Female Diseases

What is menopause in women, hot flushes during menopause, when it is early menopause, how to relieve symptoms after 40, 45, 50 years, treatment

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What is the menopause, hot flushes during menopause in women at a certain age should know each of the fair sex. They say that menopause can be controlled through proper diet, active way life, modern drugs that help alleviate its symptoms, to make women's lives more comfortable.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Menopause in women - what is it
  • 2 When menopause occurs
  • 3 The first signs of menopause
  • 4 Symptoms and age
    • 4.1 Early menopause in women 30 years of age: the symptoms
    • 4.2 The symptoms of menopause in women 40 years
    • 4.3 Symptoms of menopause in women after 45 years
    • 4.4 Symptoms of menopause in women after 50
  • 5 Early menopause: the causes
  • 6 What are hot flushes
  • 7 How to deal with hot flashes
  • 8 Allocation in menopause: what are the possible
  • 9 What should be the food
  • 10 Climax: treatment
    • 10.1 Hormonal preparations of a new generation
    • 10.2 non-hormonal drugs
    • 10.3 vitamins
    • 10.4 Homeopathy: A list of drugs
  • 11 Preparations in menopause
    • 11.1 Remens: reviews of women in menopause
    • 11.2 Estravel: remedy for menopause, reviews
    • insta story viewer
    • 11.3 Feminal: reviews of women in menopause
    • 11.4 Klimadinon: reviews of women in menopause
    • 11.5 Angelique Micro: reviews of physicians and women in menopause
    • 11.6 Estrozhel: reviews of women in menopause
    • 11.7 Klimaksan: reviews of women in menopause
    • 11.8 Klimonorma: reviews of women in menopause
    • 11.9 Angelica: tablets during menopause, reviews
  • 12 Herbs in menopause: folk remedies
    • 12.1 Sage during menopause and hot flashes: how to make
    • 12.2 Other herbs: how to make
  • 13 Videos: menopause in women

Menopause in women - what is it

Regardless of the life expectancy of women aged 45-55 years in the body slows down the production of sex hormones. This entails the anatomical and functional changes in the reproductive organs, decreased sexual activity and childbearing. This process is known as menopause.

Menopause in women - that is, the signs, symptoms, when it is early, hot flushes during menopause, medications and vitamins after 40, 45, 50 years old

Experts identify therein the following periods:

  • preklimaks lasting several years, during which there is a gradual decrease in the synthesis estogena;
  • menopause, characterized by a complete lack of menstrual periods for 12 months and lasts more then 5 years of age;
  • postmenopause, menopause is the final phase.

At the time of menopause is a change of the physical and mental state of women who have an impact on the perception of their own body, health and social status.

When menopause occurs

According to statistics, most women menopause occurs in the age range from 45 to 51 years. If the menstrual cycle is terminated before 40 years, experts say premature menopause. About late menopause indicates a complete cessation of menstruation after 55 years.

Despite a temporary run-up, all the species are physiological menopause. But there are pathological forms of this condition, which can occur at any age. These include:

  • Artificial menopause, which arose after the removal of the reproductive organs, a course of chemotherapy, or exposed to excessive doses of radiation;
  • hormonal menopause, caused by ovarian dysfunction.

The first signs of menopause

On the occurrence of the first stage of menopause, the duration of which is 5 to 6 years, indicates the menstrual cycle. Menses cease to be regular, and the amount of precipitates is decreased.

Menopause in women - that is, the signs, symptoms, when it is early, hot flushes during menopause, medications and vitamins after 40, 45, 50 years old

It should be understood that such a condition in women during menopause and caused a physiologically induced reduction of estrogen, and adrenal cortex hormones and thyroid.

When this process takes place gradually and consistently, the body has time to adapt to changes, and the woman does not feel discomfort while continuing to lead normal life.

But with hormonal imbalance or increase the level of estrogen secretion of developing premenopausal pathological form, characterized by the following symptoms:

  • prolonged menstruation, accompanied by copious and often - uterine bleeding;
  • increase in mammary glands, education in these compacted areas, painful on palpation;
  • excrete an excess amount of cervical mucus.

On examination, the gynecologist detects following attributes giperestragenii:

  • on the walls of the vagina forms a well-defined folding;
  • uterus increases in volume, its walls become more dense and thickened;
  • the mucous membrane of the internal genitals appear benign tumors.

