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Drawing, aching pain in the lower abdomen, lower back, back in women, men: causes

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1 Etiology of the disease

Below the abdominal cavity is a lot of very important organs that play an important role in the vital activity of the body. So there are many reasons for discomfort in the lower back and in the lower abdomen.

Picture 1

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  • Appendicitis

It is especially important to react as quickly as possible if it starts to pull from the right side of the abdomen below. This may be a sign of appendicitis. When a person has an attack, the body temperature rises sharply, the patient suffers from severe acute pain in the lower abdomen. In this case, the person is constantly sick, there are bouts of vomiting. Such symptoms can mean a great danger to a person. Ignore this state is strictly prohibited, otherwise the blind process of the intestine( appendix) will burst, and the infection will spread to all other organs. As a result, sepsis will appear throughout the abdominal region. Ignoring such phenomena can cost a patient's life.

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  • Bowel

Drawing pains can occur due to intestinal problems. In this case, pain can be transmitted to the inguinal and pubic zones. Also gives back. The stomach aches most strongly in the bottom part. Such symptoms may indicate that a person developing inflammatory processes in the intestine. If you do not start treatment, you may develop a peptic ulcer in the duodenum or rectum. Such reasons are very serious. If the pain becomes stronger and more like a fight, then you need to call an ambulance as soon as possible, this condition can be a threat to human life.

  • Kidney

If aching pains are felt in the lower abdominal cavity, especially when urinating, it is possible that the disease affects the urinary system, and the kidneys are most likely affected. In this case, the person will experience a pulling sensation in the lower abdomen, the lower back will ache, sometimes the body temperature rises. Most often, these symptoms appear in women. This is due to the special anatomical structure of the female body and the proximity of their genital organs and urinary ducts. In this case, pyelonephritis most likely develops. Do not hesitate to go to the doctor in such a case.

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  • Osteochondrosis

The causes of aching girdling pain in the abdomen and back can hide not only in the internal organs, located in the abdominal region. This can be explained by the problems of the musculoskeletal system of the body. For example, with osteochondrosis, a person not only has a backache, but the lower back and lower abdomen hurts. In this case, discomfort can be felt even in the groin area. To alleviate this pain can be through special therapeutic gymnastics.

  • Colitis

Often the pain in the lower abdomen is associated with the development of colitis. This disease can torment a person in just a couple of days, or may go into a chronic stage. This happens if a person does not start on time for treatment. With chronic colitis, there will be an exacerbation periodically. With this disease, not only does the abdomen ache strongly, but abdominal bloating and flatulence also appear, the body temperature rises. In this case, the pain will be aching and girdling.

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2 Infectious form of the disease

The causes of discomfort can be the activity and reproduction of many pathogens that can be found in the abdominal cavity of a person. Of course, there are many of their varieties, but almost always the symptoms will be the same. First, the pain will be blunt. Then gradually they will become aggravated and pass into the lower abdomen, lower back and groin.

Picture 2

Thus in a feces it will be possible to find out mucous allocation and blood clots. If there is a suspicion that a person has an infectious disease, you need to go to the hospital as soon as possible. For example, if the patient has salmonellosis, the blood will be infected in a very short period of time. In this case, it is very important to begin treatment as soon as possible.

3 Symptoms of

Women and men have different illnesses that lead to such unpleasant symptoms. The abdomen and lower back of men statistically hurt much less than in the fair sex. And men, as a rule, associate pain with malnutrition or excessive stress on the back. As a result, representatives of the stronger sex rarely go to the hospital if there is pain in the lower back or abdomen, and are limited to taking medications that relieve pain and eliminate spasms. However, there are a number of diseases that appear exclusively in men. For example, pain in the lower back and abdomen can occur due to prostatitis. In this case, the prostate gland inflames. You can not ignore such a disease. Inguinal hernia also appears exclusively in men, and also provokes pain in the lower back, groin and abdomen. Symptoms of this disease are very much like signs of appendicitis, but the pain will be so strong that a person can even lose consciousness. Requires surgical treatment.


