
Keratitis: Symptoms, Picture, Treatment. Than to treat keratitis eye

Keratitis: Symptoms, Picture, Treatment. Than to treat keratitis eye

Keratitis called inflammation of the cornea. This disease affects the anterior part of the eyeball, and often end up provoking visual impairment i...

Treatment for varicose veins at home, folk remedies

Treatment for varicose veins at home, folk remedies

Varicose veins - a chronic disease, which is based on genetically determined and genetically transmitted weakness of the vein wall, more often - g...

Diet for gastritis, the menu for the week of recipes (photos)

Diet for gastritis, the menu for the week of recipes (photos)

Gastritis - is one of today's most common diseases. Frequent snacks and meals on the run, a wide variety of fast food, substandard food poisoning ...

Vascular dystonia: Treatment of symptoms in adults and prevention

Vascular dystonia: Treatment of symptoms in adults and prevention

Vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD), or cardiopsychoneurosis (NDC) - a complex polietiologic disorder which develops in the dysfunction of the auto...

Heel spur: symptoms and treatment at home

Heel spur: symptoms and treatment at home

Heel spur - a nasty and very painful illness. It can be accompanied by infection or be infectious.Anyone who is faced with such a problem, try to ...

Ureteral stones: symptoms and treatment regimen for women and men

Ureteral stones: symptoms and treatment regimen for women and men

A disease in which ureteral stones are found, is a type of kidney stones called uretrolitiaz. Usually they are oxalates, phosphates and calcium sa...

Sinusitis: symptoms and treatment at home, folk remedies

Sinusitis: symptoms and treatment at home, folk remedies

The term "sinusitis" is known to all. Many people to this illness is referred not only to inflammation of sinuses, but the pathology of the fronta...

Alopecia in women: photo, Causes and Treatment

Alopecia in women: photo, Causes and Treatment

Alopecia called increased hair loss, regardless of the season, the quality of care, and other factors that may lead to temporary impairment of the...

Bowen's disease: symptoms, photo, treatment of women and men

Bowen's disease: symptoms, photo, treatment of women and men

Bowen's disease (intraepidermal carcinoma) - is a rare skin disease is dangerous because without medical effects goes into squamous cell carcinoma...

Lumbago, symptoms and treatment at home

Lumbago, symptoms and treatment at home

Lumbago (cross) - is suddenly occurring paroxysmal pain in the waist area, which lasts for 5-10 minutes to 5-6 hours.Symptomatology increases duri...

Gallstones: symptoms, treatment without surgery

Gallstones: symptoms, treatment without surgery

Gallstones - a dangerous pathology: with the development of these formations can be harmful to health, damaging the walls and causing inflammation...

Solar dermatitis: symptoms, photo, treatment. How to treat solar dermatitis

Solar dermatitis: symptoms, photo, treatment. How to treat solar dermatitis

Solar dermatitis - a type of allergic reaction of the organism in response to the ultraviolet radiation of natural origin. He has other names - fo...