When properly conducted hormonotherapy, this pathology persists. In advanced cases, the specialists have resorted to surgery.

Symptoms and age

Menopause symptoms can vary depending on age, physical condition and the way of life of the woman. they also depend on the time of menopause and its stages.

Early menopause in women 30 years of age: the symptoms

Premature menopause in 90% of cases has pronounced signs and is accompanied by serious malfunctioning of the menstrual cycle. Clinicians distinguish the following main symptoms of early menopause:

  • a significant reduction in the volume of discharge during the month, alternating with heavy bleeding in the middle of the cycle;
  • premenstrual occurrence of migraine, characterized by severe and prolonged headaches;
  • muscle and joint pain;
  • hot flashes, alternating with chills;
  • dizziness, ataxia, memory impairment;
  • hypertension, failure on the part of the cardiovascular system;
  • unstable emotional state;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • insomnia;
  • decreased libido.

Premature menopause negatively affect the state of osteo-articular system and skin sheets, causing arthritis, osteoporosis phenomena, dryness of mucous membranes, the early appearance of the deep wrinkles. It should be understood that women develop such symptoms of menopause, by accelerating the removal of calcium and phosphorus from the bones under the influence of reducing the level of hormones.

Menopause in women - that is, the signs, symptoms, when it is early, hot flushes during menopause, medications and vitamins after 40, 45, 50 years old

Also, in most cases, problems with urination. It becomes frequent and painful. Sexual intercourse causes discomfort due to dryness of the vaginal mucosa.

Hormonal failures lead to a decrease in metabolic rate, resulting begins intensive accumulation of body fat in the subcutaneous tissue and internal organs. It increases the risk of diabetes and malignant tumors.

The symptoms of menopause in women 40 years

It is known that such a thing as "hot flashes" - a characteristic symptom of menopause in women. When menopause at age 40, he has a distinct character, it takes a few minutes and is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • flushing of the face, neck and chest;
  • sweating;
  • causeless anxiety attacks;
  • dizziness;
  • numbness in hands and feet;
  • hypoxia attacks.

In severe cases, the tides are accompanied by sharp increase in blood pressure, arrhythmia, tachycardia, spasms of the respiratory muscles and even loss of consciousness.

Another characteristic of the climacteric syndrome is a psycho-emotional frustration. It is expressed by the following symptoms:

  • mood swings;
  • causeless irritability, fear, anxiety;
  • the emergence of disgust to the previously familiar and acceptable odors;
  • inadequate reaction or unpleasant loud sounds.

According to statistics, 60% of women in early menopause suffer from sleep disorders. Increased sleep time, there is snoring or sleep apnea, there are movement disorders.

Sleep quality also suffers because of the speeded night urination, hot flashes and numbness of the limbs.

cases of severe depression requiring medical treatment are described in clinical practice. This is due to the inability of women to accept the irreversibility of the aging process.

Symptoms of menopause in women after 45 years

In this age of menopause held the most peaceful. If the concentration and the percentage of ovarian hormones, adrenal and thyroid reduced in accordance with physiological norms, the symptoms of climacteric syndrome expressed weakly.

But more often due to an imbalance of these bodies of women experience the following clinical manifestations:

  • potoobrazovaniya increase (possibly change body odor);
  • emotional instability;
  • periodic headaches and joint pains, having an average degree of intensity;
  • insomnia attacks;
  • reducing the number of cervical mucus;
  • the appearance of discomfort during intercourse, decreased libido provoking.

Knowing what menopause in women, it is clear why in this period is likely to increase body weight. This is due to the slowdown of metabolic processes where the nutrients are not transformed into energy, but deposited in fatty areas of the body.

Symptoms of menopause in women after 50

Reduction of the reproductive function in women after 50-55 years, has a well-defined symptoms and is characterized by the following features:

  • abrupt and frequent "tides";
  • the appearance of a heavy period after its 3-4 month absence (what is in menopause women often happens);
  • depression;
  • appearance or exacerbation of cardiovascular disease;
  • the development of arthritis and arthrosis;
  • sharp jumps in blood pressure or the development of sustained hypertension;
  • dryness of vaginal mucosa;
  • weight gain without increasing caloric intake.

