Childhood Diseases

The sequence of setting sounds in speech therapy. Table for OHP, dyslalia, dysarthria, alallia in children. Scheme
Childhood Diseases

The sequence of setting sounds in speech therapy. Table for OHP, dyslalia, dysarthria, alallia in children. Scheme

A child who goes to grade 1 must be able to read and write. If there are any developmental deviations, then it will be difficult for him to assimil...

Mental retardation (PDD). What is it, causes in children, classification, how it is expressed, treatment
Childhood Diseases

Mental retardation (PDD). What is it, causes in children, classification, how it is expressed, treatment

Mental retardation is often confused with mental retardation. But these are 2 different pathologies - with CRD, children have preserved intelligenc...

Trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome). Normal indicators, what does this mean in pregnant women, fetus, risk, causes, decoding
Childhood Diseases

Trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome). Normal indicators, what does this mean in pregnant women, fetus, risk, causes, decoding

Trisomy 13, or Patau syndrome, is a genetic disorder characterized by the tripling of 13 pairs of chromosomes in a person's DNA.Normally, a child a...

Severe speech disorders. What is it, classification, types, diagnoses, causes, features, what they lead to
Childhood Diseases

Severe speech disorders. What is it, classification, types, diagnoses, causes, features, what they lead to

Heavy speech disorders - this is a number of abnormalities that affect the child's speech ability and can provoke mental disorders during normal br...

Down Syndrome. Photos of adults, children, karyotype, causes, symptoms, signs, treatment, diagnosis, forms, risk
Childhood Diseases

Down Syndrome. Photos of adults, children, karyotype, causes, symptoms, signs, treatment, diagnosis, forms, risk

Down syndrome is usually attributed to one of the most common genetic abnormalities (photos of adults and children diagnosed with this deviation ca...

Sensory integration. What is it in simple words, exercises for autism, alalia, cerebral palsy, cerebral palsy for children at home, method
Childhood Diseases

Sensory integration. What is it in simple words, exercises for autism, alalia, cerebral palsy, cerebral palsy for children at home, method

Sensory integration refers to the processing of information that the nervous system receives from all senses.This is necessary to translate data in...

Rinolalia in speech therapy. What is it, definition, causes, classification, symptoms, correction
Childhood Diseases

Rinolalia in speech therapy. What is it, definition, causes, classification, symptoms, correction

Rinolalia is a pathological condition separate segments of the nasopharynx and oral cavity, the presence of which leads to a distorted pronunciatio...

Motor alalia in a child 1-2-3-4-5 years old. What is it, symptoms, where to start classes, signs, treatment, correctional work of a speech therapist
Childhood Diseases

Motor alalia in a child 1-2-3-4-5 years old. What is it, symptoms, where to start classes, signs, treatment, correctional work of a speech therapist

Motor alalia is a complete absence or partial speech underdevelopmentcaused by organic damage to the cortical centers of the brain responsible for ...

Graefe's symptom in infants, newborns. What is it, symptoms, photo, when it passes, treatment
Childhood Diseases

Graefe's symptom in infants, newborns. What is it, symptoms, photo, when it passes, treatment

Greef's syndrome is a neurological a disease in which a child has bilateral paralysis of the oculomotor muscles against a general background of deg...

Dysarthria in speech therapy. What is it in adults, children, definition, types, how to treat, causes
Childhood Diseases

Dysarthria in speech therapy. What is it in adults, children, definition, types, how to treat, causes

Dysarthria - this is a violation of the pronunciation side of speechcaused by impaired coordination of muscle groups responsible for speech. The di...

Perinatal encephalopathy. What is it in children, adults, symptoms, consequences, treatment, clinical guidelines
Childhood Diseases

Perinatal encephalopathy. What is it in children, adults, symptoms, consequences, treatment, clinical guidelines

Such a common pathology as perinatal encephalopathy, requires timely consultation with a neurologist and a comprehensive examination. The disease i...

Umbilical hernia in children 5-6-10 years old. Photos, symptoms, what it looks like, surgery, plaster, what is dangerous
Childhood Diseases

Umbilical hernia in children 5-6-10 years old. Photos, symptoms, what it looks like, surgery, plaster, what is dangerous

Such a phenomenon as umbilical hernia in children, causes panic in parents. But the protrusion that is found in the navel does not always require s...