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Thick regurgitation in newborns( babies) after feeding: causes

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1 The formation of the gastrointestinal tract

When a man is born, almost all the non-vital organs that form actively during the first year of a baby's life are underdeveloped. Regurgitation in newborns occurs almost after each feeding. But this does not mean that this condition of the child is unhealthy. Regurgitation refers to the process when the mouth of a child after eating leaves a certain amount of eaten. There is such a thing as frequent regurgitation in a newborn. In this case, the child leaves part of the food more times than he took food a day. This can be a signal about some disease or inflammatory process in the body of a newborn or a baby.

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The process of food release does not depend on the diet. It is present both in children fed by breast milk, and in those children who eat milk mixtures. Normally it is considered that if the child feels well after regurgitation, the amount of ejection per day does not exceed 6 times and if the volume of the released liquid does not exceed a teaspoonful. In such cases, the baby is usually good and at the norm adds weight to the body, not a lot of naughty. There is no special reason for concern, it will all go away in a few months.

All the time the baby is in the stomach of the mother, his stomach and intestines do not participate in vital processes, so when the baby is born, these organs are not fully developed. Naturally, the child begins to load his stomach with food, he resists. The final formation of the gastrointestinal tract occurs about six months after the birth of the baby, so regurgitation, if they are caused by physical handicaps, pass to this age.

Usually the child gets that part of the food, which he used before the most regurgitation and which has not yet managed to escape into the stomach.

And regurgitation is caused by movements that the kid does right after eating. He begins to actively move, while he is cheerful, behaves as usual.

It is considered a normal physiological parameter if a newborn spews up immediately after eating. If a baby leaves some of the food after a while after sucking, then this is already an alarming sign. Maybe there are some physical reasons for this or the digestive tract develops in the wrong way.

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2 Features of the first year of life of the baby

There are several cases in which a small part of the food comes out of the baby. Each of them can easily be overcome if the doctor's recommendations are used correctly. The causes of regurgitation in newborns may be different, and in each case there is an approach.

  1. In a maternity home, usually giving birth to women is taught to properly apply the newborn baby to the breast. Especially important is the correct grip of the nipple. It should be given in the mouth of a baby with a halo, then the air will stop falling into the mouth when sucking and the baby will less regurgitate or do it at all. In case the mother has a flat nipple, or if it is not pronounced, you can use special breast pads that mimic the nipple and help the child take it correctly.
  2. Inexperienced mothers who give birth to the first baby tend to do everything right and in this their aspirations can swarm a newborn baby too much. As a result, the neck is transferred to him and the food enters the esophagus incorrectly. In this case, you just need to loosen the diapers, and it will be easier for the child to absorb milk.
  3. Another reason for the occurrence of regurgitation in newborns after feeding may be the child's greed. A plentiful separation of unperceived food from him will arise in the event that he eats a lot and quickly eats. At the same time, food simply does not have time to flow into the esophagus and is looking for an outlet. Mom should control the baby's appetite, as many of them lack a satiety reflex and they can eat much more than they should. To eliminate this problem, you just need to interrupt the feeding for a few seconds so that the baby can rest.
  4. Children who are fed artificially, also have a number of problems. For example, when the bottle does not fit the baby, the wrong diameter of the nipple or the baby takes it wrong. In these cases, air enters the mouth of the newborn with milk, and the baby belches. It is only necessary to change the bottle and to determine by practical means which nipple is suitable for this child. Now on sale there are special products that prevent the exit of food, that's them and you can try.
  5. It may happen that frequent regurgitation of the baby is caused by an unsuitable mixture, or it is incorrectly done. In this case, it is recommended to replace the mixture with another and try to dilute it strictly according to the instructions. As children who are on artificial feeding, should eat strictly on hours, it is not necessary to do mix more, than the child should eat at once. You can not feed a newborn baby in a supine position, you need to take it in your arms just as you take babies when they are going to breast-feed them.
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3 Physiological causes of

Artificial children before they reach the age of 1 year often suffer from constipation. This is because, no matter how the composition of the milk formula is close to breast milk, it is still not it. Ideal nutrition of children, at least up to six months, is mother's milk. If the mother for some reason can not breastfeed her baby, then he will have to have a milk formula. Companies that produce baby food have a variety of brand mixes. The choice should be approached with special care. After all, at least the first three months of life the child will only eat them. It is better to choose proven brands that have long been in this market.

