Reference Drugs

The cream of the fungus on my feet for an inexpensive feet and nails, the skin between the toes, against the smell. Tinedol, Terbinafine, Nomidol, Exoderil, Klimbazol, Lamisil, Zalain. Prices and reviews
Reference Drugs

The cream of the fungus on my feet for an inexpensive feet and nails, the skin between the toes, against the smell. Tinedol, Terbinafine, Nomidol, Exoderil, Klimbazol, Lamisil, Zalain. Prices and reviews

Fungus on nails, skin of the feet and hands there - common disease in modern humans. For the treatment there is a large variety of drugs in various...

Jerusalem artichoke syrup. Benefits and harms the composition and nutritional value, the glycemic index. Recipe, how to cook, to take at home for weight loss from diabetes, pancreatitis
Reference Drugs

Jerusalem artichoke syrup. Benefits and harms the composition and nutritional value, the glycemic index. Recipe, how to cook, to take at home for weight loss from diabetes, pancreatitis

Its name, this plant is obliged to North American tribe of the Incas - topinambo, who first began to cultivate it. With a light hand of the French ...

Drugs to reduce pressure quickly, without side effects, the best of the new generation, effective for the elderly
Reference Drugs

Drugs to reduce pressure quickly, without side effects, the best of the new generation, effective for the elderly

Preparations for adjusting parameters of the cardiovascular system to help alleviate many patients for hypertension. The pressure reduction is the ...

Suprastin. Instructions for use for children (drops, pills, ampoules). Price, reviews, analogues
Reference Drugs

Suprastin. Instructions for use for children (drops, pills, ampoules). Price, reviews, analogues

Suprastin - medication manufactured in various dosage forms and used in the development of allergic reactions. Instructions for use tool allows you...

Diprospan remedy for joint pains for adults, children, pregnant women. Instructions for use, reviews, price, analogs
Reference Drugs

Diprospan remedy for joint pains for adults, children, pregnant women. Instructions for use, reviews, price, analogs

Diprospan - a glucocorticosteroid remedy for joint pain. It is a liquid with no color or light yellow shade. After loosening the counter is a mixtu...

Echinacea tincture. Instructions for use: alcohol, capsules, tablets for children, adults, pregnancy for immunity in gynecology. Analogues, price, reviews
Reference Drugs

Echinacea tincture. Instructions for use: alcohol, capsules, tablets for children, adults, pregnancy for immunity in gynecology. Analogues, price, reviews

Echinacea purpurea got its name thanks to the flowers of dark pink or purple hue and prickly hedgehog in the receptacle (Gr. echinos - scratchy). H...

Sedatives without prescription without drowsiness, improves mood. List of fast action, prices, reviews
Reference Drugs

Sedatives without prescription without drowsiness, improves mood. List of fast action, prices, reviews

Many public sedatives are addictive and will soon turn out to be ineffective. Potent as drugs (tranquilizers) are not released without a prescripti...

Dexamethasone. Instructions for use: in ampoules intramuscularly injections, eye drops, nose, tablets. Indications for use, price, reviews
Reference Drugs

Dexamethasone. Instructions for use: in ampoules intramuscularly injections, eye drops, nose, tablets. Indications for use, price, reviews

Dexamethasone - broad-spectrum drugs, Anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, anti-edema properties on the body and is intended for regulation of protein,...

How to delay monthly for a few days. Tablets, folk remedies at home
Reference Drugs

How to delay monthly for a few days. Tablets, folk remedies at home

Menstrual bleeding - the main indicator of fertility and the health of the female body does not always occur at a convenient time for the girls. ma...

Vitamin D3: what is it for women like to take during menopause, pregnancy planning, after 30, 40 years. Preparations names, prices, reviews
Reference Drugs

Vitamin D3: what is it for women like to take during menopause, pregnancy planning, after 30, 40 years. Preparations names, prices, reviews

Vitamin D3 refers to biologically active compounds, which can be obtained from food. Joining the calcium and phosphorus metabolism in the body, it ...

Teymurova ointment. on the application of leg instruction, armpits, sweat, mildew. Analogues, price, reviews
Reference Drugs

Teymurova ointment. on the application of leg instruction, armpits, sweat, mildew. Analogues, price, reviews

Ointment Teymurova a universal antiseptic agent which, based on the instructions for use, eliminates excessive perspiration, chafing and hyperhidro...

Pancreatin. Instructions for use of the composition of the tablets. Price, real counterparts. From that helps adults and children
Reference Drugs

Pancreatin. Instructions for use of the composition of the tablets. Price, real counterparts. From that helps adults and children

Pancreatin - a medicine, beneficial effects on the digestive system of the human body. The drug is made by the pancreas of cows and pigs. Medicatio...