Aevit with mastopathy

Aevit with mastopathy

Mastopathy is called a benign breast tumor. The main cause of the disease among women is hormonal imbalance in the body. Mastopa...

Caused brain potentials: basics and interpretation
Instrumental Diagnostics

Caused brain potentials: basics and interpretation

The brain is the holy of the saints of the body. His work proceeds in the sphere of superweak electrical discharges and ultrafast pulses. The...

Acute inflammation of periosteum periostitis: symptoms and treatment

Acute inflammation of periosteum periostitis: symptoms and treatment

Often a person, feeling a pain in the leg or arm, thinks about stretching the ligaments or a usual bruise. No one knows that leg pain and too...

Chronic adnexitis - symptoms, treatment, photos, causes
Inflammatory DiseasesInflammatory Diseases

Chronic adnexitis - symptoms, treatment, photos, causes

The course of chronic adnexitis is interspersed with periods of remission and exacerbations. Causes of the disease To the reasons contrib...

Cerebellar ataxia: features of the syndrome
Other Diseases

Cerebellar ataxia: features of the syndrome

Ataxia is a violation of coordination of movements and motor skills. With such a disease, the strength in the limbs is somewhat reduced or co...

What to do if the joints of the fingers are unbearably painful

What to do if the joints of the fingers are unbearably painful

Pain in the joints of the fingers is a fairly common problem, especially in people older than 40 who have experienced bone deterioration due to ...

Treatment of hyperhidrosis folk remedies

Treatment of hyperhidrosis folk remedies

If the kidney function is inadequate, the skin can take on some of their excretory function. In order for this to function properly, the auto...

Modern view of Kanner's syndrome: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
Mental And Psychological Disorders

Modern view of Kanner's syndrome: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Children with autistic disorder do not show love, affection, emotion. They are immersed in themselves and do not like to let outsiders into thei...

What to do with a knee injury: first aid and treatment

What to do with a knee injury: first aid and treatment

The knee joint belongs to the group of the largest joints of the human body. It plays the role of a kind of hinge that allows you to unbend a...

What is the subarachnoid space and why does it expand
Other Diseases

What is the subarachnoid space and why does it expand

The human brain is one of the most complex and poorly studied organs, which is constantly forced to work. For his normal functioning, he needs a...

Infertility of unknown origin
Female Infertility

Infertility of unknown origin

Infertility, the cause of which can not be established by specialists, even after various kinds of diagnostics and analyzes, is called "infer...

MRI of cervical and thoracic spine: what, how and why?

MRI of cervical and thoracic spine: what, how and why?

MRI of the spine is the diagnosis of the spinal column and its tissues using a magnetic field. This procedure makes it possible to obtain com...