Rules and habits that will help prevent a stroke

Rules and habits that will help prevent a stroke

Annually more than 30 million cases of stroke will be recorded worldwide. About 400 000 of them fall to Russia. Stroke ranks third in the rating...

Treatment of hyperhidrosis with botox: price, reviews

Treatment of hyperhidrosis with botox: price, reviews

Botox is a medicament for the treatment of hyperhidrosis( sweating). This medicine is created from the most powerful biological po...

Calve's disease: the complexity of diagnosis and treatment

Calve's disease: the complexity of diagnosis and treatment

Calve disease, or aseptic necrosis of the vertebral body, belongs to a group of diseases that are referred to in orthopedics as osteochondropath...

Characteristics of acute psychosis: causes, symptoms, treatment
Mental And Psychological Disorders

Characteristics of acute psychosis: causes, symptoms, treatment

Acute psychosis is a marked violation of mental activity, manifested in an inadequate perception of reality and itself. In this disease a person...

Nodular uterine fibroids: treatment and causes
Myoma Of The Uterus

Nodular uterine fibroids: treatment and causes

Nodal uterine myoma is a benign tumor formed in the muscular tissue of the organ. The nodular form of uterine fibroids from musc...

Treatment of osteochondrosis with massage - methods for the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine

Treatment of osteochondrosis with massage - methods for the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine

Osteochondrosis is a pathology of a chronic nature, in which discs between vertebrae and cartilage are affected. Mostly the disease develops aft...

Is catalepsy a psychological phenomenon or a neurological disease?
Mental And Psychological Disorders

Is catalepsy a psychological phenomenon or a neurological disease?

Catalepsy is a certain state of a person, in some ways reminiscent of a dream, during which there is a deterioration in sensitivity to external ...

HIV in men: symptoms, signs, photos, as shown, the probability of infection
Hiv Infection And Aids

HIV in men: symptoms, signs, photos, as shown, the probability of infection

The defeat of HIV infection is a terrible blow to any person. However, for a man, the likelihood of contracting HIV infection i...

Features of valgus foot deformities in children: symptoms, treatment and prevention

Features of valgus foot deformities in children: symptoms, treatment and prevention

Valient deformity of the foot - such diagnosis exposes the orthopedist to some children of the first years of life of the .In the early detecti...

Fibromyalgia exists - causes, symptoms and treatment of chronic stress and fatigue
Other Diseases

Fibromyalgia exists - causes, symptoms and treatment of chronic stress and fatigue

Fibromyalgia is a disorder observed in 4 or more percent of people. One of the definitions is a diffuse bilateral musculo-skeletal pain of a ...

How to detect arthritis of the hip joint in time and start treatment?

How to detect arthritis of the hip joint in time and start treatment?

The hip joint, which is the most massive in the body, performs a very important function, connecting the thighbones of the legs with the pelvis,...