pregnancy
Hormones And Biochemistry

The norm of sugar in pregnancy

Normally, sugar( glucose) is found in the blood of any person. Some hormones lead to an increase in glucose, but one of them reduces it - it's ins...

Bad erection of the penis

Bad erection of the penis

Contents How the pathology of arises Causes of the development of the disease Symptoms of the problem Treatment of the dise...

Pain in the chest during ovulation - reasons, treatment

Pain in the chest during ovulation - reasons, treatment

Cyclic mastodynia - it is this medical definition that has breast tenderness during the period of ovulation. There is pain in one way or another, ...

Leg cramp - what to do? Causes, first aid, treatment

Leg cramp - what to do? Causes, first aid, treatment

Everyone knows that leg cramps are an unpleasant phenomenon, because each of us had them. And if you ask more in detail, then almost all healthy p...

What is dangerous killing of the gallbladder and how to treat it correctly?
Our Health

What is dangerous killing of the gallbladder and how to treat it correctly?

Contents of the page 1 Bend of the gallbladder - causes of the pathology 2 Types of the disease 3 Symptoms 4 Treatment...

Vomiting and nausea in a child - what to do, causes
Emergency StatesEmergency States

Vomiting and nausea in a child - what to do, causes

1 Causes of symptom Causes of vomiting in children are very diverse. These include: All kinds of diseases of the digestive tra...

Dried fruits for potency

Dried fruits for potency

Contents Vitamin and mineral level of the product What diseases are recommended for the product Useful properties for the poten...

Treatment of gastritis, stomach ulcers by the most effective folk remedies

Treatment of gastritis, stomach ulcers by the most effective folk remedies

1 Types and symptoms of pathology Depending on the clinical course, manifestations and extent of lesions of the stomach tissues, th...

How to recognize and help in a timely manner with Bruns syndrome

How to recognize and help in a timely manner with Bruns syndrome

Paroxysmal headaches often signal not only about short-term functional disorders, but also serious disorders in the work of the brain. This i...

Hydrogen peroxide for joints is medicine or poison?

Hydrogen peroxide for joints is medicine or poison?

Hydrogen peroxide, the formula H2O2 - one of the simplest representatives of peroxides. A liquid that does not have a color with a "metallic" ta...

Methods of treatment of urolithiasis
Types Of Diseases

Methods of treatment of urolithiasis

Contents Etiology of the disease Causes of the pathological process How to recognize the disease Types of treatment for the...