Hormonal changes lead to a decrease in calcium absorption while accelerating its elimination from the bone. This increases the risk of fractures, sprains and strains. Also calcium eluted from the bones, is deposited in the kidneys in the form of sand or stones, leading to the development of complex pathologies of the urinary system.

Gynecologists warns that after menopause may indicate the development of malignant tumors in the genital organs, breast, pituitary or thyroid gland.

It should therefore be 1 every six months to pass examination by a gynecologist, mammalogy and endocrinology, as well as to take samples of blood for tumor markers.

Early menopause: the causes

The most common causes of early menopause is a genetic predisposition. Normally, women in the cells, there are two complete X - chromosomes containing the DNA molecule.

Menopause in women - that is, the signs, symptoms, when it is early, hot flushes during menopause, medications and vitamins after 40, 45, 50 years old

Genetic mutation of one chromosome leads to hormonal changes that result in the ovaries cease to perform its function at the age of 30-35 years. This pathology is transmitted in the family through the female line.

There are other reasons that lead to the onset of early menopause:

  1. Autoimmune disorders that trigger the destruction of their own ovarian antibodies the body. These include:
  • diabetes;
  • Addison's disease;
  • thyroid disease.
  1. Antiviral, radiation or chemotherapy, which occurs during inhibition of ovarian function under the action of potent pharmacological agents.
  2. Smoke relates to a factor having inhibitory effect on the synthesis of sex hormones and leads to premature menopause.
  3. Frequent or severe stress, overwork, lack of sleep and unbalanced diets promote hormonal imbalances, manifested in the form of early menopause.
  4. Surgery to remove the internal sex organs result simultaneously to surgical menopause.

What are hot flushes

Scientists have put forward several versions of what hot flashes in women during menopause. However, the exact mechanism of their formation is not fully understood. Established that lowering of blood estrogen on the hypothalamus affects such that it tends to reduce the normal body temperature.Menopause in women - that is, the signs, symptoms, when it is early, hot flushes during menopause, medications and vitamins after 40, 45, 50 years old

In this process accelerates secretion of sweat, heart rate quickens, dilate blood vessels. Clinically this is expressed by redness of the skin, sweating, dizziness, nausea and even suffocation. The woman has a temperature rise is followed by its slump, giving a feeling of chills, weakness, and in severe cases leads to loss of consciousness.

How to deal with hot flashes

Mitigate the manifestation of the tides can be observing advice given by practitioners:

  1. Master the technique of deep breathing. At the first sign of this condition should be relax, make 6 accounts breath, 4 accounts - holding your breath, 8 counts - exhale. Repeat this exercise throughout the attack.
  2. Move to fresh air and ensure that it is adequate supply to the premises.
  3. Regularly use a humidifier and ventilate the room during the day and at bedtime.
  4. Cool pillow before going to sleep, putting it under the plastic bottle with water, frozen, wrapped in a waterproof package.
  5. Lead an active lifestyle, engaging in dance, yoga, fitness or performing daily long walks in the fresh air.
  6. Wear clothes made of natural fabrics.
  7. Observe water mode, drinking for at least 2 liters per day.

An important role is played by the emotional state of women during menopause. You must be able to find the good moments in life, avoid stress, get positive emotions from communication, outings, watching comedies, shopping or entertaining hobby.

If high fever, loss of consciousness or severe pressure surges during high tides, should refer to an endocrinologist.

Allocation in menopause: what are the possible

Mucous clear discharge, the density of rice water, odorless and do not cause an itch, are the norm at the time of menopause.

Menopause in women - that is, the signs, symptoms, when it is early, hot flushes during menopause, medications and vitamins after 40, 45, 50 years old

Any changes in consistency, color and odor signal about the development of the inflammatory process or are symptoms of pathological changes in the body:

  1. Selection curdled having sour odor accompanied by itching and burning at the time of urination, characteristic of candidiasis.
  2. Purulent having stale smell of fish, accompanied by itching and increases in total body temperature, indicate the presence of genital infections.
  3. Spotting during menopause indicate hormonal reproductive disorders system and the endocrine organs, and can also serve as a signal for the development of Cancer process. Abundant prolonged bleeding are also talking about the formation and growth of polyps in the cavity or cervix.