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As for women, discomfort and discomfort can arise during pregnancy, due to genital diseases and menstruation. If the woman has begun menstruation, the pain gives in the lower back in most cases. This is due to the fact that the uterus is increasing, and the muscles contract to remove the remaining blood. If a woman has not yet given birth, then most likely, this is due to hormonal bursts. If a woman has primary algodismenorea, the pain is not a symptom of gynecological diseases or changes in the organic type. Painful sensations in women are possible and at the stage of ovulation. With secondary algodismorrhoea, the menstrual period may be painful, and the back also hurts.

A woman may have abdominal pain for other reasons. For example, this often occurs during pregnancy, but it is necessary to observe the doctor in this position. Discomfort may occur during or after intercourse. This is due either to a special anatomy of a woman, or to any diseases. As for gynecological diseases, which can cause such unpleasant sensations, it is cancer of the uterus, the appearance of cysts, polyps and other neoplasms, inflammatory processes in the uterus, ovaries, vagina and fallopian passages. The problem may lie in sexually transmitted diseases. When abortion, when the embryo is not completely removed, discomfort also appears.

4 Treatment measures

If a person experiences pain in the lower abdomen, giving in the groin and lower back, then you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. In no case can you start self-medication. In addition, if there are some special symptoms, then there is a risk of death, and the reasons can be completely different. For acute pain, it is better to immediately call an ambulance. The same applies to pain, which for a long time does not pass. Especially if the pain intensifies over time. In the absence of emptying for several days and with bloating, you should also call an ambulance. The same applies to cases when the feces acquire a black tint or have blood clots. It is especially important for women to monitor this during pregnancy. There should be no discharge from the vagina during this period.

With regard to diagnosis, with abdominal pain and lower back, you can use several methods of laboratory research. The complete picture will be known only after receiving the results of the survey, since there is a wide range of diseases characterized by similar symptoms. To clarify the picture, you must do a urine test. This is required to determine the presence of inflammatory processes in the urinary canals. In addition, you need to make ultrasound, which will help to identify any pathology in the pelvic area. If there are problems with the spine, then you need to make an MRI.To identify any infections, you need to donate blood for analysis. Additionally, a person needs to be checked for sexually transmitted diseases.

It is forbidden to choose medicines for treatment. Especially if they are hormonal. This is due to the fact that they can increase pain. In addition, they will interfere with the doctor to determine the correct diagnosis, because the clinical picture under the influence of the active substances that make up the medicines can vary greatly. So it is better not to resort to the use of drugs, so as not to harm yourself once again. In addition, it is forbidden to drink water or any beverages before an ambulance arrives. Under the ban, and all means have laxative properties - they can enhance dehydration of the body in the patient. If the pains in the lower abdomen and lower back do not pass, then you can use medications that help to relieve spasms. In addition, you can apply a cold compress. But hot compresses are prohibited, in order not to aggravate the situation. Warmers are strictly prohibited. If inflammatory processes develop in this area, then they will only accelerate from heating.

5 Recommendations

The person has a stomach ache and lower back for many reasons. This can concern not only the internal organs located in this area, but also the human skeleton. In addition, apart from common diseases for both sexes, there are diseases that concern exclusively women or men only. In this case, do not wait for the appearance of new signs of the disease and guess about the cause.

It is better to go to the hospital as soon as possible to diagnose and treat the disease. The pain can arise from fatigue and be single, but it is better not to hope for it and additionally insure yourself. Self-medication is also prohibited, since sometimes the reasons can be so serious that they do not tolerate delay. Otherwise it can cost a person's life.

  • 1 Etiology of the disease
  • 2 Infectious form of the disease
  • 3 Emergence of symptoms
  • 4 Treatment measures
  • 5 Recommendations

Very often doctors are treated with complaints about what hurts the lower abdomen and lower back. Such pain can be shinny, sharp or aching. The causes can be in various diseases of internal organs and the musculoskeletal system. In women, most often such unpleasant sensations are associated with diseases of the genitourinary system or menstruation. In any case, this symptom is very serious, so it should not be ignored. Otherwise, serious complications and side effects may occur due to such indifferent attitude to one's own health. Self-treatment, too, should not be engaged - this can exacerbate the situation. It is necessary to be examined in the hospital, where the doctor not only can establish the causes that provoked the pain, but also choose the appropriate treatment.

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