
Kick Baker knee joint - reasons and reviews about treatment

Kick Baker knee joint - reasons and reviews about treatment

Contents of the page 1 Knee Baker Cyst - disease description 2 Causes of the disease 3 Main symptoms - photo 4 Diagnostic pr...

Unco-vertebral arthrosis of the cervical spine

Unco-vertebral arthrosis of the cervical spine

Contents of the page 1 Unco-vertebral arthrosis of the cervical spine - what provokes development? 2 The main symptoms of ...

Wheelchairs and wheelchairs for children with cerebral palsy

Wheelchairs and wheelchairs for children with cerebral palsy

Children are the future, the daily joy and pride of their parents. In them, the whole meaning of life, its worthy continuation and eternal hope....

Angioencephalopathy is a dangerous cerebrovascular disease

Angioencephalopathy is a dangerous cerebrovascular disease

Angioencephalopathy is a vascular pathology, in which the activity of the brain is disrupted due to the constant dilution of blood circulation. ...

How does the hernia of the cervical spine show up and how does the treatment work?

How does the hernia of the cervical spine show up and how does the treatment work?

Page contents 1 Cervical spine - symptoms 2 Diagnosis of the disease 3 Treatment 4 Exercises with a hernia of the cerv...

Why children with cerebral palsy are born - provoking factors and causes

Why children with cerebral palsy are born - provoking factors and causes

Cerebral Palsy( cerebral palsy) is a disease that causes disruptions in the functioning of the motor system, which arise as a result of damage t...

Go-carts for disabled children with cerebral palsy: variants and purpose

Go-carts for disabled children with cerebral palsy: variants and purpose

cerebral palsy( cerebral palsy) is a complex form of disruption of the musculoskeletal system, which is caused by a variety of factors. In ch...

Moya-Moja disease is a rare cerebrovascular disease

Moya-Moja disease is a rare cerebrovascular disease

Moya - Moya disease is a rare disease characterized by a progressive nature of bilateral nature, leading to a narrowing of the intracranial arte...

Features of children with cerebral palsy - mental and physiological development

Features of children with cerebral palsy - mental and physiological development

No one is immune from serious illnesses. And if a family has a problem, a child with cerebral palsy was born, every parent wants to know everyth...

Hirschsprung's disease: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseDigestive Tract

Hirschsprung's disease: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Hirschsprung's disease - congenital aganglioz colon (lack of proper nerve cells in the muscular plexus of Auerbach and the submucosal plexus of Mei...

Intestinal polyp: types, symptoms, treatment
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseDigestive Tract

Intestinal polyp: types, symptoms, treatment

intestinal polyp - benign pedunculated tumor formation or broad basis, which hangs from the wall of the hollow body in its lumen.Polyps may be the ...

Epididymitis: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseMale Reproductive System

Epididymitis: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Acute epididymitis - inflammation of the epididymis.Chronic epididymitis called inflammation of the epididymis, which lasts for 6 months or more.Ca...