Infectious Diseases

Intrauterine infections in newborns, fetus during pregnancy. Causes, consequences, what is it, analysis, clinical guidelines
Infectious Diseases

Intrauterine infections in newborns, fetus during pregnancy. Causes, consequences, what is it, analysis, clinical guidelines

Intrauterine infections (IUI) are pathologies of newborns in which infection of the embryo occurs in the womb or during childbirth. This concept ca...

Diphtheria in children. Symptoms, prevention, transmission routes, incubation period, clinical guidelines, treatment
Infectious Diseases

Diphtheria in children. Symptoms, prevention, transmission routes, incubation period, clinical guidelines, treatment

Diphtheria is a serious and dangerous infectious disease. The first symptoms in children appear after 2 days or after a while. It all depends on th...

Moraxella catarrhalis (Moraxella catarrhalis) in the nose of a child. What is it, the norm, the table, how to treat
Infectious Diseases

Moraxella catarrhalis (Moraxella catarrhalis) in the nose of a child. What is it, the norm, the table, how to treat

Moraxella catarralis is pathogenic microorganism that is the causative agent of various infectious diseases. Colonies of pathogens are more often d...

Meningococcal infection. Symptoms in adults, causes, routes of transmission, treatment, complications
Infectious Diseases

Meningococcal infection. Symptoms in adults, causes, routes of transmission, treatment, complications

Meningococcal infection is a dangerous disease. The first symptoms in adults appear 1-10 days after infection of the body. The causative agents of ...

Coronavirus infection in humans. What is it, symptoms, treatment, prevention
Infectious Diseases

Coronavirus infection in humans. What is it, symptoms, treatment, prevention

Coronavirus infection is a viral disease in which a person has upper respiratory tract injury and the gastrointestinal tract. The causative agents ...

Throat swab for infections. What is the name, where to pass, how to prepare, what shows
Infectious Diseases

Throat swab for infections. What is the name, where to pass, how to prepare, what shows

A throat swab is often done to diagnose a variety of infections and is a standard medical procedure. The technique is also aimed at eliminating a n...

Hepatitis A. How is it transmitted from person to person, what is dangerous, symptoms and treatment, incubation period
Infectious Diseases

Hepatitis A. How is it transmitted from person to person, what is dangerous, symptoms and treatment, incubation period

Botkin's disease or hepatitis A is an acute infectious-viral pathology of the liver, which has a benign course. In another way, the disease is call...

Haemophilus influenzae. What is it in the pharynx, nose in a child, adults, symptoms, treatment, vaccination, antibiotic sensitivity
Infectious Diseases

Haemophilus influenzae. What is it in the pharynx, nose in a child, adults, symptoms, treatment, vaccination, antibiotic sensitivity

Severe pain, shortness of breath and weakness in the body, as well as fever are serious reasons to go to the hospital. Haemophilus influenzae is ac...

Norovirus infection. Symptoms and treatment in children, adults, what is it, clinical guidelines
Infectious Diseases

Norovirus infection. Symptoms and treatment in children, adults, what is it, clinical guidelines

Defeat norovirus infection reaches whole groups of people. Despite the short period of development, a person feels significant discomfort, he is wo...

Blood test for Helicobacter pylori. How to take, preparation, norm, decoding, price
Infectious Diseases

Blood test for Helicobacter pylori. How to take, preparation, norm, decoding, price

Problems with the digestive tract cause great discomfort and reduce the quality of life. One of the reasons for such pathologies is the presence in...

Meningitis in adolescents. Symptoms, how to recognize, treatment, consequences
Infectious Diseases

Meningitis in adolescents. Symptoms, how to recognize, treatment, consequences

Meningitis is a serious medical condition, in which the infection enters the lining of the brain and spinal cord. The first symptoms in adolescents...

Brucellosis in humans. Symptoms, causative agent, routes of infection, diagnosis, treatment, clinical guidelines, preventive measures
Infectious Diseases

Brucellosis in humans. Symptoms, causative agent, routes of infection, diagnosis, treatment, clinical guidelines, preventive measures

Brucellosis is an infectious diseasecaused by small ellipsoid gram-negative bacteria.People get sick after contact with infected animals or eating ...