Hookworm disease: what is it? Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Hookworm disease: what is it? Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Hookworm (lat. Ancylostomidoses) - is a group of parasitic diseases caused by helminth larvae contamination of Ancylostoma family (lat. Ancylostom...

How to treat chronic fatigue syndrome at home

How to treat chronic fatigue syndrome at home

Chronic fatigue - it is quite natural physiological reaction of the human organism, connected with forming neurosis ganglionic nervous system caus...

Proctitis: symptoms, causes and treatment. Than to treat proctitis

Proctitis: symptoms, causes and treatment. Than to treat proctitis

Proctitis - is an inflammatory process that occurs in the lower part of the rectum. In most cases, the disease is in a complex with an infectious ...

Nasal polyps: symptoms, causes and treatment education

Nasal polyps: symptoms, causes and treatment education

Polyps in the nose - a problem common among both children and adults. These benign growths originate from the mucosa of the nasal passages and can...

Otitis externa, Symptoms and Treatment in Adults in the home

Otitis externa, Symptoms and Treatment in Adults in the home

Otitis externa - a disease of the outer portion of the auditory organ which consists of a shell, the auditory meatus and the tympanic area. Inflam...

Alveococcosis: symptoms in humans, causes and treatment

Alveococcosis: symptoms in humans, causes and treatment

Alveococcosis - a disease that is found throughout the world, regardless of the level of development of the country and folk culture. Special atte...

Iron deficiency anemia, symptoms and treatment

Iron deficiency anemia, symptoms and treatment

Iron deficiency anemia (anemia) - pathological syndrome characterized by a decrease in the number of erythrocytes and hemoglobin. It is the main h...

Osteosarcoma: symptoms in adults, treatment and prognosis

Osteosarcoma: symptoms in adults, treatment and prognosis

Osteosarcoma - a cancerous condition affecting the bones. Malignant cells are osteogenic sarcoma of the bone, in other words, their bones are the ...

How quickly remove a double chin at home

How quickly remove a double chin at home

Double chin is the result of the localization of the subcutaneous fat under the chin naturally.As a result, in the chin area appears a dense impar...

Glossitis language: symptoms, photo, home treatment usdloviyah

Glossitis language: symptoms, photo, home treatment usdloviyah

Glossitis - a common disease, whose essence lies in the pathogenic effects of microorganisms on the tongue tissue. Often infection is due to mecha...

Hemolytic Anemia: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Hemolytic Anemia: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Hemolytic anemia (HA) - a number of rare, but to diagnose and treat diseases of the blood, during which starts increased destruction of red blood ...

Opisthorchiasis in adults, symptoms and treatment regimen

Opisthorchiasis in adults, symptoms and treatment regimen

Opisthorchiasis - a disease that develops as a consequence of parasitism in the body trematodes or flukes, tapeworms. His pathogens - liver fluke,...