Female Diseases

Ovarian apoplexy: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseFemale Diseases

Ovarian apoplexy: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Apoplexy Ovary - sudden rupture of the ovarian capsule (left or right), accompanied by hemorrhage into its cavity.Pathology exists in two forms:wit...

Cervicitis: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseFemale Diseases

Cervicitis: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Cervicitis - is inflammation of the cervix. Currently, the term "ekzotservitsit" refers to inflammation of the outer (vaginal) of the cervix.endoce...

Analyzes and the timing of abortion
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseFemale DiseasesAbortion

Analyzes and the timing of abortion

Called abortion an abortion when the child's gestation period of less than 22 weeks. If the gestational age greater than 22 weeks, then abortion is...

Cervical leukoplakia, diagnostics, treatment
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseFemale Diseases

Cervical leukoplakia, diagnostics, treatment

About cervical leukoplakia say when in the pathological process involved her vaginal (visible) part, with stratified squamous epithelium, covers th...

Painful menstruation: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseFemale Diseases

Painful menstruation: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Painful menstruation, called the menstrual contractions - a suprapubic pain that occurs just before menstruation and during it.The frequency of obs...

Omission of the uterus: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseFemale Diseases

Omission of the uterus: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Omission of the uterus occur with the weakening of the pelvic muscles and ligaments. Often at the same time observe the downward shift of vesical t...

Uterine fibroids: symptoms, treatment, prognosis
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseFemale Diseases

Uterine fibroids: symptoms, treatment, prognosis

The author - Sozinova AV practicing obstetrician-gynecologist. Experience in the specialty for over 14 years. (2015).Uterine fibroma called benign ...

Norm of red blood cells in the urine of women after 40-50-60 years. Table causes low elevated treatment
Female Diseases

Norm of red blood cells in the urine of women after 40-50-60 years. Table causes low elevated treatment

The person does not think about the red blood cells as long as it does not have the disease that affects the cells. Problems of women with an abnor...

How to lower cortisol in women. Drugs folk remedies without drugs, list, names, prices, reviews
Female Diseases

How to lower cortisol in women. Drugs folk remedies without drugs, list, names, prices, reviews

Cortisol is an important hormone in the body in women. It performs several functions, produced under certain circumstances. Quite often, patients w...

Treatment of cervical erosion
Female DiseasesReference Book Of Diseases

Treatment of cervical erosion

Cervical erosion - is a collective term used to describe a defect in red on the surface epithelium of the vaginal surface of the cervix. Before tre...

What is the difference Adenomyosis and endometriosis?
Female DiseasesReference Book Of DiseasesDifferences Adenomyosis And Endometriosis

What is the difference Adenomyosis and endometriosis?

endometriosis (Adenomyosis uteri and in particular) represents one of the most diverse and puzzling gynecological diseases. Despite the fact that t...

Adenomyosis uterus and pregnancy
Female DiseasesReference Book Of Diseases

Adenomyosis uterus and pregnancy

Adenomyosis and pregnancy - in most cases inconsistent state. After endometriosis in more than 50% of the cause of infertility. And in some women w...