Thyrotropin increased in women. Why that is, causes and treatment
Endocrine Diseases

Thyrotropin increased in women. Why that is, causes and treatment

One reason for the inability to become pregnant or hormonal disorder in women is a change in hormone thyrotropin concentration in the blood. Increa...

Streptococcus Agalactiae (Streptococcus agalactia) in a smear in women. What does it mean 10 4-5-6-7 extent, treatment
Infectious Diseases

Streptococcus Agalactiae (Streptococcus agalactia) in a smear in women. What does it mean 10 4-5-6-7 extent, treatment

Of Streptococcus agalactiae and Streptococcus agalactia belongs to the pathogenic microflora, which is always present in the smear even in healthy ...

Tick ​​bite. Symptoms in humans, photo looks like, the consequences of what to do, than to process, antibiotics
Infectious Diseases

Tick ​​bite. Symptoms in humans, photo looks like, the consequences of what to do, than to process, antibiotics

Ticks are parasitic groups of the order of arachnids. The most famous is the wood tick, which is activated mainly from April to June.Danger of this...

Fibromyalgia. What is it, how to treat the symptoms as manifested causes. Folk remedies, techniques, medications, a doctor treats
Diseases Of The Musculoskeletal System

Fibromyalgia. What is it, how to treat the symptoms as manifested causes. Folk remedies, techniques, medications, a doctor treats

According to research from 2 to 8% of the population is suffering from muscle pain of unknown origin. Fibromyalgia - it's such a difficult diagnosi...

Hip arthritis. Symptoms and treatment of the elderly, children. Drugs folk remedies
Diseases Of The Musculoskeletal System

Hip arthritis. Symptoms and treatment of the elderly, children. Drugs folk remedies

Costa usually accompanies elderly people, having crossed 65 years of age. However, in modern times, all the more stable trend towards rejuvenation ...

Hip coxarthrosis. Symptoms and Treatment 1, 2, 3 degrees, features. Exercises hondroprotektory, gymnastics, exercise, how to treat, diet, massage
Diseases Of The Musculoskeletal System

Hip coxarthrosis. Symptoms and Treatment 1, 2, 3 degrees, features. Exercises hondroprotektory, gymnastics, exercise, how to treat, diet, massage

Coxarthrosis, hip, another name, deforming arthrosis, can strike at any age, but most people are exposed to the disease after 40 years. Symptoms of...

SARS in children. Symptoms and treatment, antibiotics, folk remedies, doctors' recommendations
Infectious Diseases

SARS in children. Symptoms and treatment, antibiotics, folk remedies, doctors' recommendations

Viral infections threaten the health of the population all year round. SARS in children occur most often. Symptoms and treatment depend on the type...

Thoracic chondrosis women. Symptoms and treatment of how to deal
Diseases Of The Musculoskeletal System

Thoracic chondrosis women. Symptoms and treatment of how to deal

Over time, the cartilage and intervertebral discs lose their elasticity, and increases the likelihood of breast chondrosis. The condition can occur...

Scoliosis in adults. Treatment gymnastics exercise, folk remedies, massage, corsets, the operation
Diseases Of The Musculoskeletal System

Scoliosis in adults. Treatment gymnastics exercise, folk remedies, massage, corsets, the operation

Scoliosis - a spinal disorder that develops in childhood or adolescence. Most often it is stored in adults due to lack of timely treatment. Less of...

Herniated discs of the lumbar. Symptoms and Treatment. Vocabulary, gymnastics, massage, non-surgical removal of laser surgery, the effects of
Diseases Of The Musculoskeletal System

Herniated discs of the lumbar. Symptoms and Treatment. Vocabulary, gymnastics, massage, non-surgical removal of laser surgery, the effects of

At occurrence of back pain, it is important to identify the problem. Herniated discs of the lumbar - a violation of the integrity and structure of ...

Lingual braces. Reviews what it is, the price of installation, system photos
Medicine News

Lingual braces. Reviews what it is, the price of installation, system photos

Lingual braces - a standard bracket system, which has been improved orthodontist for to remove metallic structure of the tooth surface, but still g...