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The appointment of the mixture is usually done by a neonatologist. It is necessary to follow his recommendations so as not to harm the child. If regurgitation in newborns occurs abundantly and after each feeding, it makes sense to change the mixture. However, do not do this until 3 months. If, after this period, regurgitation of the newborn does not go away, then you need to contact your pediatrician so that he helps pick up another food.


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The opinion of doctors. .. "

A newborn baby who is on artificial feeding often does not suck the mixture, but drinks it. This happens if the hole in the nipple is too large. For very young children, you need to choose nipples with small holes, so that the kids put their efforts into sucking.

In almost 80% of cases of artificial feeding, a child suffers from constipation. With this disease it is useful to make a baby a light tummy massage that does not require special skills. You can use a warm diaper, which must be ironed and put on the baby's belly, and from above to do a circular motion clockwise. At the same time, there should be no strong pressure. Getting rid of constipation and colic, the child will stop spewing.

The child neurologist plays a very important role in the life of the child up to a year of age. With its help you can save the baby from diseases of the central nervous system, if any. They, too, can be the cause of food release in newborns after feeding.

Children are first shown to a neurologist at the age of 1 month, the doctor conducts a primary examination and concludes. If there are any anomalies, then up to a year everything can be cured. It is important to follow the advice of a doctor and not be lazy to give your child medication.

4 Prevention of this process

It is important to know that regurgitation in newborns is easily prevented, if after the child has eaten, it is not put immediately into the crib, but pressed to the stomach by the tummy and placed in an upright position so that it releases all air. So you need to hold the baby for ten minutes and only after that you can put him to bed. If regurgitation after feeding does not cause the baby any anxiety, and this is normal, then the child is OK.

When mom feeds her baby, it's important to keep it properly. Parents, especially if the child is on artificial feeding, do not take the baby in his arms, but feed him in a lying position. This is very dangerous for a newborn baby. Until the child himself learns to hold the bottle, it must be fed in a pose suitable for breastfeeding. The head of the baby should be above the entire body, the bottle should be at an angle convenient for escaping the milk mixture from it. Thus, regurgitation after feeding can be prevented by performing simple actions.

The same rules are also necessary for breastfeeding. The child should lie flat on the chest. In the first months the baby can be swaddled for feeding so that he does not provoke frequent regurgitation by his active actions. If the mother feeds the baby, she must follow the rules of dietary nutrition, which will not cause colic and constipation in the child. Even in the maternity hospital, the young mother is given a detailed consultation on what to eat and what can not be done while feeding to prevent regurgitation in infants. Now doctors recommend to feed the kids not by the hour, but on demand. That is, the child himself asks for food when he wants.

But often the kids just react with a reflex. Sensing a number of mothers, they instinctively begin to look for the mouth of the chest. And Mom immediately gives her baby, in order to prevent the whim of a child. The causes of regurgitation can also be in overfeeding. In everything there should be a measure. Of course, the first couple of months mom is quite difficult, but then she begins to understand her baby and everything gets better. Daily care and supervision of your child can save Mom from many troubles. If any problems and suspicions do arise, it is better to show the baby to the doctor, he will help and tell you what to do to make the baby grow up healthy.

  • 1 Gastrointestinal tract formation
  • 2 Features of the first year of life of the baby
  • 3 Physiological causes
  • 4 Prevention of this process

The reason why there is a regurgitation in newborns, it is necessary to know all young mothers. Newborns call a child from the moment he was born and until he reached the age of 1 month. Children under one year are called breastfed or infants. When feeding often occurs regurgitation in newborns, there are several reasons for this.

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