Female Diseases

Painful urination in women is often, at the end, with the blood. Causes and treatment, it can be

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The emergence of pain in the genital organs and urethra delivers a lot of discomfort and discomfort. This phenomenon often occurs as an accompanying symptom of urethritis, cystitis, vaginitis, pyelonephritis and other diseases of the genitourinary system.

Complete elimination of pain, rezey, burning sensation during urination is possible only after a complete diagnosis and prescribed treatment correctly. At the first sign of these symptoms in women need to enroll immediately to a specialist.

The content of the article:

  • 1 The causes of pain during urination in women
  • 2 How to determine the cause of pain during urination symptoms
  • 3 Which doctor contact
    • 3.1 Diagnostics
  • 4 How to remove the pain and cramps during urination in women drugs
  • 5 How to cure a variety of diseases
    • 5.1 cystitis treatment
    • 5.2 pyelonephritis
    • 5.3 Urethritis
    • 5.4 vaginitis
    • 5.5 genital infections
    • 5.6 Irritation and allergic reactions
  • 6 Treatment of urinary diseases folk remedies
  • 7 Videos about the causes and treatments of pain during urination in women
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The causes of pain during urination in women

The normal frequency of emptying the bladder is considered up to 7 times per day. If frequent trips to the bathroom, and are accompanied by unpleasant sensations - it speaks about pathologies of the urinary system. Discomfort when emptying the bladder is most often caused by an infectious and inflammatory processes. With bacteriological seeding defined pathogen.

Most often, the urinary channel is affected:

  • with urinary tract infections;
  • infections in the kidney;
  • in the presence of kidney stones. Due to impaired renal functionality in them are beginning to crystallize minerals, which leads to the formation of stones in the urinary ducts;
  • with stones in the bladder - occur when minerals begin to crystallize in the urine;
  • due to vaginitis. Infection of the female reproductive organs may go into the urethra;
  • cystitis. Because of irritation and inflammation of the mucous walls of the bladder and a burning sensation appear cramps;
  • due to chlamydia - is transmitted through sexual contact;
  • with vulvovaginal - often a yeast infection affects the mucous membrane of the vulva and vagina;
  • with herpes infection.
Painful urination in women is often, at the end, with the blood. Causes and Treatment

Painful urination in women may be due to irritation of the genitals misapplication of intimate hygiene.

This can be:

  • an allergic reaction to latex, from which condoms are made;
  • lack of lubrication during sexual intercourse;
  • untimely intimate hygiene;
  • schelochnogomyla application or gel, which leads to oxidation and impaired mucosal pH-balance.

Increased circulation in a toilet also provoke diuretic drugs having a diuretic effect.

How to determine the cause of pain during urination symptoms

Pain at bladder emptying can be sudden and severe. Urges more frequent, and the emptying process delivers a painful sensation. Most often the pain gives to the urethral channel, but may be affected by the waist, abdomen, groin area.

Painful urination in women is often, at the end, with the blood. Causes and Treatment

Pathologies of the urinary system is determined by the following criteria:

symptoms Description
Sore abdomen In addition to the frequent urge, in the lower abdomen there are aching pains and cramps caused by cystitis. Discomfort also occurs in the presence of urolithiasis. Crystallization minerals urinoznom bubble leads to pain in the perineum, genitals, manifested during walking and emptying.
Blood and pain Blood cells in the urine occur during the acute stage of cystitis, bacterial infection of the urinary canal, the presence of stones in the kidney.
Pain and burning Painful urination in women occurs when infection of the reproductive system. The accompanying symptoms are the pain in the groin, burning, itching, external and internal genital organs.
hack pain Suddenly appearing penetrating pain is most often seen when cysts in the ovary or interstitial cystitis. Marked pain in the pelvis, chest, vagina.
Itching and pain Itching and pain caused by Candida infection. Sex organs swell, itch, may cause white discharge resembling cottage cheese.
Frequent urination, and cramps Cutting pain and a burning sensation indicates the presence of infection transmitted through sexual contact. The penetration of bacteria into the urethra possibly due to reduced immunity, improper hygiene.
Cutting in the urethra Pathology affecting the urinary canal, is called urethritis. Becomes inflamed as a result of infectious diseases, allergies, or trauma of the urethra.
The pain in pregnancy During childbearing women is hormonal changes, increased volume and speed of blood circulation. The uterus begins to rise, putting pressure on urinozny bubble.

