
Vitamins after stroke: cerebral, accept, what to drink, the name

Vitamins after stroke: cerebral, accept, what to drink, the name

It is important to take vitamins after a stroke, because they help the body cope with the consequences of the disease, accelerate recovery, stabili...

Pine cones from stroke: recipes, tincture vodka treatment, properties, contraindications, folk remedies

Pine cones from stroke: recipes, tincture vodka treatment, properties, contraindications, folk remedies

For the treatment of stroke are not only used medication drugs. As a supplement to the basic treatment performed well pinecones from a stroke, reci...

Restoring speech after stroke: exercise at home, a violation, aphasia, a loss what to do, how long, how to learn to speak

Restoring speech after stroke: exercise at home, a violation, aphasia, a loss what to do, how long, how to learn to speak

At a stroke, some patients lose the ability to the pronunciation of sounds and the formulation of proposals. This effect is caused by lesions of th...

The third stroke: predictions and odds are 3 signs, extent, rehabilitation

The third stroke: predictions and odds are 3 signs, extent, rehabilitation

In fact, what will be after the third stroke predictions and odds are affected by a number of factors: the type of hemorrhage, age of the patient, ...

Microstroke: treatment with drugs, medication, pills, recovery, cerebral

Microstroke: treatment with drugs, medication, pills, recovery, cerebral

When microinsult treatment with drugs is the method for restoring functions of the nervous system and preventing dangerous complications. In the su...

How to recover memory after stroke: at home, loss, absence, return, improve

How to recover memory after stroke: at home, loss, absence, return, improve

The rehabilitation period for people who have suffered a serious illness that affected system cerebral circulation, the question rises sharply on h...

Stroke Treatment folk remedies: the most effective, rehabilitation, brain, grass

Stroke Treatment folk remedies: the most effective, rehabilitation, brain, grass

Treatment of stroke folk remedies can be applied as adjuvant therapy. Abandon doctors prescribe medications, treatments can not: it can harm the pa...

Subarachnoid hemorrhage (stroke) of the brain, symptoms, treatment, causes, what it is

Subarachnoid hemorrhage (stroke) of the brain, symptoms, treatment, causes, what it is

Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) - a pathology which is accompanied by the accumulation of blood in the space between the lining of the brain: the ara...

Exercising after stroke: exercise therapy, physiotherapy, rehabilitation after ischemic, exercises at home, to restore the complex, physical education

Exercising after stroke: exercise therapy, physiotherapy, rehabilitation after ischemic, exercises at home, to restore the complex, physical education

Exercising after a stroke allows you to return the limbs motor activity, to restore the articulation and speech. To recover all lost functions, it ...

Complications after stroke: men, deterioration, early and late, the consequences

Complications after stroke: men, deterioration, early and late, the consequences

Stroke - a neurological disorder characterized by acute cerebral ischemia due to vascular injury and bleeding in the brain or blockage of cerebral ...

Recurrent stroke: effects forecast for the second time, the signs, symptoms in men, the probability of how much live, secondary

Recurrent stroke: effects forecast for the second time, the signs, symptoms in men, the probability of how much live, secondary

Recurrent stroke is often a complete surprise, because after the first strike may take a long time. People are no longer stick to the doctor's reco...