
Pain in the anus( acute, stitching, dull) in women, men: causes

Pain in the anus( acute, stitching, dull) in women, men: causes

1 The structure of the rectum The digestive system is known to have an ending - it's the rectum through which undigested food in the ...

The most effective candles for hemorrhoids: painkillers, haemostatic

The most effective candles for hemorrhoids: painkillers, haemostatic

1 Classification and signs of hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids develop the same in men, women, and sometimes it occurs in children. Previously...

Crack in the anus: causes, treatment, ointments

Crack in the anus: causes, treatment, ointments

1 Causes of Disease Cracks in the anus are diagnosed in people of all ages, but the most common trauma of the rectal mucosa is found ...

Thrombosis of the external hemorrhoidal node: treatment, how quickly passes

Thrombosis of the external hemorrhoidal node: treatment, how quickly passes

1 What is this disease? Thrombosis of hemorrhoids is the next stage of hemorrhoids. It occurs when there is no treatment or belate...

The best medicines, preparations for the treatment of hemorrhoids in women, men

The best medicines, preparations for the treatment of hemorrhoids in women, men

1 Principles for the treatment of hemorrhoids What are the cures for hemorrhoids in certain cases, and how to correctly apply drugs f...

Treatment of inflammation of hemorrhoids( hemorrhoids): what to do

Treatment of inflammation of hemorrhoids( hemorrhoids): what to do

1 Characteristics of the disease: factors of development and manifestations of The causes of the development of the inflammatory proc...

Diet for hemorrhoids with blood: meals for every day

Diet for hemorrhoids with blood: meals for every day

1 Diet and the purpose of its compliance Nutrition is one of the key factors contributing to the development of hemorrhoids. There ar...

Proper treatment of hemorrhoids in pregnancy

Proper treatment of hemorrhoids in pregnancy

1 Risk factors Sedentary lifestyle. Pregnant women spend most of their time sitting or lying down because of frequent pain, chroni...

Hemorrhoids in men: causes, treatment, as manifested

Hemorrhoids in men: causes, treatment, as manifested

1 Causes of hemorrhoids in men Hemorrhoids - a disease in which the inflammatory process in the hemorrhoidal nodes begins to develo...

Treatment of hemorrhoids at home: what to do, first aid

Treatment of hemorrhoids at home: what to do, first aid

1 Causes and symptoms of hemorrhoids The causes of the appearance of hemorrhoids are now well known. First of all, it is worth noting...

Hemorrhoids after childbirth: causes, symptoms, treatment, what to do

Hemorrhoids after childbirth: causes, symptoms, treatment, what to do

1 The essence of the problem In general, hemorrhoids are an inflammation of the hemorrhoidal veins located at the lower end of the re...

Hemorrhoids: causes of appearance, treatment, symptoms

Hemorrhoids: causes of appearance, treatment, symptoms

2 Causes-provocateurs of hemorrhoids There are many reasons for provocateurs. On them, unlike the predisposing causes of the development...