Frequent emptying can also act as a signal of pregnancy, especially in early pregnancy. Exclude the presence of other disorders in the body can only be a doctor.

Which doctor contact

Diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract pathologies involved gynecologists, andrology, urologists, venereologists, nephrologists.


Painful urination in women is eliminated with antibiotics. To begin, conduct diagnostics with the use of instrumental and laboratory research. Fault occurs in stages.

Laboratory tests are taken in order and provide for:

  • general urine analysis;
  • General blood analysis;
  • Urine bacterial inoculation test to determine the susceptibility to antibiotics of the stimulus;
  • PCR test;
  • Biochemical analysis of blood cells for testing BUN, creatinine.
Painful urination in women is often, at the end, with the blood. Causes and Treatment

Instrumental methods of diagnosing provide for:

  • cystoscopy;
  • renal ultrasound studies urinoznogo bladder;
  • intravenous urography.

The above manipulations allow us to establish the source of pain, correct the problem. After diagnosing specialist prescribes therapy. The treatment course should take place under the supervision of a gynecologist, urologist or nephrologist. The doctor will check the situation in order to prevent deterioration of the patient's state of health, adjust the course of the selection of a suitable formulations.

How to remove the pain and cramps during urination in women drugs

Elimination of possible urinary infections with antibiotics. Before the use of medicines the doctor has to examine the urine on the infectious agent, determining the resistance and susceptibility of the pathogen to various drugs. After the antibiotic treatment is taken bakposev urine - this will show the presence or absence of pathogens.

To reduce the pain in the first place correct nutrition, eliminate alcohol consumption.

Painful urination in women can be facilitated by shpy or Kombispazma. In the presence of inflammation patient undergoing treatment norfloxacin or cefixime. In allergic itching and burning need to use antihistamines like tavegil or Zodaka.

Painful urination in women is often, at the end, with the blood. Causes and Treatment

Patients with urolithiasis recommended abundant alkaline or acidic water schedule. Neurological nature of the disease can be eliminated sedative herbal medicines like Fitoseda or Sedavita.

How to cure a variety of diseases

Eliminate painful spasm of pain medications can be universal - No-shpoy and Kombispazmom. This will alleviate the pain, but will not eliminate the cause.

cystitis treatment

If your doctor has diagnosed cystitis, the treatment is made using:

  • monural - it has an antibacterial effect, eliminates infectious agents assigned without analyzes of urine. Product form - granules, powder, suspension. Use only in acute cystitis;
  • nolitsin - it has a broad spectrum of antimicrobial action. Prescribed under pathogen resistance to antibiotic agents. Produced in a tablet form;
  • nitroksolin - suppresses candida infections, and other bacterial groups. It is produced in the form of tablets;
Painful urination in women is often, at the end, with the blood. Causes and Treatment
Cystitis - a common cause of painful urination in women.
  • Palina - Suitable for both acute and chronic forms of infectious lesions of the urinary system. It is produced in the form of capsules;
  • furagin - different slow microbial resistance to the drug. Derivative form - tablets;
  • nevigramon - it has a strong bactericidal effect, eliminates infectious, inflammatory lesions;
  • furadonina - it has antimicrobial effects, eliminates bacteria and infections in the urinary tract.

Besides the above preparations with antibacterial action, the doctor prescribes the use of anti-inflammatory medicaments, immunomodulators, vitamin complex.


Therapeutic actions should restore urine outflow and destroy the center of the inflammatory process. To do this, use antibiotics, antibacterial agents and uroseptikov.

