Instructions and tips on the use of injections and pills Mukosat

Instructions and tips on the use of injections and pills Mukosat

In our time, problems with joints are not uncommon. On the pharmaceutical market, there are many different drugs for the treatment of joint dise...

Treatment of the pancreas and liver by herbs

Treatment of the pancreas and liver by herbs

The human body functions thanks to the mechanisms launched by a variety of internal organs. The organs of the digestive system - perform a very im...

Herpes zoster. Treatment fast - the best methods of treatment
Skin Treatment

Herpes zoster. Treatment fast - the best methods of treatment

Herpes zoster manifests in a person with a significant decrease in immunity. At the same time, his treatment can drag on for life because of the u...

Fruits allowed for pancreatitis

Fruits allowed for pancreatitis

Fruits in pancreatitis are introduced in the menu in the first days after getting out of hunger. They - the container of valuable substances, with...

Rectoscopy and colonoscopy: what's the difference, which is better?
Diagnostic Methods

Rectoscopy and colonoscopy: what's the difference, which is better?

1 Features of the methods To understand what distinguishes a colonoscopy from a sigmoidoscopy, it is necessary to remember that the huma...

Kista of the kidney - causes and treatment, cyst symptoms

Kista of the kidney - causes and treatment, cyst symptoms

Kidney buds - what is this? The kidney cyst is a common pathological condition that is most often diagnosed at the age of 40-50 years and o...

How and where to put mustard plaits for children and adults?
Good To Know

How and where to put mustard plaits for children and adults?

Contents of the page 1 How do the mustard 2 In what cases do they help? 3 Causes of coughing in children 4 For adults ...

The first signs and delayed symptoms of cerebral palsy in newborns

The first signs and delayed symptoms of cerebral palsy in newborns

Children's cerebral paralysis is a group of non-progressive chronic diseases that are manifested by various impairments of motor functions as a ...

Otitis in adults: symptoms and treatment, antibiotics
Ent Diseases

Otitis in adults: symptoms and treatment, antibiotics

What is it? Otitis is an inflammation of various tissues that form the ear - depending on the localization of the inflammatory process, the forms ...

Beaver musk for intimate health

Beaver musk for intimate health

Contents Characteristics of raw materials Areas of application Intimate applications Features of treatment Beaver ...

The norm of AMG in women
Hormones And Biochemistry

The norm of AMG in women

Antimiller's hormone( AMG) is responsible for tissue growth and differentiation. In women, it is produced from birth by special cells of the ovari...

Bacterial infection of the genitourinary system

Bacterial infection of the genitourinary system

Contents What is the microorganism Ways of infection of the genitourinary system Signs of infection in the body Treatment m...