What should be the food

Changing dietary habits during menopause can help relieve the symptoms of its course, compensate for the deficiency of vitamins and minerals, and prevent the emergence of excess weight.

Menopause in women - that is, the signs, symptoms, when it is early, hot flushes during menopause, medications and vitamins after 40, 45, 50 years old
What is menopause and what should be the food described in this section

The basic principles of nutrition during this period are:

  • Protein content of foods in the diet should not exceed 20%;
  • daily administration of the diet of dairy products, calcium-rich;
  • consumption of 2 times a week 200-300 g fatty marine fish varieties containing essential omega acid (trout, chum salmon, tuna, salmon, mackerel, herring);
  • increasing the consumption of vegetables and herbs;
  • minimize consumption of fried foods, coffee, fatty meats, mayonnaise, baked goods made with white flour, confectionery products, sugar and alcohol;
  • the inclusion of legumes menu, soy, nuts, dried fruits, sprouted grains of wheat.Menopause in women - that is, the signs, symptoms, when it is early, hot flushes during menopause, medications and vitamins after 40, 45, 50 years old

Nutritionists recommend drinking the morning fasting 1 tbsp. l. flax seed oil, sesame, pumpkin and sea buckthorn. This will prevent gastrointestinal diseases and musculoskeletal accelerate tissue regeneration, slow down the aging of cells.

In spring and autumn should drink cod liver oil, which contains fat-soluble vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

During menopause should develop the habit of adding to the food a pinch of turmeric, cardamom and saffron. These spices accelerate metabolism, contain many vitamins and minerals, but also possess antibacterial activity. This is important during menopause, because there is a natural reduction in body resistance to pathogenic microorganisms.

Climax: treatment

Drug treatment of menopause is expedient in the case where a change in diet, physical activity and lifestyle did not reduce the severity of its symptoms. Appoint such therapy should only be a doctor after a complete examination. At the same time it takes into account the presence of abnormalities of other organs, the physiological characteristics of the body, blood and urine.

Therapy is complex and includes various drugs action.

Hormonal preparations of a new generation

These funds contain in their composition the synthetic analogues of female hormones produced by the ovaries, pituitary gland, adrenal gland and thyroid gland. They lack the male hormone androgen.Menopause in women - that is, the signs, symptoms, when it is early, hot flushes during menopause, medications and vitamins after 40, 45, 50 years old

Properly selected drugs reduce power manifestations of menopause symptoms, prevent the development of cancer, but also prevent an increase in body weight.

Among the most popular drugs is to provide:

  • klimonorma;
  • Femoston;
  • norgestrel;
  • Klimov.

non-hormonal drugs

As symptomatic treatment during menopause doctor prescribes hormonal pharmacological agents.

  1. Antidepressants that reduce the intensity of hot flashes, irritability, emotional instability and eliminate insomnia. The most effective are:
  • Venlafaxine and its analogues;
  • fluoxetine;
  • Poroksetin.
  1. Anticonvulsant and antiepileptic drugs that reduce the frequency of hot flashes and reduce the intensity of their symptoms. These include:
  • Gabagamma;
  • Tebantin;
  • Neurontin;
  • Katena.
  1. Drugs that reduce pressure on the basis of clonidine.


Vitamin preparations in menopause can accelerate the metabolic processes to enhance the release of hormones to increase the body's immunity.

Menopause in women - that is, the signs, symptoms, when it is early, hot flushes during menopause, medications and vitamins after 40, 45, 50 years old

Among the most important vitamins for women is to provide:

  • retinol (A), eliminates the dryness of the skin and mucous membranes, preventing the development of cancer tumors;
  • Ascorbic acid (C), which increases the resistance of the body and the elasticity of blood vessels, preventing occurrence of edema;
  • tocopherol (E), which stimulates the production of estrogen and progesterone;
  • calciferol (D), increases the calcium absorption;
  • vitamins B, participate in the formation of membranes of neurons, ensuring fast transmission of nerve impulses, and reducing the negative impact of stresses and other external factors.

Despite the apparent security and the possibility of acquiring vitamin preparations in pharmacies without a prescription, you can not take them without a doctor's prescription.

