Chalazion upper or lower eyelid: treatment at home

Chalazion upper or lower eyelid: treatment at home

Chalazion - a disease that develops due to blockage of the meibomian glands (this modified sebaceous glands that open near the outer edge of the e...

Allergic to alcohol: photo, symptoms, treatment

Allergic to alcohol: photo, symptoms, treatment

Alcohol - a longtime companion of mankind nowadays it becomes a danger and create discomfort, even for people who observe measure when it is used a...

Adenovirus infection in children: symptoms, treatment, diagnosis

Adenovirus infection in children: symptoms, treatment, diagnosis

Adenovirus infection - acute process, which is one of the ARI. Approximately 1/5 of all SARS accounted for adenovirus. It is accompanied by clinic...

Dry eye syndrome is what it is and how to treat?

Dry eye syndrome is what it is and how to treat?

Described syndrome - pathology, in which the reduced production of tears, or changing the composition of the tear fluid. Because of this, the corn...

Angioedema: photo, symptoms and first aid at home

Angioedema: photo, symptoms and first aid at home

Angioedema - an acute, sudden onset of a serious illness that affects the subcutaneous fatty tissue and mucous membranes. This pathology has a few...

Melanoma in the initial steps of: photo, symptoms, treatment

Melanoma in the initial steps of: photo, symptoms, treatment

Melanoma is considered one of the most insidious of human cancers, the incidence and mortality of which has been steadily increasing from year to ...

Conjunctivitis: Picture, Symptoms and Treatment in Adults in the home

Conjunctivitis: Picture, Symptoms and Treatment in Adults in the home

Conjunctivitis (sometimes misspelling conjunctivitis) - an inflammatory disease of the conjunctiva, a thin transparent tissue that lines the inner...

Botulism: Symptoms in humans, the first signs of botulism

Botulism: Symptoms in humans, the first signs of botulism

The disease is caused by bacteria Clostridium botulinum, which is present in foods. Pathology suddenly develops after eating contaminated food bot...

Stye: regimen at home (reviews, photos)

Stye: regimen at home (reviews, photos)

Stye is a fairly common ophthalmic disease is an inflammatory process of sebaceous gland or hair follicle near the roots of eyelashes.The illness ...

Sinusitis: symptoms and treatment at home for adults

Sinusitis: symptoms and treatment at home for adults

Sinusitis - an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses to the nasal cavity, the occurrence of which in the organism due to penetration of viruses an...

Pyoderma: symptoms, photo, treatment. How to treat pyoderma

Pyoderma: symptoms, photo, treatment. How to treat pyoderma

Pyoderma - dermatological disease that occurs under the influence of pyogenic (pyogenic) bacteria. In various forms of pyoderma skin is covered wi...

Microsporia in humans: symptoms, photo, treatment. Than to treat mikrosporiya

Microsporia in humans: symptoms, photo, treatment. Than to treat mikrosporiya

Microsporia - a disease triggered by a fungus. For this disease is characterized by lesions of the skin and hair, in more rare cases, the fungus a...