Ear, Nose, Throat

Angina: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

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Tonsillitis - an inflammation of the tonsils (tonsils). Angina is also called an exacerbation chronic tonsillitis.


Angina is usually divided into 3 types:

Catarrhal angina.

Mostly superficial lesion of the tonsils. Period of development of angina is from several hours to 2-4 days.

Characterized by rapid onset, sore and dry throat, pain (pain may spread to the ear) malaise, headache, pain in joints and muscles, increased body temperature (possible chills).

Changes in the blood are absent or insignificant.

Lymph nodes are painful.

In children, symptoms of angina are more pronounced, including temperature reaction.

Catarrhal sore throat lasts for 1-2 days, after which the inflammation in the throat or pass the disease becomes another form.


Characterized by a primary lesion of the tonsils follicular unit.

Characterized by sudden fever, the body temperature to 40 ° C, a strong pain in the throat.

Lymph nodes are enlarged, painful. There are significant signs of intoxication (sharp general weakness, headache, pain in the heart, joints and muscles), nausea, diarrhea, decreased urine output.

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Palatine tonsils are enlarged, swollen. Tonsillar visible festering follicles as a white-yellow formations pinhead value (pattern "starry sky"). Festering follicles opened, forming a purulent coating, do not extend beyond the tonsils.

Lacunar tonsillitis.

Plaque outside the tonsils does not come out.

Characterized by a sharp rise in body temperature to 39-40 ° C, chills, sore throat, pain in the heart, joints, headache, often drooling in children often vomiting.

Characterized by an increase of nearby lymph nodes, their sharp pain.

The duration of flow lacunar angina - 5-9 days. Its manifestations are growing quickly and just as quickly subside. During extinction manifestations begins tonsils pellicle cleaning.

Increasing the nearby lymph nodes lasts longer - up to 10-12 days. Characteristically pronounced redness of the tonsils, their swelling; yellowish-white content lacunae forms on the surface of the tonsils friable plaque in the form of small lesions or film. Plaque does not go beyond the tonsils, it is a dull, loose, easily removed without leaving a bleeding defect.

Sore treatment

Diagnosis therapist based on the clinical picture, inspection data, specify if necessary laboratory tests (bacteriological, serological, cytological and others.).

The diet in the treatment of angina sparing, C and B vitamins rich, abundant fortified drinks (tea with lemon, decoction or infusion of wild rose, hawthorn, cranberry, lingonberry fruit drinks, juices).

Antimicrobial therapy of the disease is carried out within 5-7 days of antibiotics penicillin, I-generation cephalosporins, macrolides (e.g., spiramycin) - only in follicular, lacunar and abscess forms of angina.

Antipyretics (paracetamol) - when the temperature rises above 38 degrees.

Local treatment of angina

Fuzafunzhin (bioparoks) - 4 inhalation by inhaling mouth every 4 hours for 4-5 days. Is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity and children up to 2 years. May cause mucous membrane irritation of the nose, bronchospasm, and allergic reactions.

Ambazone - tablets kept in the mouth until it is completely dissolved (adults 3-5 tablets per day for children from 3 to 7 years: 1 tablet 3 times a day for 3-4 days). After receiving tablets refrain from eating and drinking for 3 hours.

Gramicidin - tablet held in the mouth (the cheek) until its complete dissolution. Apply 2 tablets (one after the other within 20-30 min.) 4 times per day for 2-3 days.

Rinse with warm decoctions of herbs (sage, camomile), soda solutions, boric acid nitrofural hydrogen peroxide up to 8-10 times a day.

Babies who can not gargle, drink unheated provide lemon tea or fruit juices (every 1 / 2-1 hours).

Heat on the neck: a dry cotton-gauze or hot compress.

Complications and prognosis

Complications of sore throat are most common acute middle otitis, acute laryngitis, Laryngeal edema, phlegmon neck peripharyngeal abscess, Acute neck lymphadenitis.

Prognosis is generally favorable, but complications are possible with repeated tonsillitis. Recurrent tonsillitis may contribute rheumatism and jade.

Prevention of angina

For the prevention of angina is necessary to timely elimination of foci of chronic infection (carious teeth, chronic tonsillitis, purulent lesion sinuses et al.), the removal of the causes that hamper free breathing through the nose (in children often adenoids).

Of great importance are also hardening, removal of harmful substances such as excessively dry air.

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