
Endometrial hyperplasia: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseFemale Diseases

Endometrial hyperplasia: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Hyperplasia (abnormal growth) endometrium - a benign process and an excessive increase in the thickness of the uterine lining.Endometrial hyperplas...

Sciatica (sciatica): Symptoms, Treatment
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseNervous System

Sciatica (sciatica): Symptoms, Treatment

Every micron human body laced with the finest network of nerve trunks, Supercomplex coordinating the activities of the whole organism. However, des...

Concussion: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseNervous System

Concussion: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

concussion of the brain - it's easy to reversible brain damage functions arising from the traumatic impact. It is believed that a concussion-based ...

Periodontitis: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

Periodontitis: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

Periodontitis - is inflammation of the surrounding tissues of the tooth, leading to disruption and weakening of the ligamentous apparatus of the to...

Cervical erosion (ectopy): causes, treatment, prognosis
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseFemale Diseases

Cervical erosion (ectopy): causes, treatment, prognosis

Often a cervical erosion is meant ectopy (pseudo) which belongs to the background benign cervical disease. That's about it will be discussed in the...

Varicose veins
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseHeart And Blood Vessels

Varicose veins

Scientific editor: Strokina OA, therapist, doctor of functional diagnostics. Practical experience since 2015.October, 2018.Varicose veins - a persi...

Multiple sclerosis: symptoms, causes, treatment, prevention
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseNervous System

Multiple sclerosis: symptoms, causes, treatment, prevention

Multiple sclerosis - a chronic, progressive and permanent brain and spinal cord damage. It is more common in women aged 20-40 years, but may be ill...

Rubella: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseInfectious Diseases

Rubella: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Rubella - an acute viral infection that predominantly noted in children and related to the category of children's infections. Manifested respirator...

Ovarian apoplexy: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseFemale Diseases

Ovarian apoplexy: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Apoplexy Ovary - sudden rupture of the ovarian capsule (left or right), accompanied by hemorrhage into its cavity.Pathology exists in two forms:wit...

Liver cysts: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

Liver cysts: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

This cavity in the liver, fluid-filled.hepatic cyst occurs in approximately 0.8% of the population. In women, it occurs 3-5 times more frequently t...

Parainfluenza: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseInfectious Diseases

Parainfluenza: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Parainfluenza - acute respiratory infection of viral origin that affects the upper respiratory tract, mainly the nose, oropharynx and larynx.When p...

Aortic Aneurysm: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseHeart And Blood Vessels

Aortic Aneurysm: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

Scientific editor: OA Strokina practicing therapist, doctor of functional diagnostics. Work experience since 2015.September 2018.Aortic aneurysm - ...