Painful urination in women is often, at the end, with the blood. Causes and Treatment

Therapeutic measures include a diet with the use of light carbohydrates. Recommended plentiful drinking regime and dairy products. Acute pyelonephritis can be cured in two weeks. Remission at chronic stage reached within six months.


When painful urethritis doctor prescribes antibiotic agents, depending on the types of pathologies and pathogens. For the treatment of non-specific urethritis recommended drugs from the group of cephalosporins (such as cefazolin, Ceftriaxone), sulfonamides (Urosulfan, Sulfazol), macrolides (clarithromycin), fluoroquinolones (Klinafloksatsin).

Female urination accompanied by pain in the urethra, is treated, depending on the type of bacterial agent. Trichomonas urethritis requires the use of drugs such as metronidazole, trihopol, Imorazola. Candida urethritis is cured antifungals like Levorinum, Nystatin, Natamycin.


Drug therapy involves the use of Polizhinaks. Fungal nature of bacteria is eliminated by means of a wide range antimycotic. Trichomonas vaginitis acute eliminated metronidazole Trichopolum.

Painful urination in women is often, at the end, with the blood. Causes and Treatment

non-infectious nature of the disease can cause allergic reactions. To eliminate it is recommended the use of restorative drugs, immunostimulants, vitamin complexes. Term use of funds, their dosage adjusted individually.

genital infections

character bacterial infections, sexually transmitted infections (gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia) and parasitic trichomoniasis destroyed effective unit-dose antibiotics. Herpes and the human immunodeficiency virus is incurable, but can be mitigated retroviral drugs for diseases.

Hepatitis B is treatable immunomodulators and antiretroviral drugs that suppress the virus and inhibiting destructive processes in the liver. Viral gonorrhea has become more resistant to antibiotic drugs. Mutating virus virtually impossible to treat oral and injectable cephalosporins.

Painful urination in women is often, at the end, with the blood. Causes and Treatment

Also it is not susceptible to antimicrobial agents such as tetracycline, penicillin, sulfonamides, quinolones, macrolides. Gonococcus acquired multidrug resistance. The situation can be corrected prevention and prompt treatment.

Irritation and allergic reactions

Genital allergy cured cessation of contacts with the agent and abolishing the symptoms. Cease contact with allergens is not so simple, they need to be accurately identified.

During the diagnostic need:

  • stop using latex products;
  • cancel the consumption of drugs;
  • to abstain from sexual intercourse.

Due to the high concentrations of organic matter, the sperm may also be an allergen. Even with the use of barrier contraceptives sperm can get to a woman's genitals. Irritant may be a soap for personal hygiene with aromatic and softening components.

Painful urination in women can be eliminated by antihistamines in the form of tablets, ointments. Repeated infections development prescribers with an antibacterial effect.

Treatment of urinary diseases folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers a few recipes to ease the unpleasant condition and reduce pain:

  • therapeutic baths. Frequent urge to eliminate tray can be supplemented with hay dust, oat straw, pine sprigs. Dried components crushed, pour water (5 L) and boiled in a metal pan for an hour. Next, the broth is filtered through cheesecloth and add to the bath. Take a bath, it is desirable for at least half an hour. Then you need to wear warm clothes and get under the covers;
  • superimposition of medical compresses. To prepare a compress is required crushed horsetail (1 tbsp. l) and water (0.5 L). The solution was simmered for 10-15 minutes. Separate the grass from the liquid with gauze and apply it to the underbelly of the night;
  • broth with corn silk. Dry grass (1 tbsp. l) is poured boiling water (250 ml) and infused 20-30 min. Can improve the taste with honey or sugar. The infusion is recommended to take a daily 100 ml twice a day.
Painful urination in women is often, at the end, with the blood. Causes and Treatment

When painful feelings that last for more than 2-3 days, requires treatment to the urologist. Discomfort during urination in women - a sign of acute infection in the urogenital system. The acute stage can become chronic and lead to a violation of reproductive capacity.

Author: Anna Parkhomenko

Videos about the causes and treatments of pain during urination in women

Symptoms and treatment of cystitis:

Treatment of pain during urination in women:

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