Female Diseases

Vacuum Abortion: periods, contraindications, complications
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseFemale DiseasesAbortion

Vacuum Abortion: periods, contraindications, complications

Author: Tselmer NE, obstetrician, practical experience since 2007, the first qualification category.March, 2019.Vacuum abortion is done in up to 12...

Mastitis symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseFemale Diseases

Mastitis symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Mastitis - an acute inflammatory disease of the breast that occurs predominantly in women (but can also occur in children, and men).Most of mastiti...

Polycystic ovaries: symptoms, treatment, prognosis
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseFemale Diseases

Polycystic ovaries: symptoms, treatment, prognosis

Author: Sozinova AV, an obstetrician-gynecologist, is a continuous practice from 2001.Polycystic ovaries - a set of symptoms, which is characterize...

Bartholinitis: symptoms, treatment, prevention
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseFemale Diseases

Bartholinitis: symptoms, treatment, prevention

Bartolini - an inflammation of the large vestibule glands (Bartholin's glands).CausesBartolini is called staphylococci, streptococci, Escherichia c...

Cervical erosion (ectopy): causes, treatment, prognosis
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseFemale Diseases

Cervical erosion (ectopy): causes, treatment, prognosis

Often a cervical erosion is meant ectopy (pseudo) which belongs to the background benign cervical disease. That's about it will be discussed in the...

Uterine fibroids: symptoms, treatment, surgery
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseFemale Diseases

Uterine fibroids: symptoms, treatment, surgery

The uterus is a muscular organ composed of three layers, of which the thickest myometrium (muscular layer).Uterine fibroids - a benign hormone-depe...

Premenstrual syndrome: causes, symptoms, treatment
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseFemale Diseases

Premenstrual syndrome: causes, symptoms, treatment

Premenstrual syndrome - a set of symptoms that appear in the second half of the menstrual cycle for a few days before menstruation. With this state...

Nodular breast disease: symptoms, treatment, prognosis
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseMastopathyFemale Diseases

Nodular breast disease: symptoms, treatment, prognosis

The author - Sozinova AV practicing obstetrician-gynecologist. Experience in the specialty for over 14 years. (2015).When the pathological process ...

Vulvovaginitis: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseFemale Diseases

Vulvovaginitis: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Vulvovaginitis - inflammation of the vagina and external genitalia.Risk factorsFactors predisposing to its occurrence vulvovaginal:dysbiosis intest...

Salpingo: causes, symptoms, treatment
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseFemale Diseases

Salpingo: causes, symptoms, treatment

Oophoritis (adnexitis) - inflammation of the uterus (uterine tubes and ovaries).CausesCauses salpingo much. The most common:disease, sexually trans...

Lactocele: symptoms, treatment, consequences
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseFemale Diseases

Lactocele: symptoms, treatment, consequences

The author - Sozinova AV practicing obstetrician-gynecologist. Experience in the specialty since 2001.Breast cysts called cavity that is surrounded...

Breast disease: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseFemale Diseases

Breast disease: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Breast - a benign breast lesion - is characterized by excessive growth of connective tissue.CausesA major role in the occurrence of mastitis withdr...