
Spinal Stroke (spinal cord, vertebral column): symptoms, cerebrospinal what it is, causes, treatment, ischemic duration

Spinal Stroke (spinal cord, vertebral column): symptoms, cerebrospinal what it is, causes, treatment, ischemic duration

Spinal stroke - is poor circulation in the spinal cord triggered by ischemia or hemorrhagic wearing character. Acute stage is preceded by a period ...

Seizures after stroke: the brain, treatment, what to do, ischemic, why there

Seizures after stroke: the brain, treatment, what to do, ischemic, why there

Post-stroke convulsions - result is necrotic processes leading to the formation in the area of ​​the frontal lobes cystic cavities irritate the sur...

Stem stroke: what it is, prognosis for recovery, cerebral ischemic, possibly, bloody, bleeding, symptoms

Stem stroke: what it is, prognosis for recovery, cerebral ischemic, possibly, bloody, bleeding, symptoms

Stem stroke - a stroke, which affected brain region, called the barrel. Such localization is characterized by a negative prognosis and high probabi...

Stroke, brain cerebellum: Implications, hemorrhage, ischemic, heart attack symptoms, the prognosis of life expectancy, loss, whether recovery is possible

Stroke, brain cerebellum: Implications, hemorrhage, ischemic, heart attack symptoms, the prognosis of life expectancy, loss, whether recovery is possible

brain diseases have a negative impact on the state of the whole organism. One of them is a stroke a brain the cerebellum, the consequences of which...

First aid for stroke: a person at home, what to do, an algorithm of actions, before the arrival of the ambulance, medical and pre-medical, emergency

First aid for stroke: a person at home, what to do, an algorithm of actions, before the arrival of the ambulance, medical and pre-medical, emergency

By correctly performed first aid for stroke depends on the ability to restore damaged areas of the brain and the normal execution of the functions ...

Restoring hands after stroke: exercise at home, fine motor skills, the left does not work, gymnastics, paralyzed, rehabilitation, brush

Restoring hands after stroke: exercise at home, fine motor skills, the left does not work, gymnastics, paralyzed, rehabilitation, brush

Stroke is accompanied by acute disturbance of blood supply to the brain tissues. Its effects are often paralysis of limbs, making a person disabled...

Stroke in elderly women: symptoms, early signs, in 80 years, forecasts, extensive consequences, the chances of survival, the right side, people, treatment

Stroke in elderly women: symptoms, early signs, in 80 years, forecasts, extensive consequences, the chances of survival, the right side, people, treatment

If you notice symptoms of a stroke, the first signs in older women it is important to recognize in time, otherwise the disease can lead to irrevers...

Stroke treatment: drugs, medicine, brain, list, tablet for recovery list

Stroke treatment: drugs, medicine, brain, list, tablet for recovery list

drugs for stroke treatment can restore normal blood circulation of the affected area and to minimize the risk of complications. Choose the treatmen...

What pressure stroke: can be low, normal, women, high, male, why jump, blood

What pressure stroke: can be low, normal, women, high, male, why jump, blood

To warn of the pathological process is necessary to know how much pressure in stroke develops, and what to do in case of risk of its occurrence. Ce...

Sore arm paralyzed after a stroke, why, what to do, limbs, leg muscles, treatment

Sore arm paralyzed after a stroke, why, what to do, limbs, leg muscles, treatment

Some patients notice that the sore arm paralyzed after a stroke. Unpleasant sensations arise from the incident have ischemic or hemorrhagic lesions...

Meals after stroke: a diet at home, the first few days, you can eat, brain, menu, ischemic, bedridden patients, minor stroke, men, products

Meals after stroke: a diet at home, the first few days, you can eat, brain, menu, ischemic, bedridden patients, minor stroke, men, products

Stroke - a serious condition associated with impaired brain power, which is accompanied by loss of consciousness, convulsions, paralysis thereafter...

After a stroke dizzy: what to do, dizziness, treatment, clean, ischemic, how to get rid why microstroke

After a stroke dizzy: what to do, dizziness, treatment, clean, ischemic, how to get rid why microstroke

People with a history of cerebrovascular accident, complain that after a stroke dizzy, and what to do to relieve the pain, many do not know. Especi...