Cerebral insufficiency: modern aspects of diagnosis and therapy
Other Diseases

Cerebral insufficiency: modern aspects of diagnosis and therapy

Residual cerebral organic insufficiency( RCON) is a pathology that is the result of abnormalities in the child's nervous system that developed e...

Symptoms and treatment of chest myositis

Symptoms and treatment of chest myositis

Myositis of the chest is a pathology of the muscular system, which has an inflammatory character. This disorder is characterized by pronounce...

Daily facial skin care
Skin Care

Daily facial skin care

Daily skin care is a prerequisite for the preservation of youth and skin beauty. It has long been known that the sooner and more conscientiou...

Spinal shock - severe spinal cord injury due to trauma
Spinal Cord Diseases

Spinal shock - severe spinal cord injury due to trauma

Spinal shock is a painful process, caused by damage to the spinal cord due to trauma. It appears as areflexia and lack of sensitivity below the ...

Marching foot is a fatigue fracture caused by a way of life

Marching foot is a fatigue fracture caused by a way of life

Marching foot is a disease associated with a pathological change in the structure of metatarsal bones, which are caused by excessive stress on t...

Vacuum abortion - the timing of the

Vacuum abortion - the timing of the

Vaccine abortion( mini abortion) - termination of pregnancy by sucking the embryo of the fetus with a vacuum pump. At what time ...

Bernard Horner's Syndrome - causes of development, characteristic symptoms and treatment
Symptoms And SyndromesSymptoms And Syndromes

Bernard Horner's Syndrome - causes of development, characteristic symptoms and treatment

Horner's syndrome is a syndrome caused by damage to the sympathetic nervous system of the body. Often this syndrome is called by the oculosy...

Diet for gout: how to organize food and choose a menu

Diet for gout: how to organize food and choose a menu

Gout is a disease characterized by impaired metabolism. With it, salts of uric acid are deposited in the joints. Gout - a fairly rare disease ...

One-day fasting: reviews, photos before and after, benefit, harm, output, contraindications

One-day fasting: reviews, photos before and after, benefit, harm, output, contraindications

Of course, you can start a fasting many days ago, as soon as you heard about it, but all this can result in various untidy consequences. T...

How to help a person recover from a stroke at home

How to help a person recover from a stroke at home

Stroke is an acute violation of the blood circulation of the brain, which occurs against the background of vascular and other diseases. For exam...

Effective methods of treatment of shoulder plexitis, which are worth knowing to everyone

Effective methods of treatment of shoulder plexitis, which are worth knowing to everyone

What is plexitis of the shoulder joint? It is an inflammatory process that can cause severe pain and even limited movement. It can develop be...