
How to restore vision after stroke: a loss in the home, violation

How to restore vision after stroke: a loss in the home, violation

After a stroke in humans there are numerous shortcomings in the work of the body. In addition to paralysis, speech impairment, memory impairment, h...

Craniotomy for stroke: the consequences after, indications, contraindications to conduct

Craniotomy for stroke: the consequences after, indications, contraindications to conduct

Craniotomy stroke is often the only way to save the patient's life in hemorrhagic form of pathology. The disease is accompanied by intracranial hem...

Coma stroke: the chances of survival, as the days goes on, hemorrhagic, how long, the consequences can be a person, a brain hemorrhage, signs, broad, deep, display, lie

Coma stroke: the chances of survival, as the days goes on, hemorrhagic, how long, the consequences can be a person, a brain hemorrhage, signs, broad, deep, display, lie

Coma is caused by stroke cerebrovascular dysfunction and all body systems, which thus exhibits a protective response against the background of a st...

Cardioembolic stroke: what it is, ischemic, embolic, causes and mechanism of development of signs and symptoms

Cardioembolic stroke: what it is, ischemic, embolic, causes and mechanism of development of signs and symptoms

Cardioembolic stroke - a kind of acute circulatory disorders in the brain, resulting from blockage of arteries to tear thrombus in cardiac patholog...

Stroke: the right side, the impact of how much live, ischemic, hemorrhagic, paralyzed, in women, prognosis, treatment

Stroke: the right side, the impact of how much live, ischemic, hemorrhagic, paralyzed, in women, prognosis, treatment

Stroke on the right side effects and how many live - problems that are of interest to many. This is a dangerous condition in which the anoxaemia ne...

Secondary prevention of stroke: repeat to avoid, prevent, primary, ischemic

Secondary prevention of stroke: repeat to avoid, prevent, primary, ischemic

Stroke (acute impairment of cerebral blood supply) - neurological disease characterized by loss of brain cells as a result of hemorrhage or cerebra...

Treatment of ischemic brain stroke: drugs, medicines, tablets

Treatment of ischemic brain stroke: drugs, medicines, tablets

Cerebrovascular accident is the cause of disability, so it is important to examine the patient at different times after vascular accident, and time...

Thrombolysis for ischemic stroke: thrombolytic therapy, contraindications

Thrombolysis for ischemic stroke: thrombolytic therapy, contraindications

Thrombolysis for ischemic stroke (thrombolysis, thrombolysis) can restore blood flow in diseased vessels and the brain reduce the damaged area and ...

Simulators for rehabilitation after stroke: at home, feet and hands, recovery, rehabilitation, fingers, bud, Manuped, Shagonog, MOTOmed viva2, bikes

Simulators for rehabilitation after stroke: at home, feet and hands, recovery, rehabilitation, fingers, bud, Manuped, Shagonog, MOTOmed viva2, bikes

Simulators for stroke rehabilitation needed to restore motor function, they are used in conjunction with a set of exercises. View simulator is sele...

Bath after stroke: is it possible, bathe, walk, visit, useful and harmful effects

Bath after stroke: is it possible, bathe, walk, visit, useful and harmful effects

Many wonder whether the room after a stroke is allowed. To answer this question, it is necessary to understand the effect of baths on the body.Usef...

Massive stroke: effects, the chances of survival, ischemic brain, what it is, with a hemorrhage in the brain, the right hemisphere, as live, forecast, causes

Massive stroke: effects, the chances of survival, ischemic brain, what it is, with a hemorrhage in the brain, the right hemisphere, as live, forecast, causes

Massive stroke - a severe impairment of blood circulation in the brain. With this disease there is necrosis of brain areas, but due to hypoxia kill...