Homeopathy: A list of drugs

Phytoestrogens are used as homeopathic drugs in pronounced symptoms of menopause. The most popular tools are now:

  • Estrovel;
  • Feminalgin;
  • Klimadinon;
  • Chi-Klim;
  • Feminal;
  • Remens;
  • Klimaksan.

Preparations in menopause

A large number of products presented at the pharmacological market makes it difficult to choose from, so you should understand how they are effective and safe. In this case, you should not choose their own medicines, the right choice is best left for the specialist.

Remens: reviews of women in menopause

Most women taking Remens notice the improvement of mental and emotional state, eliminating the problems with sleep, increase efficiency, reduction of the multiplicity of the tides and the brightness of their manifestations.

Estravel: remedy for menopause, reviews

This drug contains extracts of herbs, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that contribute normalization of hormonal levels, prevent the development of hypertension and the appearance of signs of premature aging.Menopause in women - that is, the signs, symptoms, when it is early, hot flushes during menopause, medications and vitamins after 40, 45, 50 years old

Patients say that after 2-3 weeks of Estravela reduced the frequency of headaches, hot flushes and bouts of irritability, increased the number of cervical mucus.

Feminal: reviews of women in menopause

Women after application Feminala point decrease sweating, elimination of vaginal dryness, reducing the number of hot flashes, as well as the normalization of blood pressure.

Klimadinon: reviews of women in menopause

According to reviews, Klimadinon improves mental state, reducing the multiplicity of menopausal hot flashes, but due to the weak diuretic action removes the attacks of hypertension and edema formation.

Angelique Micro: reviews of physicians and women in menopause

Doctors often prescribe Angeliq for severe menopause, which is accompanied by an increase in pressure, sleep disorders and emotional instability.Menopause in women - that is, the signs, symptoms, when it is early, hot flushes during menopause, medications and vitamins after 40, 45, 50 years old

Also, the drug effectively eliminates these symptoms after removal of the ovaries.

Estrozhel: reviews of women in menopause

Most women reported Estrozhel effectiveness of the drug in reducing the symptoms of hot flashes during menopause.

Menopause in women - that is, the signs, symptoms, when it is early, hot flushes during menopause, medications and vitamins after 40, 45, 50 years old

Of particular importance is betrayed absence of adverse effects on the gastrointestinal tract, as a means produced in the form of a gel for external application.

Klimaksan: reviews of women in menopause

After applying Klimaksan women noted a decrease irritability, decrease in the number of hot flushes and headaches.

Klimonorma: reviews of women in menopause

Numerous reviews of women show the effectiveness klimonorma during menopause.

Menopause in women - that is, the signs, symptoms, when it is early, hot flushes during menopause, medications and vitamins after 40, 45, 50 years old

It restores emotional balance, reduces the frequency of hot flashes, normalizes sleep.

Angelica: tablets during menopause, reviews

The women say that after taking this drug not only reduces the power of the tides, but also diminish the signs of cystitis and passes breast tenderness.

Herbs in menopause: folk remedies

Remove anxiety and calm down during menopause help decoctions of mint and lemon balm, but the special role of traditional healers withdrawn sage, which helps reduce the appearance of climacteric syndrome.

Sage during menopause and hot flashes: how to make

Of dried sage leaves prepare a broth. To do this, take 2 tbsp. l. herbs, pour its 0.75 liter of boiling water, boil 5 minutes, cool and filter. The resulting liquid should be drunk during the day, regardless of meals.

Menopause in women - that is, the signs, symptoms, when it is early, hot flushes during menopause, medications and vitamins after 40, 45, 50 years old

The course of treatment should not exceed 30 days, followed by a break of 14 days.

You can add a small amount of sage tea before brewing.

Other herbs: how to make

You can also take a decoction of the leaves of violets, fruits of anise, calendula and licorice root. All ingredients are taken in equal amounts, are mixed. Of these, 5 are selected item. l., poured liter of water and infused for one hour. Strained decoction is drunk 100 ml, 3 times a day before meals. This fee increases efficiency, eliminates headaches and fatigue.

Knowing what menopause in women, it is possible to reduce the manifestation of its symptoms, ease the condition in menopause hot flashes, leading an active way life, adhering to the principles of healthy eating, in a timely manner by treating pathologies of the reproductive organs, using drugs drugs.

Videos: menopause in women

What is menopause in women. When it comes:

Symptoms of menopause and menopausal women:

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